A0653: How did Plato know about Atlantis? – Part 7

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We start by telling you how many merchant ships and how many warships New Atlantis had. The number of ships never really increased because the berths at the archipelago were limited. Six hundred ships could dock at the archipelago at one time and we would add a few dozen ships because never all the ships docked at the same time, but many ships were on their way to carry out their duties. If each ship has up to sixty crew, then there were 36,000 New Atlantians just on the ships. The merchant ships had fewer crew and the speedboats, among others, had more crew. There were the war galleys, which had more crews than the speedboats, which collected the tributes. The New Atlantians who were present on the boats were all descendants of the 800 Atlantians who immigrated to the island off Cyprus after the sinking of Atlantis and created the city-state of New Atlantis. All the ship crews had only one goal, the conquest of the Mediterranean and the accumulation of valuables that would make New Atlantis ever richer. The ships could be divided into the three categories mentioned and we also think we have to say that the more powerful New Atlantis became, the more speedboats it possessed. The war galleys had to be created only when prehistoric Greece no longer wanted to be told what to do in the Mediterranean. Prehistoric Greece first had to stand idly by as their trade routes were controlled by the New Atlantians and they could do nothing about the speedboats taking what they thought rightfully belonged to them. The tribute was a thorn in the side of the Greeks and they decided to do something about it. The Greeks knew very well where New Atlantis was and they had scattered information about New Atlantian society, but they did not know exactly how large the force was. All they could do was consult their oracles. The oracles truthfully proclaimed what they were shown, but not everything was interpreted correctly, so the Greeks thought they could raid the island of New Atlantis and take whatever they found there. When the Greek fleet first went into battle against New Atlantis, the Greeks were sure that they would emerge victorious, but this was not the case. All subsequent battles were won by the New Atlantians, so that during all the conflicts, the New Atlantians emerged victorious. Not a single battle was won by the Greeks and this had the following reason. No war galleys of the Greeks came so close to New Atlantis that the crew of the prehistoric Greeks could even recognise a structure on the island. Whether in the morning or at night, every single warship was intercepted by the speedboats of the New Atlantians. If a Greek war galley approached the island of New Atlantis, the New Atlantians knew it even before the Greek war galley was seen from New Atlantis because the War Council had the sea around the island mentally monitored by New Atlantians. How can you imagine this, we ask? When you close your eyes and after some time you see something before your eyes, it is not a fantasy, but you become more conscious on an earthly-astral level and perceive what is there to be seen. If you become more conscious with a partial consciousness on an earth-astral plane, then you could also become more conscious with a partial consciousness with you on earth, outside of your physical body. Although your astral travellers perceive something like this, most astral travellers are not on your plane of existence but on an earthly-astral plane that is modelled on your world, but it is never perfect because it is always slightly different. But if you did get to the point where you could mentally travel around on your plane of existence, then you could be sitting on the Eiffel Tower in the blink of an eye. When a New Atlantian became conscious next to himself, he only thought of looking at his island from a bird’s eye view. He was also capable of changing his perspective in an instant and overlooking vast areas of the Mediterranean. When he thought of where the nearest warships would be, it was shown to him because human consciousness is more than just the personality consciousness that you represent as a person. So the New Atlantians could not only monitor the Mediterranean, but all the coastal cities and the inhabitants in them. Greece was constantly spied upon and the prehistoric Greeks could not do anything about it for a long time, until persons appeared in prehistoric Greece who had similar abilities to the New Atlantians and who showed the prehistoric Greeks how to defend themselves effectively against mental spies. However, this could not change the course of the war because the effective defences against the mental spies on the sea did not work. The prehistoric Greeks could erect mental barriers that kept the partial consciousnesses of the New Atlantians from advancing further, but they could not make war galleys invisible. We will go into this in more detail in another blog entry. When the Greeks tried again and again to capture the New Atlantian speedboats, they found that they had no influence at all on what the New Atlantians were undertaking. Against all Greek custom, the Greeks came to an agreement with the New Atlantians about who would be allowed to rule which part of the Mediterranean. Euritkles was a Roman ruler who did not agree with this at all, so after several thousand years, in 4,300 BC, Euritkles began besieging the New Atlantian navy in the ports of the Greek metropolises. If you are just not following along in what we are saying, it has to do with the fact that we have now made a great temporal leap, with the great powers of New Atlantis and now Greece co-existing peacefully for a long time. New Atlantis was littered with riches and we also think the New Atlantians had grown tired of just accumulating riches, so around 4,730 BC something happened in New Atlantis that amounted to a social earthquake. The ruling families of New Atlantis reconciled and they were only able to do so because a powerful family helped in the process, which was then crowned the sixth ruling family. The Treipidarios was a very powerful family and the family had a very capable head of family in 4,730 BC who was taught the art of social harmony. Social harmony is almost comparable to your diplomacy, but social harmony tackles the problems of individuals much more effectively than diplomacy ever could and what Keumedios of the Treipidarios undertook was the supreme discipline. For this, Keumedios was celebrated by all the ruling families because he was able to close the deep rifts between the ruling families as the New-Atlantic culture was in danger of failing because of the disputes among the ruling families. The New Atlantian culture was on the verge of collapse because the ruling families degenerated in their reigns and involved the entire population of New Atlantis in the disputes, so that first more and more individuals called for reforms and then almost all the family clans. The ruling families were hardly accessible and all the family members of a ruling family were at loggerheads. Since the New Atlantians on New Atlantis could hardly avoid each other, all quarrels were fought out in public, which first created astonishment and then discomfort among the population. The five ruling families were then pacified by Keumedios. We will now list the ruling families and you cannot imagine how annoyed we were by the writer who refused to write them down. Even if they sound strange to the connoisseur of Greek culture, experts in the field will be able to extract the true names from them. We are not allowed to show a number to the writer, nor are we allowed to spell out words, because we are forbidden to do so, so the writer will always think that we want to test him by doing so, but this is usually not the case. The first ruling family were the Herethus, followed by the Stupidios and the Damenthelios. The fourth ruling family was the Tremendiosa and the fifth ruling family was the Tampas. All the ruling families were represented by a male family member, so women were only queens but could never be heads of families. When Keumedios first became king, Keumedios revised some rules which thereafter visibly guaranteed the willingness of the ruling families to live together in harmony. Families that were composed of different ruling families were no longer killed, but were given a special status that prohibited them and any descendants from this partnership from taking a ruling throne. These new family clans were a real advance in New Atlantian culture and for this all the inhabitants of New Atlantis were grateful. There were also enviers in the royal families, but they could hardly do anything. Let us briefly look at the Roman Empire, which was in the making at this time. The Roman Empire neither wanted to help the Greeks nor did it intend to overthrow the new Atlantis, but the Roman Empire arose out of necessity. We will describe what led to the emergence of the Roman Empire in a series that will focus on the emergence of the cultures of the Mediterranean. The Roman Empire had no enmity towards New Atlantis because New Atlantis was no longer considered a great power, as it had been for many millennia before. In the next part of this series, we will report on the disputes between present-day Greece and New Atlantis, and then describe the effects of the research that was part of the discovery that the island of Atlantis now lies on the seabed off Cyprus.

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