question box

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A0562: Question box 6

A question box will be an amalgamation of different questions, which will be answered shortly, although single questions can get a longer answer later. Question: Are there really still extraterrestrial species, which can affect humans negatively? No, we will explain…

A0560: Question Box 5

A question box will be a collection of different questions that will be answered in brief, although individual questions may receive a longer answer later. Question: Can a person who has died return to the material world of earth as…

A0496: Question Box 4

A question box will be an amalgamation of different questions that will be answered in brevity, although individual questions may receive a longer answer later.  Question: What is the so-called Lush that Robert Monroe describes? This is an extremely interesting…

A0448: Question Box 3

A question box will be a collection of different questions that will be answered in brief, although individual questions may receive a longer answer later.  Question: How much sleep does a human being need? The ordinary human being needs exactly…

A0431: Question Box 2

A question box will be a collection of different questions that will be answered in brief, although individual questions may receive a longer answer later.  Question: Do the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail exist? No, neither does…

A0419: Question Box 1

A question box will be an amalgamation of different questions that will be answered in brief, although individual questions may receive a longer answer later. Question: Who or what is the Yeti or the Bigfoot? These beings are real, but…

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