A0640: How did the Lemurians of the Alpha Centauri System fare? – Part 2

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When the Lemurians flew to the star system Alpha-Centauri, they had many discussions about how their future society should be designed. The reformers had many new ideas that were discussed over and over again, and because the traditionalists were outnumbered, they could not stop any of them. When the Lemurians arrived in the future star system after several days, there were already many things on the new planet that the Lemurians knew very well, because the reptoid species, together with some human species, had made sure that there were small villages on the surface of the sixth planet that could be directly occupied by the newcomers. The villages were not unlike those in Lemuria, except that all the buildings lacked Lemurian sophistication, but the newcomers did not care because they now found a place they could similarly find on Earth. The vegetation was quite similar to that of Earth, but the animal and insect life had to be treated with caution because this planet had never been inhabited by intelligent beings before. The Lemurians were given a long briefing because the planet had some peculiarities, which we will now discuss so that you can get an idea of how an Earth-like planet can have differences, which we are sure you will find very interesting. When a planet is habitable, its axis is aligned with the star. What you know from Earth can also be found on inhabited planets. A moon is not necessary for stabilisation, because all the planets of a star system remain in synchronisation and if the neighbouring planets are large enough, then they can stabilise among themselves in such a way that the habitable planet can also guarantee the seasons that you know from Earth. If a planet has no seasons because its major axis coincides with the major axis of the orbiting star, then the occurrence of flora and fauna is limited. Any meteorologist will know what we are trying to say. If the planet has seasons, then the airflow will have a very clear pattern that astronomers could detect today. The Lemurians were settled on the equator and the climate was very well known to them. A planet has an external and internal condition that ensures that life can develop on and in the planet. Uninhabitable planets will have high concentrations of gases and metals that characterise them. Habitable planets are always recognisable as a mixture of the elements, so the new Lemurian homeworld was particularly richly blessed with all the elements, if we take your scale for it. The planet also has materials that you do not have on Earth, and that always has to do with the history of the formation of the solar system, because the components of the gas cloud are decisive for the materials from which the planets are formed. If there is a lot of iron, the planets will not rust, but they will erode faster. If copper is strongly represented, the worlds will become incredibly hot. If you assume water is in the gas cloud that creates a solar system, you are wrong, because water has to be produced first. The water that came to Earth was teleported there, even if that sounds very implausible now. Only when a certain amount of water is available can a water cycle be driven that produces more and more water from the existing elements through chemical decomposition processes. This water belongs to the planet, because the planet ensures that the water becomes more and more energised and at a certain point in time, the first microbes will emerge, because this has been encoded in the energy field of the water. The water will ensure that vegetation can develop on a future habitable planet. Lower life forms will automatically emerge from the water, but all higher life forms will be created by the Wingmakers on the planet. If the water drives the vegetations, then all the higher life forms will be adapted by the Wingmakers so that they can exist on the planet. That is why cats will look different on Earth than they did on the Lemurian planet, because cats represent something special, which the Lemurians already knew. Cats had six eyes on the Lemurian planet. Why does a hunter need six eyes, we ask? Why does a spider need more than two eyes, we ask? Because it can use them to better assess its prey in space. That doesn’t sound very plausible, so let’s perform a little thought experiment. If you wake up in a room that you don’t know and in which the structure is so strange that you can hardly orientate yourself, how do you know the size of an unknown creature that seems to be coming towards you, we ask? You don’t know because your gaze is forward and you can only determine distance by comparison with known structures, otherwise you would be absolutely clumsy at estimating the creature that is walking towards you. It is only because you can relate known forms to the creature that you are able to estimate the size and distance of the creature. A spider with only two eyes would be eaten faster than you would think, because spiders do not perceive their environment as you think. A spider perceives itself in the space it is in and because it knows its size to the size of the space, it also knows how big all the other forms and beings in its space are. But a spider can only perceive space at a certain distance, so they like to stay where they can see a lot of space and for that they need more eyes than just the ones that look ahead. The cats on the planet the Lemurians want to colonise also have six eyes because they often cannot judge their prey, since the animal kingdom produces specimens of a species that are either very small or very large. An earthly domestic cat would never attack an elephant, but when the plant and animal kingdoms produce so many different sizes of one species, six eyes are better than two. The cats on the planet did not know any humans, but they could immediately assess that humans were far too large as prey. Predators that could be dangerous to the Lemurians existed, but not on the continent where settlement started. Winged creatures also have more than two eyes because, especially in the primeval forests, they depended on being able to better assess their surroundings. The aquatic animals are very similar to those on Earth and we also think that, except for the hunters with their many eyes and the different sizes of the flora and fauna, it was almost like in Lemuria. If you now think that the Lemurians were able to live right there, then we must tell you one more peculiarity so that you understand what it means to emigrate to another solar system. Almost all alien intelligent species on Earth live in underground cities and there is a reason for that. It is not the danger from persecution of the native species that drives a colony of extraterrestrial visitors underground, but the surface of a planet reflects the light of the star and this light is reflected many times and in the process the composition of the light photon changes more and more, so that each planet has a different solar radiation. The organisms on a planet have been adapted so that they can also cope in some way with this solar radiation. The Lemurians had to be modified so that their skin had a different surface than before. They now have a complexion that they had never developed before, even though they were constantly exposed to solar radiation on Earth. This change could be made quickly because the reptoid species was mentally far ahead of the Lemurians. The Lemurians could do the same, but by the time they would have figured out how to make the changes, they would have already produced skin cancer. The changes were made genetically so that the offspring would automatically adopt the changes. When a planet is inhabited by an intelligent species, much of the cycle of the native species will change because even a cat will notice the changes, even though the Lemurians are rather few beings compared to the native number of beings. When the Lemurian begins to leave its waste on the surface, the excreta will flow into the biological cycle of the planet and this will have an effect on the flora and fauna. Now think about what you are constantly putting into the cycle of your planet and the impact that must have. If 30000 Lemurians live on a continent the size of Australia, then that has had its effects and the Lemurians have indeed changed the environment. But this change is not bad, even though the Lemurians spread very quickly and this also had to do with the initial idea of Chamuel, who founded the culture Atlantis on Earth. Everything Chamuel envisaged to bind the New Lemurians to a city-state was rejected by the Lemurians of the Alpha Centauri system, but city-states were founded as Chamuel had envisioned Atlantis.

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