A0815: What exactly is the upper-level consciousness that dwells in the incarnational cube during life? – Part 11

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Question: Why are humans induced to work through their experiences during life?
We would first like to state that the upper-level consciousness of incarnation is not responsible for all positive as well as tragic experiences of a human. We guide you to make decisions on your own based on your level of mental development. This is the case with all humans and very few humans who approach a particular task experience it differently. However, in this entry we will discuss the ordinary experiences that you all experience in one way or another. If you get on the bus in the morning and are greeted rudely by the bus driver because you got on very slowly, the following situations may have caused you to be upset now:

First situation
The bus driver’s upper-level consciousness still trains him to be much more calm. In return, this consciousness changes the irritation threshold of the bus driver’s personality consciousness in such a way that he quickly appears annoyed. You take your time getting on the bus for unusual reasons and experience the bus driver’s impatience. Your upper-level consciousness can test your own irritability, so that the upper-level consciousnesses – of you and the bus driver – conspire against your personality consciousnesses. They have manipulated only one threshold of irritation and have caused you, the protagonists, to put on a performance of your being. The bus driver was coerced into making inappropriate comments, but was free to do so. That the bus driver did so anyway was evidence that this is something he is working on with the upper-level consciousness of his incarnation. If you have responded to the bus driver’s inappropriate greeting, you also have something to work on.

Second situation
The bus driver wanted to be friendly and this greeting was misunderstood by you. You have developed many habits and after some time, belief patterns have emerged. The belief patterns trigger something in your body and your personality consciousness reacts to your body signals. The friendly greeting of the bus driver has triggered a reaction in you because your self-strengthened pride forbids you to have too casual conversations with strangers. You have been attacked in your privacy, so to speak, and the pride mechanism within you immediately recognised a confrontation and therefore sent out body signals to warn the personality consciousness. But now you are dependent on the bus driver on the bus and so you will not launch a verbal counter-attack. You put up a good front and are annoyed for a while.

Third situation
No one meant any harm and a foreign upper-level consciousness caused you to start an argument with the bus driver. This upper-level consciousness of a person travelling with you wanted to show the personality consciousness how quickly misunderstandings can lead to a situation escalating.

Why have we described these situations, we ask? Firstly, so that you realise that you can be manipulated at any time by your own or other consciousnesses, so that you learn to react in a calmer and more relaxed way. This is the only way to increase your humanity. Depending on your level of development, you can face the situation calmly with a so-called mental nudge or you can get bogged down in a spiral of confrontation that threatens to escalate. Your or a foreign upper-level consciousness will make sure that you experience this so-called mental nudge, but whether you escalate or not is up to you. That is why many situations can occur where you seem to be psychologically or physically abused by other humans. We have deliberately put it this way because very few humans would really escalate without these manipulations. You are introduced to these situations so that you can draw your own conclusions. If one day you decide that your self-imposed pride is only a hindrance to your further development, a thought becomes certainty and this defence mechanism is consequently weakened more and more in the body.

If you reflect on many past situations where you yourself have escalated or been the victim of escalation, you have entered a phase of consciousness that will generate many great insights within you. You reflect on these situations and at first you always locate the perpetrators of these intolerable situations with other people, but the upper-level consciousness of incarnation helps you with many thoughts and feelings to understand the true extent. This often leads to your own behaviour being put to the test. You realise that it always takes more than one person for a situation to escalate. Only rarely is one person a victim by chance. It happens, but in fact all your confrontations are easily explained by your level of development.

The more aware you are, the better you can predict everyday situations. By this we mean the following: If you are an evolved person, you have gained insights into the social structure that reveal to you why people act the way they do. You will not be tempted to escalate, nor will you be angry with other people who escalate, because you can see through the fact that they are still immature and are following their bodies, which they have trained themselves to escalate in certain situations. You used to be similar and because you have worked hard to recognise all this and let go of these patterns of belief, you are calm about most normal situations.

The effort you have had to make mentally to reflect on your actions and see them for what they are enables you to evolve mentally because you have gained in humanity. We do this together, but you must give us the opportunity to come through to you, so often these gains occur when a human enters a new phase of life. If you stop doing your usual work, you quickly mature, so to speak, because you have more time to reflect on past situations. If a person moves to another city and thus leaves his or her familiar surroundings, he or she also has more time at first to ponder over the past, which often leads to the person being able to present himself or herself in a new way. Many things happen in such phases of life, which we will address later.

Every realisation is rewarded with power, which is why great gains in realisation are rewarded with a great deal of power. Thus, the attribution of power is higher, for example, in the case of former egoists or persons who have acted inhumanely than in the case of humans who have never done anything bad and have led a largely inconspicuous life. Both groups of people will gain great insights in new phases of life, but those who had to work a lot on themselves in order to gain the same insights will receive a higher grant of power than the well-protected humans. Every human will, by and large, live through all aspects of human life, but how far you are from the norm is largely for you to determine. When you judge the deeds of others, shine a light on your own and you will see that most humans have done the same mischief, only according to their era. There are also persons who degenerate in their humanity so that they harm themselves or others excessively. But these are not people to whom our previous examples apply.

Question: What in human life generates the greatest added value for the incarnation?
Master virtues and if the virtues are difficult for you to master, you will generate the greatest added value if you succeed. The virtue of abstinence is difficult to master and we would like to use this example to show what this means. Every human is driven by his or her body consciousness to reproduce, and when you are over thirty years old, this desire stops. If you have been following this reproductive process until then, you may have created an automatism that requires you to follow the bodily urge. This automatism acts like an addiction that you have willingly submitted to because you have enjoyed the stimulation too often and now cannot let go of it. Most men know this feeling when they have long passed their thirties but still feel the same addictive strength for physical sex as in earlier times. The body gives this craving, but not in thirty-somethings. If you are such a person, you are suffering from a sex addiction that you have acquired for yourself. You can hardly give up the desire for the opposite sex until the age of thirty because your body forces you to do so. It is a default in the human body and it seems hopeless to fight it. When you are over thirty years old, your self-acquired automatism determines this urge. Since sex addiction is something you have developed, you can do something about it. When you become convinced to give it up, you will weaken the automatism to such an extent that you will still occasionally indulge in this urge, but it will no longer be omnipresent. Once you have achieved this, you will generate an added value for the incarnation that all spiritual beings wish for, but only the very few ever experience themselves. The addiction to live out an urge can be manifold, so that you yourselves best understand how you can help to increase the power attribution and thus the added value for an incarnation more and more through your actions.

Question: Does this mean that only doing good hardly generates any added value for the incarnation?
Exactly, someone who always only does good, possibly neglecting himself, will generate less added value for the incarnation than someone who has managed to renounce an addiction. If you think that doing good is consequently good, then you are not wrong, but those who only do good will hardly be able to develop themselves, because they sacrifice themselves to a so-called higher purpose. No sacrifice adds value to the incarnation. If you have been constantly at odds with one person and have taken a long time to realise that you are also the problem, then you have done a lot of work on yourself. This work is repaid with power, which is the added value that an incarnation desires. It is not at all desirable for an incarnation to incarnate into a family that has everything and that has no conflicts. It sounds strange to you, but conflict helps you to realise who you really want to be. Aged humans, whose wisdom you can see in their faces and behaviour, have had to fight many conflicts in order to become so wise and calm. It is only your social interconnections that give us the means and possibilities to deal with these conflicts. By us we mean the personality consciousness, which then works through these conflicts and usually only realises after a long time that almost everything it has assumed all this time turns out to be wrong. When this realisation comes through, we have gained an added value that can hardly be measured. No matter where you live and what conflicts you are currently fighting, you will mostly need years to gain insights from it that will let you react differently in similar situations from then on. That is what matters! It is hard work that the personality consciousness has to do, but it will grow and be able to do more than before. We direct you into situations that are meant to bring about something that is necessary for your development. It is up to you to decide how long it will take you to develop, but all people will approach the same issues, so there is almost no difference. Once you have internalised this, you will look at your opponent differently in the next confrontation. For you know that it is least his fault, because other consciousnesses are always involved in order to teach the person or you something, which in the end generates added value for you and thus also for the incarnation.

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