A0587: The Genesis of the Human Species – Part 5

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When we explain what duality means to you humans, we must also determine what duality means to non-human species. The Wingmaker have created intelligent life forms in such a way that there must be an incentive for these species to evolve of their own accord. To this end, they have developed many mechanisms that they have deposited as automatisms in the blueprint of the non-human species. However, the automatisms did not guarantee the further development that the Wingmaker would have liked to see, so they repeatedly adapted the blueprint of the non-human beings. 

The first corporeal beings did not evolve at all, so these species did not last long. Species that cannot evolve will disappear after some time because they have no motivation to develop a social system, because only progressive social systems are able to guarantee the continuation of a race on a celestial body. If a race does not develop a sustainable social system, the beings on the celestial body will sooner or later die out. Species that develop a social system are better able to control the survival of individuals than small groups that have to fight hard to survive. Social systems always ensure that society is given top priority, so that an advanced social system provides for every individual. When we marvel at Earth’s social system, we can hardly comprehend how mankind have lasted so long with this outdated and inhumane social system. No species in your universe generates such inhumane social systems as the human species.

The little Greys, to whom you humans are related, have a social system that is vastly superior to your social system on Earth and that is only because the little Greys do not have to share your fate. Your destiny is the duality that drives you to compete with other beings time and time again. The Greys also know duality, but nowhere near to the extent that earthly humans experience it. When the little Greys want to compete with each other, they accomplish something that we will briefly describe.

Imagine two Grey individuals working together on something and imagine some kind of foreman overseeing this collaboration. When two human beings work together, the following happens: The two humans will engage in competition because the foreman is a kind of authority figure who is emulated. Whether the people compete consciously or unconsciously in this competition is of no relevance at first, because competition can be found anywhere at any time. If people now work together, how will this show in this competition, we ask? They will try to be better than the competitor, so they will try to score better with the superior than the competitor. The supervisor knows this because the supervisor used to be a competitor too and had to compete in many competitions until he was appointed supervisor. The superior has then acquired a new social status because some people now know about his new status. The supervisor instinctively knows that his two subordinates are competing and he is also aware that one of the competitors will excel. 

If the competitor has made an impression on the supervisor, that person’s status is highlighted by the supervisor doing something so that every other competitor knows that this competitor has already risen, so that the social status of the competitor has risen. Other competitors want to emulate the promoted employee and start competing with that promoted employee. How do they do this, we ask? By trying to stand out with the authority figure, so that this superior will also give this employee his attention, which will make this employee rise socially in the eyes of the other employees, so that there are now two employees who have risen in the hierarchy. These employees immediately enter the next competition, so that after some time the superior again lets one of the competitors rise socially. In this way, the competitors climb further and further in the superior’s favour and at some point one competitor has reached the social status of the superior, so that these two people engage in the next competition. 

What we have just described on the basis of a company story can be found everywhere, because even as a small child you always and everywhere act out this competition. There is hardly any situation in your human life where you are not in competition. No matter what you are doing, it is always in the pattern of competition, so duality is reflected in that competition. If man sees competition in everything, why can’t man just stop, we ask? Because duality is something you cannot discard, you have to live out this duality, otherwise you are no longer a human being. The human being has many characteristics that are unique, but duality is a characteristic that sets you apart from all other species. Duality is so ingrained in your blueprint that you are unable to shed this trait. You can weaken it, but never to the point where duality is no longer present in you. Take a guru. A guru is like a superior who hardly has a superior of his own if he understands what the spiritual world represents. If the guru is religious, he will struggle for the favour of the spiritual beings. If the guru is hardly religious, then the guru hardly has a superior, so the guru struggles to bring in a competitor with whom the guru can compete. Now what does this necessarily have to do with duality, you ask?

If the guru starts training competitors, then the guru will measure himself against the progress of the future competitors, so the reason for competition is there. If the guru did not receive disciples to train, then the guru would not be able to live out duality, which would lead to the guru becoming more and more dissatisfied, so that his inner drive would lead him to receive disciples to train so that he could compete with them later. If the guru is facing another guru, then social status will determine whether or not the gurus will find themselves in competition. If one guru has a high social status because he has gathered many disciples around him, then the other guru must also have this authority, otherwise no competition can be started. If a callous person thinks he has to compete with another person who has a high status, the person with the higher status decides whether the callous person may compete with him. Then the social status of the callous person immediately rises, even though no competition has yet taken place. If the person with the higher status refuses to compete, the status of the callous person is hardly raised because the socially higher perceived person has more authority in the public perception than the callous person. Instinctively, all persons know this, but only a few persons are aware of this connection. If the human blueprint provides for such behaviour, how do non-human species do it, we ask?

Now let us return to the beginning of our execution and marvel at the competition of the little Greys. If in Grey would now start to advertise his activities, then a competition would have come about and the other Grey would also put his activities in the foreground. Since the Grey hardly show the amount of duality that you humans do, they will not have to compete, so the Grey will not start at all. When two Grey work together, that collaboration is always a success because they have learned to dedicate themselves to a project together and when a superior comes by, the two Greys would report on their collaboration so they hardly ever mention what the individual involved in the project achieved but always what the collaboration ultimately amounted to. They are individuals, but when they work together they are truly a group and that is how they represent themselves to the outside world. 

If you want to live less duality then do not highlight your achievements so much. If you do, then either you have already achieved a high social status or you care more about the welfare of your competitors, which is a side effect of humanity. You automatically become more human through competition when you have either reached a high status so that you drop out of the competition, or you no longer compete against your competitors so that you give way to them because you know that the competitor will then be better off than before. Only when you have reached a certain level of consciousness can you refuse to compete and you have thereby become more human.

When a person starts to refuse to compete, he has already understood beforehand what this competition does to the competitors over time. Let’s assume the following scenario and we will say beforehand that none of this will not happen because the example seems only too human not to be repeated countless times every day. 

A man talks to a woman: the competition has already begun before the man has opened his mouth, but let us disregard this fact. Why does a man talk to a woman, would be the basic question first? A person always starts a conversation when the person needs assistance. This does not sound very obvious at first, but if you think about it carefully, you always talk when you need assistance, otherwise you would not need to talk at all. Every conversation is based on asking the interviewee for help. If the conversation is very direct, then the request for assistance is also clearly formulated. If it is not immediately obvious what the help is actually supposed to be, then the person asking for help hides his or her actual request, but the purpose of every conversation is to ask for help, because otherwise the person asking for help would not start a conversation. All people start a conversation precisely when the interviewee is supposed to give help.

If the man now asks the woman if he can get the telephone number from her, then the man is looking for some affection from the woman, so that the woman should indulge the man as a help. This conversation can be done in many ways, but the man has a need and hopes that by talking to the woman he will get some help to satisfy his need. If the man asks when the next dentist appointment is, the man is asking for help because he hopes that the woman still knows the appointment. If the man asks for directions, then the woman is supposed to rescue him from his precarious situation because he has lost his way. No matter what example you give, the questioner always wants to ask for help, otherwise the person would remain silent. When the man starts making small talk, he asks the woman to end the awkward situation of silence so that the man feels more comfortable in the company. 

A person only talks when there is a reason to do so. If a person asks a question, the question is always a request for help, otherwise the person would not ask either. Why do we tell all this, we ask? Because this behaviour has been defined in your blueprint. If you didn’t ask, you wouldn’t be a human being, so non-human beings communicate much less than the human species does. If you did not ask for help all the time, your personality would be very different because asking for help is a major part of your life culture. If you asked for help less and less, your personality would change more and more, so that one day you would hardly appear human. A person who hardly ever asks for help, in any form, is hardly noticed by you, so that persons who would never ask for help are not noticed at all. These persons live like phantoms among you because there are indeed people who hardly ask for help. Take real introverts and highly sensitive persons. These persons live like phantoms among you, so that this group of persons actually do not represent human beings in the real sense. If a person has hardly any human characteristics, then this being is something that does not correspond to the original blueprint and yet these people exist among you. 

Why are we so keen to address this issue, you may ask? Because introverts and highly sensitive people hardly live out duality as we have described before. True introverts and highly sensitive persons will hardly want to compete because this type of person has no need to engage in competition with competitors. This group of people will give any competition a wide berth because they never want to be in the public eye. This group of people senses the power struggle in competitions, no matter where they are held, and this group of people instinctively senses the struggle of competitors, so watching these competitions already has such a strong effect on this type of person that they never want to be directly involved in these power struggles. This type of person senses many things instinctively and now they have a better idea of why it is so.

Duality always has something to do with power, because authority that is gained in competitions will always carry with it power that the winner of the power struggle has now gained. The winner can now exert this power on the observers of the power struggle, because the observers automatically give this grant of power to the winner of the competition, so that the number of observers can be used to determine how much grant of power the winner of the competition receives. 

If a person thinks he or she has won the competition, then it depends on the observers of the competition whether this person deserves this grant of power. For example, if the person has found a loophole in the rules of the competition and after the person has been declared the loser, but shows this loophole, so that the person must be declared the winner, it may still be that this person does not receive a grant of power even though there are a large number of observers. You see, whether a person has power is always related to how many observers are present at that contest. It is the observers who give the winner the power, which the winner of the power struggle can then exercise over the observers of the power struggle. 

When a winner ceases to exercise power over the observers of the contest, the authority diminishes and the observers of the contest look for another contest to observe. Those who think that they attend a competition only to see the opponents fight are very much mistaken, because every observer is also docile to lend his authority to the winner, so that the winner can then exert much more influence on the observer of the competition than the loser. 

Your recognition gives the winner the power and authority that the number of observers gives the winner. If you keep this in mind in every conversation, you will not only recognise the requests for help, but you will gain a sense of how these contests are fought every moment of your life and you will also be able to determine which contest you want to attend, as you can now also regulate the granting of power. For only an observer of a competition can later be directed by the winner, which is why these competitions were once conceived by the Wingmaker, so that the winners of the competitions can direct the observers of these competitions. If this mechanism did not work for you, humans could not direct the masses and your social evolution would be very slow, as slow as most non-human species. You have now understood the true reason for duality, because duality is not difficult to understand, so you can now ask yourselves what you are going to do with this knowledge?

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