A0496: Question Box 4
A question box will be an amalgamation of different questions that will be answered in brevity, although individual questions may receive a longer answer later.
Question: What is the so-called Lush that Robert Monroe describes?
This is an extremely interesting question and we have been waiting a long time for the moment to report on this so-called Lush. The writer hardly knows anything about it because we have never addressed it either. Robert Monroe has described a substance that corresponds to concentrated energy. Similarly, just as the energetic plasma corresponds to concentrated energy with you on earth, there is also concentrated energy on the astral planes which is due to spiritual beings. What do we mean by this, we ask? You as human beings have to deal with many things that can exhaust you, so to speak. When you are exhausted, then at best you only have to recharge yourselves mentally and physically so that you can again approach the next action highly motivated. It is the same with spiritual beings on the astral planes, so that spiritual beings can also exhaust themselves and appear incapable of action for a certain time. They are, so to speak, just as “dull” as an overstrained human being is after a very demanding task. The human being rests and takes nourishment so that the body and spirit receive new energy. The spiritual being has the so-called Lusch for this, in order to strengthen itself again. Why don’t spiritual beings take this lush all the time if it strengthens them, we ask? It only strengthens a spiritual being when the consciousness also needs it, neither does the being then become more powerful, nor does the ability to act increase above the usual level when the spiritual being has, so to speak, charged batteries. But if the spiritual being consumes more energy than it naturally receives from its astral plane, then the Lusch can ensure that the energy balance of the spiritual being is balanced again. Normally, spiritual beings do not overexert themselves, but the so-called Lush can make up for the difference in the energy balance. If you undertake an astral journey and a spiritual being offers you Lush, then you will be energetically lifted by the Lush for a short time, so that your energy field would light up on the spiritual level. The addition of Lush will ensure that you receive an excess of energy as a consciousness and your consciousness will rise at that moment because you will attract the fractals of consciousness on the astral plane through the increased energy and thus you will have a heightened consciousness. However, the energy body will ensure that the excess energy is released to the astral plane, because the energy body always tries to balance its energy budget according to the state of consciousness, so that you always receive only as much energy as your state of consciousness requires. If you had Lush on the worldly plane, then people would be doing things like crazy all the time, because they would have to process this surplus energy somehow.
Question: Is the energy of the inhabitants sucked out in the so-called matrix?
No, that belongs once again in the corner of scary stories that someone has concocted on the basis of observations. You are humans on Earth and Earth is located in your universe. What do you think distinguishes your earth from the spiritual world, we ask? You either don’t have a clue or some people will now blurt out that the world is solid and that the spiritual world is spiritual. This is absolute nonsense and if such people think they can explain what this so-called matrix is and what happens to your “energies”, then we are not surprised that you have all these conspiracy theories and that many of you think that there might be something to it. Nothing, absolutely nothing of these scary stories is true, because these scary story tellers do not know what they are talking about. If we explain to you the energetic structure of the realms in a plausible way, then these scary storytellers will still tell their scary stories, even if they were to read this text, and we will also tell you why this is so.
The scary storyteller of the modern era
A good scary story teller starts his career as a scary story teller small because he has not yet created many scary stories himself. He first reads the scary stories from other storytellers and is disgusted and yet excited when he begins to add these scary stories to his existing library of knowledge. Since many scary storytellers just embellish a scary story from another scary storyteller to make it seem even more dramatic, the future scary storyteller will keep coming across the same claims from different people and he thinks to himself that if so many people are telling the same thing, then there must be some truth to it. Now he starts spreading the scary stories because he finds them so gruesome and fascinating at the same time. He receives a lot of encouragement from other future scary storytellers and this confirms him in his assumption that there must be some truth to it. Soon the future scary storyteller has gathered a following around him through his sharing of this highly charged information, which slowly brings his ego consciousness into play as the future scary storyteller experiences a new status in the community of scary story lovers. But since the future scary storyteller can hardly present new scary stories to his followers because the other scary storytellers are running out of ideas, the future scary storyteller looks for new evidence for his dramatic theories. He finds no evidence, so he makes assumptions which he weaves into his own theories with many absurdities, so that the future scary story teller makes his next evolutionary leap. He becomes a true conspiracy theorist by publishing his own theories, which of course cannot prove his new conspiracy theory, but it is exciting, disturbing and thoroughly entertaining for all budding scary story tellers. This person’s ego consciousness will defend the status it has gained in society, so the so-called day consciousness transfers many of its consciousness fractals to the ego consciousness, and the ego consciousness now starts making up more and more elaborate scary stories so that the person’s status is also maintained. This is the moment when the idea-less scary storytellers gratefully accept the new scary stories from the new scary storyteller because they now have ideas again about how the scary story can continue. This is how the conspiracy theorists play ball to come up with ever more breathtaking theories that collapse the moment they are asked to substantiate or objectively look at their scary stories. If you, dear readers, would be so far as to examine these so-called conspiracy theories for their truth content, you would see a pattern in these scary stories and when you have determined the truth content, you will realise that some observations led a future scary story teller to have an idea of what could lead to that observation and because only dramatic stories are heeded by others, he has invented or reinterpreted many things to create his own scary story.
The spiritual world is energy. The mundane world was formed from the spiritual world, it is another expression of the spiritual energies. Every object, whether conscious or unconscious, is energy. Energy is not lost, it is only diverted. The so-called matrix is energy, just as you are energies in this energy field that have attained consciousness. These energies have such enormous potential that the energy potential of a human consciousness is infinitesimal. Any, -WARNING- we are now talking to the future scary story tellers, any spiritual being can divert so much energy in an instant to destroy your whole planet. What, please, is a spiritual being supposed to do with your energy that you are constantly transmuting, we ask? That should be obvious to everyone, shouldn’t it? We admit that this is not very exciting and there is nothing dramatic in what we are saying, but you should be able to see that these scary stories are created by the ego-consciousnesses of scary storytellers and that these people do not really care to prove their own claims in any way because they cannot do it at all. We can only teach you how the worlds are designed and you decide what to do with that information.
Question: Is there a way to clean up radioactively contaminated places in the world?
No, all you are doing at this time is what is feasible for your society. When official first contact with an intelligent alien species begins in this decade, these areas will also be cleansed by the alien species. At the moment you still have to live with it, and when official first contact has been made, every person on Earth will have access to an energy source that will make all the power stations on your planet seem useless almost overnight, because the new energy source is not only harmless but also seems inexhaustible. All power plants will be decommissioned and especially all nuclear facilities as well as nuclear warheads will be safely disposed of by the alien species. You as humanity will ask this species to do this because you collectively want it.