A0756: Why do pulsars have a direction of action?

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You have done a lot of research on what pulsars are, but you do not know much else because almost all of your assumptions about them do not correspond to what you would find on the ground. A sun is a star in which many chemical reactions take place, and these reactions cause you to see something because light photons are enriched with potential by the gravitational waves of the sun. As the light photons travel away on the gravitational wave, the star loses mass. These photons of light actually represent something that you can imagine, but the loss of photons of light does not explain how a sun can become a pulsar. All the internal processes in a luminous star follow a schedule, just like the burning of a match. First, all the ingredients of the match must be present in the right quantity and composition. Next, a ground must be created to ignite the match and once it burns, it must find enough raw materials to burn in order not to go out. If the raw materials for burning dry up, the flame will undergo a change and then go out. If a match is to be considered like a sun, then the match must undergo a change in weight during burning and this is exactly what happens. A match will cause chemical processes to transform the mass during the burning phase. In the end, you have a hot flame that first ignites very brightly and dynamically, and then burns steadily until it goes out. A sun will also be given a reason to ignite the accumulated raw materials. After the ignition of the sun has been accomplished, it will burn leisurely until the raw materials in the star are fully burnt. The final phase will be special because it involves factors that are negligible in a match. A star will have a lot of mass and the mass will ensure that the celestial body behaves differently than an ordinary match, therefore different laws apply to a celestial body than to you on Earth. The earth has a small mass compared to a sun. Celestial mechanics will ensure that the laws of momentum can be applied, but when the factors exceed a certain limit, other laws come into play that are in the direction of quantum mechanics. Since you do not understand much about quantum mechanics, we are entering a realm of knowledge that is completely new to you, and we are delighted to be the first to introduce you to the concepts. We will need many blog posts to give you the correct overview, but our explanations will be absolutely comprehensible because they will build on our existing knowledge and will be logical, so that there will still be small gaps to fill, but your quantum physicists also want to generate knowledge with which they can make a name for themselves. When we say that your quantum physicists will work on this, we do not mean the highly gifted physicists of your present time, but scientists who, after official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species, will soon be exploring completely new branches of physics, because your standard models can only be used to a limited extent to explain everything in your universe. We are going to redefine the basic principles of physics and you will see that they actually make sense. The extraterrestrial scientists will train you in almost everything after official first contact, and your clever minds of today will hardly be able to accept this new knowledge because they do not want to be embarrassed either, so the future scientists who will learn the new physics are not even in kindergarten at the moment. A few scientists can already switch to the new science today, but then they would no longer have a place where they could research and teach. However, it will be these few scientists who will introduce the first students to the new science in the next decade, because they do not yet have such a high status in the research community, so it will be easy for them to see the new science as the model for the future. Some of these explorers will also stumble upon our revelations and they will have to realise that all the concepts we have conveyed to you readers so far are in accordance with the new science, because all advanced species use this new science to explore the things that are of interest. If we look at the structure of any sun, suns are alike to a certain extent. Your sun is very average and we can also reveal that the composition of your sun is particularly conducive to life as you know it. However, there are also stars that are similar in structure, but differ greatly in how many raw materials are available. A very large match that is similar in structure to an ordinary match will also behave similarly when we examine the burning process, but the burning time could be affected, as well as the energy output when burning. If the match were to become more and more enormous, at some point the time could be reached when the effects of the gigantic match no longer resemble those of an ordinary match, so that the size must have an influence on the physical properties. A large sun actually behaves differently from a smaller sun, so the mass of a star will have a direct effect on the life span of the star, because a very large stellar mass is also subject to other physical laws. What changes when a massive star burns its raw materials, we ask? First of all, a massive star has a different chemical composition than an ordinary star. Because the so-called gravity on this massive star fulfils different parameters than on an ordinary star, the components in the star will also experience a change in their properties. Each atom consists of an atomic nucleus and a shell of electrons. The atomic nucleus emits gravitational waves that guarantee cohesion in an object. To prevent two atoms from uniting, the electron shells ensure that they are kept at a distance. If the electrons of the two electron shells meet, there will be a fireworks display of charge exchange because information is now being exchanged between the atoms. What do the atoms do with this exchange of information, we ask? The atomic nuclei will want to know who they are in close contact with, so the atomic nucleus will determine how much potential may be exchanged. What you assume to be the exchange of charge of the atomic shell is not true because, strictly speaking, there is no exchange of electrons between the atoms, but the potential is transferred. If you can make the atom believe that you are an atom that is now entitled to receive potential, the other atom will see to it that this entitlement is transferred. The gravitational waves emitted by an atomic nucleus carry this potential with them, so that all atomic nuclei, neutrally considered, have the same weight. The gravitational waves are given potential and an amount corresponding to the atomic type. The authorisation of a type of atom will result in quantities of energy being taken from the so-called Ether, which will then make up the potential of a gravitational wave. The atom itself is always constructed in the same way and the atomic shells are also the same, only the justification for the removal of energy from an atom can differ depending on what kind of atom it is to be. If in a star its own mass ensures that the atoms come closer and closer to each other, then the exchange of potential between them will ensure that the shell of the sun will have a different property than the shell of an ordinary sun. Today’s physicists know that massive stars are subject to different laws, but they do not know why this is so, because the standard model of an atom cannot be considered for this. The transfer of potential between atoms has been correctly recognised by you, but where the potential is supposed to come from has never really been explained as a question, otherwise you would have figured it out much faster. The massive star is subject to other laws, because not only the potential in the star undergoes a change, but also the emission of gravitational waves. The star is an object, even if many different atoms in the object are constantly undergoing chemical restructuring. We have already explained that every object has a total energy field and this total energy field will ensure that the object can shield itself from its environment. A massive star will shield itself very well against foreign energies, so that all processes in this total energy field take place uninfluenced. Every energy field of an object can also be seen as an energy store, therefore the energy field of a human being can store amounts of energy that the atoms of the human body can emit or receive. This total energy field of an object is connected to the so-called Ether, so that atoms receive potential from the so-called Ether, but can also give off potential again to this so-called Ether. An atom, like a human being, can only be seen in miniature, so that the atomic nucleus generates an energy field, which you call the atomic shell, and this energy field separates the smallest object – the atom – from its environment. The atom is something different than you still assume today, but we will clarify that again in another entry to also present the scientists among you with a model that you can not only accept but also incorporate into your current assumptions about the physics of nature. The atomic shell is a very strong energy field and the electrons on this shell delimit the atomic nucleus from its environment. If the atom has an atomic shell and the human being has an energy field based on almost the same laws, then a planet or a massive star also has such a shell, which we commonly call the energy field of an object. A galaxy also has such an energy field, because on a larger scale these are all objects that draw their potential from the so-called Ether. Your universe is also such an object and it also first received its potential from the so-called Ether. The shell of your universe is an energy field and this energy field separates your universe from other universes so that there can be no exchange of potential between the universes. However, an object is not a closed system, but it tries to keep other objects at a distance by means of its potential. If the potential, which ensures that two objects can always come closer to each other, is greater than the potential of the objects, then something extraordinary will happen, which we will now explain to you. When a massive star has burned a certain amount of its raw materials, you assume that the force that carries the mass outwards is smaller than the so-called gravitational force that pulls the mass towards the centre of the star. If the gravitational force is greater than the force generated by the light photons, then the star collapses and a supernova occurs. These are your assumptions and you have been able to detect the supernova, but that is it because the physics behind it is different. If a star creates an energy field, then there will be different energy within the boundaries of the energy field than outside the energy field. If the star consists of many raw materials that react with each other under pressure, then the reaction between them always produces an exchange of charge and because every exchange of charge also releases energy, the star will not only produce liquid plasma, but quantities of energy that are radiated from the star. This energy comes to you as plasma and also as X-rays, which are first absorbed by your atmosphere, but which are also found as ozone in your own Earth energy field. Not all of the yield of energy radiation reaches Earth because certain forms of energy are retained in the star’s energy field, so the star stores energies within its energetic hemisphere that come from chemical elements reacting with each other under pressure. When elements have to react with each other under pressure, an energy is released that we call the dark energy and this energy is in turn used to give atoms their potential. The more dark energy an atom is assigned, the more potential it can send along with the emission of a gravitational wave. These gravitational waves ensure, among other things, that two objects can negotiate their weight with each other. If the weight has been negotiated by the gravitational waves, then these objects know each other because the identification is passed on that identifies each object. Therefore, in a gravitational wave, it is not only possible to read off who has emitted this gravitational wave, but with which other objects it has interacted. Theoretically, this is understandable, but how it is put into practice you will only understand when you include the spiritual world in your assumptions. When a gravitational wave meets another gravitational wave, there is an electrostatic attraction between the objects from which the gravitational waves originate. This is the force of attraction that you always talk about, even though you have no idea how this force of attraction actually comes about. We have described in great detail in a series how you can imagine the concept of electrostatic attraction. The star will now transform its mass because over a very long period of time they will carry out chemical reactions amongst themselves that will release this dark energy that will then be stored in the energetic hemisphere. Your sun will one day become larger and larger because elements are burned that produce more plasma than the light elements that were burned before. If one day your sun no longer has enough raw materials to continue the combustion process in this way, it will simply go out. All that will be left is a red dwarf star. A small red dwarf star has a crust that was formed when the sun was born. This crust is not very thick, relative to the diameter of the small red dwarf star, but inside this dwarf star there is hardly anything left that previously inhabited space there. This small red dwarf star will one day go out and if the crust gets too close to a larger object, it will be ripped open and the object will be destroyed. If statistically you do not find that many red dwarf stars in relation to the age of your universe, you have now learned the reason why. When a very massive star burns its raw materials, the enormous pressure of the burning will cause a great deal of dark energy to be stored in the energetic hemisphere during the lifetime of the star, and this mass of dark energy will cause the remaining raw materials to be enriched with this dark energy just before their supernova at the end of the star’s lifetime. The feedback of the dark energy on the remaining raw materials of the sun will then ensure that the energy field of each atom is abruptly expanded, so that the atoms explosively seek to escape from each other. The only direction of escape is in the opposite direction to the centre of the star, and so the atoms hurl themselves out into space. When these atoms reach the boundary of the energetic hemisphere, the additional potential is extracted again, so that the raw materials retain their old potential. Dark energy is also consumed in this process, so the light seen in a supernova corresponds to this process. The crust that is left now will not be spared in this process, because the dark energy feedback can also always amplify an angular momentum that the star already had. However, the dark energy is also still contained in the energetic hemisphere, so that a process now starts that you perceive when a flame goes out. The remaining raw materials cause a change in the colour of the fire and you can now imagine the pulsar that has arisen in a similar way, because the dark energy is now added to the pulsar via the magnetic poles, so that the still active crust of the extinguished sun is enriched with potential again and because the enrichment of an atom always changes the properties of the atom, the crust will now have heavy metals that react with each other. The excess energy is released as jets of energy over the poles of the pulsar, so that these jets are shot out into space. The angular momentum can vary and the angular momentum will keep the pulsar spinning for a long time so that the dark energy can be observed by you transformed as jets for a long time. What then should be the direction of action of a pulsar, we ask? The dark energy is transformed into the energy of the jet because the process on the crust of the old star is constantly fired with the dark energy, so that the atoms on the crust have undergone a change and now react with each other as heavy metals. The dark energy in the energetic hemisphere will ensure that the relatively thin shell has an enormous mass because the altered atoms of the crust now emit gravitational waves that fool the universe into thinking that the rest of the star must have an enormous density, so that the electrostatic attraction is different from what the atomic number of the crust should actually dictate. The direction of action is always towards the dying star, because all other objects in space believe that there is an incredible amount of mass compressed into a very small space, although this is not true at all. Some readers will be familiar with these remarks because we have said something similar about black holes. Black holes do not have this enormous attraction because a lot of mass is compressed into a very small space, but because a lot of dark energy has accumulated there, which makes the universe believe that the little mass has an enormous density.

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