A0648: How did Plato know about Atlantis? – Part 2

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When the first ship left the port, there were fifteen Atlantians and two fishermen on board. The boat crew sailed six days to reach the archipelago. They started from the northern tip of what is now Egypt and did not sail straight towards the archipelago, but had to pay close attention to the winds during their venture. Cyprus is 370 km away and on its western coast there was a small chain of islands that the boat crew headed for. Cyprus was not inhabited in 35,000 B.C., so that was not the destination, because all of Cyprus would be difficult for the Atlantians to control. The western archipelago was as large that the group’s plans could be implemented. This archipelago was not quite concentric, but it looked like a round island. The island chain was less than eight kilometers wide on its longest side and about four kilometers wide on the belly of the island chain. The spurs of the island bridges went even further, but more on that later. The long axis of the archipelago was north-east, and the width of the island varied, but we will tell more about that later. When the first group docked on the island, they were not welcomed by any people, because this archipelago has always been uninhabited. There were animals there, but not enough to feed many people in the long run. Therefore, with the Atlantians, the fishermen began to build boats for fishing. The first dwellings were built, until quite quickly the next boat arrived. The boats of the fishermen had different sizes, so that also different numbers of people could be transported. Some boats looked like small sailboats, but there were also larger boats that looked like galleys, even if the design differed somewhat from the later design of the galleys you know. The Mediterranean Sea has been navigated by modern people for so long that the designs of the ships have always had a renaissance, because everything has always been repeated. We tell you that your historiography is completely incomplete because many small and large natural disasters caused the development of the local inhabitants to be set back again and again. When we say that 35,000 B.C. galleys were already sailing on the Mediterranean Sea, it is true. These galleys were very valuable, that’s why the first group was sent with a fishing boat as an advance guard. When the Atlantians arrived and took a look at the island, they sent their findings to the other Atlantians so that they could get ready for the crossing. In a few days, the Atlantians built several dwellings designed for the very basics. When the next Atlantians arrived, they stayed longer than expected because of the strengthening of the storm that had been lingering over the Mediterranean for days. The new arrivals were amazed at what the advance party was able to accomplish, so together they finished the stopover on the island. When the next Atlantians arrived, they immediately felt at home, even though the environment was quite different from that of the doomed Atlantis. In Giza, there was lush vegetation in 35,000 B.C., and inside and outside Atlantis was everything people needed to survive. The archipelago was different because the vegetation did not promise as much yield as it had in and around Giza before the disaster. The group that wanted to create a new city-state on this archipelago had to quickly figure out how they were going to guarantee the survival of the inhabitants without rationed meals. The Mediterranean Sea is rich in fish and much of what the Mediterranean Sea had to offer could be used, so there was arable land on the archipelago and also arable land in the sea, which we will talk about later. The arable land on the archipelago was limited, so from the very beginning the builders of the city-state planned to excavate areas under the earth’s surface so that these spaces could be used as productive cultivation areas. We have often told why groups prefer the underground to the surface of the earth, and the city-state of Atlantis, which was built exactly where a great pyramid stands today, was also riddled with countless underground structures by the Atlantians, so this approach seemed perfectly natural to the Atlantians who had fled. How fast such an underground station can be built, we had already described rudimentarily, but we did not explain the exact procedure so far. The next blog entry and the one after that will be about that. When Atlantians visit somewhere, they are given a gift by the host, because this tradition was already practiced in Lemurian times. All Atlantians who came to the island were given gifts and since the vanguard did not have much time to do this, they created flower wreaths that were hung around the necks of the newcomers. This represented a new tradition that the islanders kept until this island also fell victim to a catastrophe. The catastrophe was so severe that the surviving New Atlantians sailed again to find a new home far from any civilization. All Atlantians who made this archipelago their new home are called the New Atlantians by us, so that there is no confusion. The first boats with Atlantians landed very safely in Atlantis, as the archipelago was called from that time on, so it was immediately clear to many Atlantians what the vanguard actually had in mind. We will call the island of Atlantis the New Atlantis from today on, so that we can describe the events more simply and the reader does not get confused, because the city-state of Atlantis was actually founded where the great pyramid in Giza stands today. New Atlantis was built very slowly by the New Atlantians because at first only 800 New Atlantians considered the archipelago their new home. When the Atlantians arrived, rested, and then sailed on to the northern metropolises, many Atlantians could not understand at all why a group of Atlantians could not learn from history because they wanted to repeat the same venture that destroyed Atlantis in what is now Giza here on the archipelago. The group around the city founders proclaimed that they wanted to recreate Atlantis on the archipelago and that the energetic shild will bring them the prosperity they have now been missing since the fall of Atlantis. They also submitted plans on how they could better protect New Atlantis and it all had to do with using the dark energy to be able to fire energy volleys to protect the population. The Atlantians had already experimented a lot with this in Atlantis because they felt more and more threatened by the inhabitants of the underground cities, but these energy weapons were only tested experimentally and the councils only allowed the exploration, but never the use of these weapons. Now there were no councils to prohibit New Atlantians from using these weapons. As a result, many newcomers who took advantage of the stopover to listen to the New Atlantis proposal ran away in horror. They did not want to be associated with it in any way because they were aware that this action would inevitably lead to war and, as pacifists, they could not reconcile this with their consciences. The 800 Atlantians, who had no great misgivings about this, began to build an island state that went down in the history of modern man, but as is so often the case with stories about Atlantis, you hardly know the background, which we will present to you in great detail.

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