A0664: What happened to the underground cities after the fall of Atlantis? – Part 5

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An underground city must be prepared for all eventualities, and if an underground city produces all its own daily necessities, then such a state is responsible for itself. By this we mean the following: If a state were completely self-sufficient on the surface, then a state would not need to pay any further attention to its neighbouring states because there would generally be no dependencies on other states. If such a state existed, only those things would have to be guaranteed by the state, which would provide the citizens of the state with all the things that are important for the survival of the state and thus of the citizens. Since neither goods need to be exported nor imported, there would be no need for money trade, because that would be absolutely superfluous, and what is more, the citizen would not necessarily have to work for his raison d’être, because all citizens have equal rights. If a citizen needs a dwelling, then the dwelling is provided by the community of the city-state and if a person needs clothing and food, then the person receives all things from this community. Since the citizen receives all things, he must also provide something in return and we will now explain this very simply. If a citizen needs a dwelling, then a dwelling is built for this citizen by say ten people. If the citizen wants to reciprocate, then the citizen can volunteer to help build ten houses and if he does short-term services processing materials so that such a dwelling can be built, then the reciprocation could be done in less than a year. If the citizen were to help with the harvests and their processing for a few years, then in less than three years a citizen could provide all the quid pro quo for his necessities to the society of the city-state and he could then lie down on what is called his lazy skin without ever having to have a guilty conscience because someone might think that this citizen was taking advantage of the good nature of society. On the contrary, this citizen has already achieved everything in the three years in order to be allowed to remain in society for the rest of his life without having to lift a finger. There is no wealth in a city state because everyone receives the same. If a person is highly respected because the person has done many things for that society, then that person does not receive nicer robes, nor a private shuttle bus, but all status symbols are forbidden in a city-state. If a person creates a beautiful statue and puts it in his garden, then it is not a status symbol, because every citizen can also put a beautiful statue in his garden. If a person wears jewellery, then it is considered a status symbol and is frowned upon in such a society. If all citizens were to wear the same jewellery, then the jewellery is not considered a status symbol and is allowed. If a headdress were to become fashionable, then the city-state would have to ensure that all citizens could receive it without there being a shortage of the headdress. A shortage always generates desire, so status symbols are something that is unattainable for most people, because only then does it become a status symbol. There are no status symbols in city-states because all citizens are equal and since all citizens receive everything a city-state can offer, there is no shortage of goods and that is why there are no status symbols. What if a person wants to trade because that person demands something in return, for goods that person produces, we ask? That is not allowed. If a citizen wants to trade, he is dismissed from the city-state and has to find a new city-state. If there is no trade at all, how can a citizen become more and more powerful, we ask? Not at all. If the person has contributed a lot to the society of the city-state, that person automatically gets high prestige and therefore someone might think he has more power than other citizens, but this is not true insofar as every citizen who has gained a prestigious position through high prestige can also be voted out again by the community. Every person has equal opportunities in a city-state and if they have performed services for about three years, then they have done everything that is required of the person by the society of the city-state. After that, they are free to develop and do whatever they want, except trade, thus creating dependencies between citizens that are not desirable. Status symbols do not exist in city states because there is no shortage of goods. If a person produces something unique, then he or she must ensure that this unique product is accessible to all persons. Unique art is made available for all citizens to enjoy in the central buildings. If the artwork can be replicated by other citizens, it is no longer a status symbol and does not need to be accessible to all citizens. Let us now turn to the underground cities of modern humans and its ties to the New Lemurians. Basically, no modern human lives in an underground city of New Lemurians and New Lemurians do not live in the city-states of modern humans, but as is so often the case, there are exceptions, which we will address later. Why did modern humans remain in the underground caves in the first place, we ask? Because the New Lemurians asked them to. Why did the New Lemurians ask the modern humans to live in the underground caves with them, we ask? Because at first the New Lemurians were far too few in number to be able to handle the mammoth tasks of the underground caves on their own. Therefore, the New Lemurians asked the modern humans quite early on if they could help the New Lemurians create the tunnel and cave systems. When the modern humans agreed, no one really knew what this would mean, but it soon became clear that the modern humans could provide extremely helpful services, and many caves were first inhabited by the modern humans in order to create a much larger cave for the New Lemurians in the neighbourhood. The modern people now live in the underground cities, which are governed in the same way as the neighbouring city-states of the New Lemurians. That is why there is always a smaller cave of the modern humans next to an underground cave for the New Lemurians. When the New Lemurians need help, they ask for help from the modern people in the neighbouring cave and the modern people are happy to help because the New Lemurians also help the modern people in the neighbouring cave when they need help. You can look at it as follows: The New Lemurians are full-blooded explorers and the modern humans are workers who are happy to help when asked. This assistance is never to be considered one-sided, because there is a lively exchange between these city-states. The New Lemurians teach the modern humans and the modern humans help in the New Lemurians’ construction ventures, so that the stations always transport the needed modern humans to the New Lemurians’ underground city and the New Lemurian teachers travel to the modern humans’ underground city. This symbiosis of underground neighbouring cities has existed since the beginning of underground construction and this symbiosis is so successful that it will not change in the future. The population increases in parallel because the symbiosis also ensures that a new underground city can be planned and built together. The number of children is mostly the same, so that the growth increases slowly and equally in both city states. The number of children is not limited, but families with more than six family members are very rare. The culture of the modern people is the same as that of the New Lemurians, so that the researching New Lemurians only have different priorities than the working modern people. Are there researchers among modern humans, we ask? No, the modern humans have never developed the explorer will of the New Lemurians, so they actually only perform services that, just like the New Lemurians, pay off after three full years everything it takes to stay in a city-state. All children and adults are taught by the New Lemurians what is required to do the services that appear to be required in the underground states. If you were to compare a modern human being of the underground cities with the ordinary human being of the surface of the earth, the qualities of the modern human beings in the underground cities are to be compared with the farmers of the 19th century, because they do only what is required in the immediate vicinity. Since hardly any people are born in the underground cities of the modern people who have the will to explore within them, the modern people have also never evolved. If you now suspect the energetic hemisphere, you are certainly not wrong, but you are forgetting something essential that a culture needs to progress and that is new ideas. If new ideas do not enter a group, then the people in the group will never evolve and that is what happens in all underground cities. The New Lemurians are attuned to this and the modern people cannot help it at all, which is why modern people from the surface are often asked to work and live in the underground cities. In this way, those in charge hope for at least a little progress. We as spiritual beings have only a small influence on these people because of the energetic hemisphere, that is why they live a very peaceful existence, but also a rather boring life. They know all feelings and emotions, but only in a weakened form. The people of the surface bring a little verve into these societies, but we also think that the form of society is so sluggish in bringing about change that there are hardly any scholars to be found among them. They are not stupid, but very sluggish and that is something that is detrimental to any society. We will need the next blog entry in this series for this topic.

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