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A0755: What is Tourette syndrome?
When a person is subject to a compulsion, automatisms in the body will perform actions that the personality consciousness did not initiate in this way. Compulsions can trigger strong physical emotions in a person and just like emotions, compulsions can overtake a person without the person being able to do anything about it. However, a compulsion can be cured if the body consciousness can be made to understand that the underlying automatism is superfluous. Once the body consciousness has understood that the automatism is no longer needed, the body consciousness weakens the automatism to such an extent that it can hardly be activated. A strong automatism that a person has consciously or unconsciously acquired can hardly disappear completely, so that although it can be greatly weakened, it is always active in the body as a program. A new automatism can be learned that somehow overrides the undesired automatism, so that outwardly no automatism appears to be active, but in the process the body is heavily burdened because the opposing automatisms compete in the body. How can a person weaken such a strong automatism that is perceived negatively by those around him, we ask? Take as an example a normal conversation between two people. If the first person constantly interrupts the second person and the first person never lets the second person finish, then it amounts to a negative automatism, because the first person has processed the content of the second person and thinks that the second person has already presented his arguments. But if the second person still wants to say something, he or she does not get to do so because the first person’s body consciousness causes the already prepared answer to be spoken. It is not for nothing that many people find it difficult to let their interlocutor finish, because a conversation is always an exchange of counter-arguments and body consciousness plays a decisive role in this. Now, if a notorious interrupter is leading a discussion and the person is aware that his constant interrupting of the interlocutor seems to be bad for the actual discussion, then this person has to find ways and means to override the compulsion to interrupt and he can only do this if he takes the focus off the actual conversation to observe his own body. If the personality consciousness observes the body reacting on its own, it will realises that the body always makes a move before the person’s consciousness tries to interrupt what the other person is saying. If the observing personality consciousness has identified this body automatism, then the body consciousness can actively counteract it and do something else when the movement occurs, which interferes with the course of the bodily movement. In this way, the body can no longer ensure that the human consciousness drops into the interlocutor’s remarks in order to reveal a counter-argument. This new automatism still needs a lot of attention from the personality consciousness at first, but with time the new automatism takes on a life of its own, so that hardly any computing capacity needs to be used for it, because automatisms are not stored in a partial consciousness, but the brain will physically store such an automatism on a neuronal level. Just as you can program a crystal, you can also program the crystalline structures of a brain. When the body consciousness, in interaction with the personality consciousness, begins to reshape the neural networks, because programming the crystalline structure in a brain controls the growth of the brain mass, then you are programming the automatism directly into your brain. A person who is subject to many automatisms hardly controls the body because the brain has been programmed to respond to many external stimuli on its own. These persons are usually conspicuous in that they either react completely neurotically or are subject to very many tics, which in severe cases will lead to compulsive actions. It is not the consciousness that prompts these compulsive actions, but the reconfiguration of the neuronal networks in the brain. Today’s science has already identified this reconfiguration in the brain, but it cannot yet understand the bigger picture around it. If the neural networks can be programmed, why can’t a compulsive action in the brain be erased, we ask? Because the brain can normally only ever be expanded, but degeneration of the neural networks is not actually foreseen. There is this degeneration of neural networks, but we will go into that in a following blog entry. A neural network will always function so that – once programmed – it will perform its programmed task until the end of its life. If the notorious interrupter of discussions now starts to observe his body closely during a conversation, he will somehow be able to pinpoint the task of his automatism to a physical movement. When this moment has been found, then the start signal for the automatism has been discovered. This start signal can now be used to program another neural network with a different task, which counteracts the interruption of the conversation partner. If the person gets into the habit of blinking several times after the start signal for interrupting the conversation partner, the previous automatism is interrupted. If the new automatism is strengthened over time, one day the body consciousness decides that two automatisms that become active at a start signal are too much, so that one automatism should be enough. The body consciousness chooses the stronger automatism to perform its actions when the start signal appears. The automatism that was active before and that determined the person’s action is still active, but the potential used for it is now much less, so that the potential of the new automatism appears much greater in comparison and thus urges the human consciousness to change its behaviour. You can only ever strengthen your frequency patterns – which determine your behaviour – and if you have strengthened a behaviour pattern that you now wish to change, you must strengthen another behaviour pattern that works against the unwanted behaviour pattern. You can do the same with compulsive automatisms because they are based on the same principles. If you have developed a compulsive behavioural disorder, then watch your body very closely so that you can detect the start signal for the compulsive action and then override and weaken the unwanted action with another automatism. No surgical intervention can really remedy this, so programming a desired automatism to override an unwanted automatism is your best option. Now let’s go back to the brain so you can better understand the function of the brain. The brain is the engine to carry all the data streams of the human being. The brain not only forwards the data, but the brain will analyse, process, encode and forward the data packets. To do this, it uses the neuronal structure of the brain mass, which is saturated with crystalline structures. When a data packet arrives in the brain, it travels through many areas in the brain that will identify the information in the data packet and when an area has detected information in the data packet that it is responsible for, that area will take the information from the data stream and send it on to a higher level area. The higher level area will ensure that the information is assessed. If something has been discovered that needs to be reprocessed, then this area will change the information according to the specifications that are stored in this neural network. If the information has been evaluated and processed, another step is added because this neural network knows exactly where this information should flow to, so the information packet is given an identifier and thus re-encoded. As the data packet continues its journey, it is further processed in many more neural networks, but ultimately it will pass through the energy nodes of the energy bodies and be processed in each energy body quite individually. An automatism is active as a stored program in a neural network and when a data packet arrives to be processed by this neural network, the information is also changed by the underlying automatism and the changed information is then changed more and more as it progresses. Since there is a chain of changes to the actual information package, it will lead to an unusual action by the human being. If a person tends to throw around explosive and loud rants, then that person is not per se a person to be judged negatively, but the brain induces this behaviour and the person can hardly defend himself against it. The entire action apparatus of the human being is based on these automatisms, which are more or less essential for survival in human existence. New automatisms can enrich human life because high-performance athletes are highly respected for these automatisms, but just as high-performance athletes can hardly control a compulsive action because the body only reacts to start signals with the learned actions that the automatism prescribes, learned actions of a neurotic cannot be controlled easily either. The stronger the undesirable automatism acts, the more effort the person has to make to develop another automatism that can counteract it. If you think you have not developed any undesirable automatisms, let us tell you the following: Every person who wants to evolve has to develop unwanted automatisms and then muster the willpower to work against those automatisms, and no one who has hardly anything to endure in his life will ever experience that evolution. Automatisms determine your life and only those who have experienced these automatisms from many perspectives can claim that they have developed further. All other persons will never understand exactly what we are trying to say.