A0647: How did Plato know about Atlantis? – Part 1

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If we are to tell you how Plato knew about an island called Atlantis, we must first tell you why there was an island called Atlantis in the first place. When the original Atlantis perished because the Atlantians tried to expand the energetic hemisphere, many Atlantians were killed and the remaining Atlantians had to find a new home. The New Lemurians among the surviving Atlantians moved to the underground cities of the New Lemurians and the Atlantians who were modern humans moved to the wilderness or to the metropolises of the modern humans. Very few New Lemurians and modern humans from Atlantis did anything entirely different, so there were two refugee flows that led either to the underground cities or to the metropolises of the Mediterranean. About 35000 B.C. ago Atlantis sank in a few moments in what is now Giza, and where the Great Pyramid stands today, except for a large sand-like pile, there was no sign of the most advanced city on the face of the earth at that time. Not a single Atlantian achievement was to be recognized any more and only because innumerable sand heaps lay there, one knew at all that something stood there. The wind blew away in a few months everything that once made up Atlantis and since many tribes of people settled at the gates of Atlantis to witness the expansion of the energetic hemisphere, many witnesses of the incident also died and the demise of Atlantis was only very slowly brought out into the world. The New Lemurians in the underground cities did not have the slightest interest in changing anything about the sinking of Atlantis and they also did not want to grant a new home to the modern people from Atlantis, so that the only contemporary witnesses were a few thousand Atlantians who now tried in groups to settle down somewhere. One group also broke away from the general trend to emigrate to the metropolises of modern people and this group decided to rebuild their city. Because Giza was like a tomb at the time, as the Atlantians’ home of family members and friends was sinking there, these group members were looking for a place that was not only remote from modern people, but that would also provide shelter, so a remote island in the Mediterranean actually seemed like the best choice for these Atlantians. There was a small group of islands in the Mediterranean Sea that was chosen by these Atlantians. There was already shipping traffic in the Mediterranean at that time, but it was still in its infancy, so not very much happened in the Mediterranean. Sailors sailed the Mediterranean with their boats, but rarely from one group of islands to another, but always only in the coastal area, so that the crossing of the Mediterranean was a daring venture. Atlantis would be today on your world map seen from Cyprus in the direction of Malta and about 20 km from the coast of Cyprus, there was a small group of islands that was chosen for the new city of Atlantis. The group that wanted to build a new city had inspected the place carefully beforehand, because their mental powers still allowed them to perform mental journeys on the surface of the earth. Later on, many abilities became more and more weakened, but the Atlantians were capable of more than the average modern human at that time. This group of Atlantians, who wanted to found a new city on the island, did not know at that time how many Atlantians would join them, so they devised a plan to convince the Atlantians. When they sailed north from the coast of the Mediterranean, they were eager to sail to this group of islands so that they could make a safe stop there. When the ships were gathered for the crossing, the destination was first this group of islands and then from there different groups wanted to sail in different directions. The Atlantians had now been underway for some time, so we can say that four hundred Atlantians first came upon this group of islands to set up camp there so that subsequent ships would stop there until everything else was decided. Among these four hundred Atlantians, almost all Atlantians were represented, who as a group had chosen this chain of islands to create a second Atlantis there. This group eagerly started to build shelters for the coming Atlantians and they built first where it was most beautiful, because they hoped to inspire many Atlantians for their project. The Atlantians were very good at building dwellings, so the first group quickly built dwellings so that many families would have an escape route from the place they currently inhabited. The fishing villages were small and completely overwhelmed with housing the surviving Atlantians, so after a short time tensions were already noticeable, urging the Atlantians to leave the fishing villages. When the plan was made to cross the Mediterranean with ships, because to the north were the metropolises of the time, the fishermen reluctantly agreed to the efforts of the Atlantians. They could hardly accommodate the Atlantians any longer, but crossing the Mediterranean was an exceedingly dangerous crossing, so although they were willing to assist the Atlantians in this endeavor, the danger of the crossing was too great for them, so the group around the founders of the city suggested that a small chain of islands be chosen as a stopover, from which the Atlantians would then be transported onward in stages. At first, however, not all Atlantians were to be brought to the island, but only groups of Atlantians at a time, who would then stay there until the next group arrived, so that the camp on the island could be handed over and the rested Atlantians could be sailed with the fishermen and boats to their destination ports. The Atlantians were afraid of modern humans, but the metropolises offered at least a temporary, if dangerous, substitute for Atlantis. Atlantis was a paradise in the eyes of the Atlantians and anything outside was not enough if someone grew up in Atlantis. Atlantians missed their culture and the amenities Atlantis offered its inhabitants. Now, when more and more Atlantians arrived on the archipelago, they were relieved to see a familiar environment and when the group of future city founders announced the plans for the new Atlantis, at first many Atlantians were excited, but when they learned what else the city founders had planned, many Atlantians reconsidered, so only a small group of Atlantians remained on the archipelago. The 6000 surviving Atlantians fled across the Mediterranean and only 800 Atlantians remained there on the archipelago, which could provide a home for many more people. The archipelago was placed around a small energy node, not being a major energy node on Earth, but the energy flowing into the planet made settling in the area very attractive. The group wanted to use the energy to build something, which many Atlantians objected to and which caused them to leave the island again. The group on the island now began to reshape the island as seemed right for their plan and we would say eight months after the sinking of Atlantis, all 5200 Atlantians were housed in the small and large metropolises of the Mediterranean. What the group of future city founders then undertook, we will report in the next blog entry.

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