A0654: How did Plato know about Atlantis? – Part 8
In New Atlantis, research was done for quite a while only on the monstrosities and we can also report that the New Atlantians made almost no progress at all in all other areas of research if we compare the knowledge of things of the New Atlantians with the knowledge that the Atlantians in Atlantis already had. Much of what the New Atlantians knew had been taken from records from the Atlantean culture. The New Atlantians did research, but because the New Atlantians were only made up of modern humans, the New Atlantians lacked the general approach of the New Lemurians. The approach of the New Lemurians was quite different from what modern humans still practise today because the New Lemurian approach focused on the goal and not the researchers involved in it. The New Lemurians felt great satisfaction in sharing their research results with other interested people, unlike the way modern people have always practised it, because modern people want to benefit from it first for themselves and thus also conceal many things so that another researcher cannot surpass their results. The New Atlantians only researched things that they could also use directly, because the philosophy of research was not very highly regarded, since hardly any power could be gained in New Atlantis through research. The New Atlantians had no need for new materials, because everything they needed had already been sufficiently researched in the times of Lemuria or Atlantis, so that creatures was the only branch of research that could still produce something new. The speedboats had useful equipment, but this too hardly represents a new development because the mechanisms had been known for a very long time. The construction crews on New Atlantis were also given implements with which they could effectively erect the fine and colossal buildings, but all this was nothing new at all in New Atlantian culture. When the prehistoric Greeks felt they had to invade little New Atlantis, all the New Atlantians had to do was dispatch their speedboats and the unequal battle was always won by the New Atlantians. When the Anunnaki came to Earth, that changed abruptly because the New Atlantians knew very well who the Anunnaki really were. The New Atlantians received the Anunnaki, but not as gods, but as an alien species that wanted to settle on Earth. The New Atlantians knew what the Anunnaki were up to and they made a pact that guaranteed both sides non-interference and so the New Atlantians lived an existence in the midst of the Anunnaki’s sphere of influence without the two parties ever getting in each other’s way. The New Atlantians often received visits from extraterrestrial groups, but it cannot be seen as a coming and going of these groups, but at great intervals of time groups came to Earth to determine how Earth’s humanity developed. If there was one thing the New Atlantians were very good at, it was staying among their own kind, which they did for many millennia. The only diversion they got were the boat crews that sailed around the Mediterranean and used the remote ports on the Mediterranean to stay or trade. The New Atlantian sailors were the only people from New Atlantis who saw anything at all other than the island of New Atlantis. We also think that in all those millennia, very few seafarers broke away and sought their fortune on the continents because the prosperity in New Atlantis made secret emigration unnecessary. Nowhere in the world could a New Atlantian live better than on New Atlantis, so for most New Atlantians this question did not arise at all. Some New Atlantians did anyway, for various reasons, so New Atlantian society did not waste time and energy looking for these New Atlantians. The seafarers also did not possess any Old Atlantian knowledge that posed a threat to New Atlantis. Did New Atlantians also try to exert an influence on land outside New Atlantis, we ask? Indirectly yes, but there was no New Atlantian army travelling on the continents, instead New Atlantis co-ruled the Mediterranean with Greece, but what went on on land did not matter to the New Atlantians as long as it did not affect their supremacy on the Mediterranean. The New Atlantians excelled as patrons, so that many influential men were in their debt and they consequently exerted indirect influence when they called in favours. What else happened on the Mediterranean that seems worth mentioning, we ask? Natural disasters destroyed the metropolises, so that this was also noticed by the New Atlantians. The archipelago was to be judged like a hill and most of the time the beaches were only landing places for the boats, so that from your perspective today the beaches were beautiful to look at. However, volcanic eruptions always caused flooding, so one ruling family did something that many subsequent rulers continued, because it ensured the safety and prosperity of New Atlantis. The archipelago was developed into a fortress to withstand the floods. However, the builders did not simply erect a wall around the archipelago, but the splendour and glory that New Atlantis radiated for every visitor was to be preserved, so that walls were built near the coast, but they were excellently integrated into the overall artwork of New Atlantis. Plato described the island very precisely in parts, but more on that later. The walls were built so massively that they could withstand prolonged flooding without interfering with the loading and unloading of ships. Therefore, ships could not only dock at the outer city walls, but harbours and canals were provided in the archipelago to support all the activities of the sailors. This reconstruction was not provided for the reason of distributing foreign royalty, but solely so that in case of natural disasters, New Atlantis would not be damaged. Everything that the New Atlantians then undertook was seen by all the surrounding tribes as an attempt to defend themselves against the Anunnaki, because the people did not really understand why the New Atlantians were making these enormous efforts to separate themselves further and further. The New Atlantians undertook these building ventures in 6,700 BC because the floods were becoming increasingly threatening. Volcanic eruptions repeatedly caused large parts of the Mediterranean to be flooded and the metropolises could hardly protect themselves from this, but New Atlantis did something they were extremely good at, they built large and imposing and all the craftsmen and visitors who were allowed to enter the island for a time impressively recounted this when they were allowed to travel back to their homeland. Because the building project was so huge, it took several decades to complete because the New Atlantians were very selective, especially when it came to building materials. Granite-like materials were accepted and everything else was rejected. When the building project was completed, it also had to be celebrated in a fitting manner, so that a monument was created that is still unparalleled today. If you take the height of the Eiffel Tower, then you also know how high this monument was built. Not only did the New Atlantians honour the rebuilding of the archipelago, but the first ruler of New Atlantis was to be honoured with it, so that at the entrance to the archipelago a gigantic statue was erected showing the face of the first ruler of the ruling family Herethus. The ruler’s name was Heracles and the side boundaries of the entrance to the archipelago represented the feet of the gigantic statue. The statue was built to shine like gold in the sun, but it was not coated in gold, instead they designed a metal that they could easily make that shone like gold. The metal was an alloy that had already been used in Atlantis and that did not rust or form a patina, but it had to be cleaned again and again through special dedication. At the feet of Heracles, the ships sailed into the archipelago and from afar this statue could be seen without the island being discovered. The gigantic dimensions of this statue may sound unrealistic to you, but huge spiders that had a human head and fought against six-metre giants are not easy to believe either, but that’s how it was. The statue was not looking at the island, but towards the west, so the view was towards Malta. The statue was dressed in a tunic, which also appeared golden, but was a darker shade. The statue held nothing in its hands and nothing was placed on its head to indicate royal status, but it didn’t have to because everyone knew who this statue was supposed to represent. Over the millennia, the cult of ruling families had also reached the metropolises and many myths had to do with Heracles. Heracles was an Atlantian who made a vision come true that lasted for a very long time. To this day, this monument is still the largest and most impressive monument the earth has ever seen. In the next blog entry in this series, we will discuss the experiments that caused New Atlantis to sink as well. When New Atlantis sank into the sea, the statue of Heracles was swept to the bottom of the sea with it, and we will also talk about that.