A0419: Question Box 1
A question box will be an amalgamation of different questions that will be answered in brief, although individual questions may receive a longer answer later.
Question: Who or what is the Yeti or the Bigfoot?
These beings are real, but they do not belong in your realm. What do we mean by that, we ask? If beings exist in All That Is, then they consist of a certain frequency and this frequency is to be placed in a certain frequency band. You humans exist in a certain frequency band and so do these beings, but your frequency bands do not overlap, so some areas of humans are not in the frequency band of Yeti. These beings do not have a very wide frequency band so it overlaps somewhat into your frequency band, but the depth of the frequency band is not so relevant because the slight overlap is enough for a Yeti to exist with you. They can change their plane of existence, but it is not particularly difficult for these beings, so that they always look to see what you are doing. They are never hostile to you because they are extremely peaceful, even if they do not appear to be. As the Earth has a very wide frequency band, the Yeti or Bigfoot are native to Earth, but they exist in a different frequency band on your Earth, as do many other species.
Question: Does sugar have a harmful effect on the human body?
Answer: No, if it is taken in well-considered quantities. As with everything else, gluttony is never to be condoned, so sugar can also cause unhealthy side effects very quickly. It must also be said that you humans eat an incredibly unhealthy diet. You eat so much junk that it is amazing that you can live this long at all. Enjoy your food, but think three times about what and how much you want to eat in a day.
Question: Are Bluetooth headphones a health concern?
No, no more than your mobile phones. Yes, they do some damage in the long run, but it is not irreparable, so the human body can recover from it. When a young person consumes music like this all day, the volume of the music is more harmful than this wireless connection. When you listen to some music, the human body has enough time to recover from it.
Question: What is the spiritual meaning of schizophrenia?
We say the following about it: Schizophrenia is not an illness in the true sense of the word and much of what these people experience is real. They are just not able to interpret the experiences in the right context. All of you who are reading these lines have somehow come into contact with one or other symptom of this so-called disease through your search in the spiritual scene, and according to the definition, you are all more or less schizophrenic. When persons experience extraordinary things, then it is time for these persons to move on, because they have usually ended up in a dead end. The person’s accompanying beings will then see to it that something changes in their life. Most of the time it is very subtle hints that cause the person to do something differently, but there are also very stubborn cases that stand out from the crowd because of their stubbornness. These people are given special treatment so that a change can occur here as well. Almost all persons who perceive something out of the ordinary will change something and only in very few persons does the behaviour culminate in a downward spiral which is then diagnosed by your doctors as schizophrenia. If the environment would take the symptoms as seriously as the so-called schizophrenic patient, then the person might realise that he just has to do something different in his life so that he can step out of this stuck situation again. If you know a schizophrenic person, listen to them and believe that this person is experiencing something extraordinary, even if the interpretation of the experiences is usually wrong, and help them to live a different life, but don’t label them as mentally ill, they certainly are not.
Question: How do I recognise an alien?
If the alien does not look human, it is probably quite easy, but as the human species is widespread, many human-like aliens will be almost indistinguishable from you. If we were to tell you that many alien beings are present on Earth, you would find it hard to believe, but indeed they are. We also say that many influential people have already met an extraterrestrial being and did not know it, because most of the time it is not wanted at all. There are people who are contacted by extraterrestrial beings to determine how far the earthly species has evolved. These contacts can be conscious or unconscious, but it usually starts with a mental contact. The writer has also often suspected that we are such beings, but he generally doesn’t trust any spiritual being, so he hasn’t cared for a long time who or what we are. However, many people do care, so the extraterrestrial beings very cautiously establish this contact. We already said in the blog entries about the moon that many extraterrestrial behavioural scientists on the moon maintain such contacts, so a human being can never be sure with whom or what the contact has been established. Once again, we would like to address those who wish to have such contact. If your entire focus is on making contact with an extraterrestrial, then you will not be able to make real contact because these beings want to talk to ordinary people so that their conclusions are based on the broad mass of the Earth population, and someone who absolutely desires such contact is not part of the representative group.
Question: Who shot John F. Kennedy?
You know officially who was involved, but there is another organisation that was partly an agency that was involved. Not only was there a shooter, but there were shooters posted elsewhere to make sure that the American president did not survive that day. Much is speculated and we also say some of it is real, but the death had only indirectly to do with alien races visiting your planet at that time, but the real reason was another. Kennedy was going to change the establishment, by that we mean the control of the top 10,000 people who not only dictate how things go in the US, but who actually control world events. This is not unusual in a society such as yours and if you think it is satanic lodges that represent these 10,000 people, then we say to you, you are very good at reading the signs, but if the 10,000 people are making sure you can see their signs, how much truth will there be in that information? Exactly, almost none. But we want to reassure you, because in a few years the first signs of first contact will be visible to all of you, then these 10,000 people will gradually stop trying to direct world events, because no one is really listening to them any more and their signs will no longer be interpreted by you, because no one is interested any more.