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A0758: The autist, the unknown being
Who among you knows a true autistic person, we ask? None or very few people have made the acquaintance of a true autistic person and there are several reasons for this. Autistic people avoid other people because autistic people simply cannot understand how other people manage their interpersonal affairs. Autistic people don’t understand why being together has to be so complicated and autistic people also don’t understand what drives people to do whatever it is they do. Isn’t that exceedingly strange, you may ask? No! It’s not strange at all because you, as non-autistic people, will never understand a true autistic person either, or do the descriptions just made somehow make sense to you? No, they don’t, because you will never understand why an autistic person acts the way they do and an autistic person will never understand you either. However, the non-autistic people have one advantage over the autistic people and that is their large numbers. If a non-autistic person were to grow up in the society of autistic people, that person would feel exactly like a true autistic person in your society. Autistic people feel uncomfortable most of the time because an autistic person is alone and that is their biggest problem. Now, two autistic people would not act amongst themselves in the same way as non-autistic people do, but they would be amongst themselves and therefore the discomfort would not be as pronounced. When two autistic people interact with each other, their interaction is hardly different from when two non-autistic people interact with each other, but in general the communication between them would be different. True autistic people hardly use phrases, so they discuss a topic in a very matter-of-fact way. The discussion will hardly be about everyday things, which are often used as polite conversations by non-autistic people, but autistic people only discuss things that are actually necessary – Why is that, we ask? Your society is based on courting favour, so people try to stand out from other people in order to be perceived better. Autistic people don’t have to do that, nor do they know exactly why you do it, and that is the problem with your society because it was founded on that very thing. Everyone is constantly trying to gain an advantage and hardly anyone questions this behaviour because it seems perfectly natural to you. True autistic people don’t have to do that because they don’t feel any motivation to do that at all. True autistic people are not people who say yes to everything, as you perceive many people in your society to be, but true autistic people cannot pretend because that is a habit that you non-autistic people have learned since childhood. A true autistic person does not understand why you act the way you do because a true autistic person is not capable of understanding why you do it. True autists are able to see that you are doing this, but they are not able to understand the motives behind it, just as you are not able to understand why true autists cannot understand why you are all doing this. A true autistic person is not always immediately recognisable, but when you play your games with each other, which you use to secure or enhance your social status, and another person does not reciprocate the game, that person is either an autistic person or a highly evolved non-autistic person, because only highly evolved people and autistic people generally do not feel the need to participate in these social power struggles. The more evolved person has seen through these games and also knows why most people participate in them unconsciously. A true autistic person also recognises these games, but a true autistic person does not understand why these people play along in the first place. Non-autistic persons will develop a sense of why this game is being played and they participate in it more unconsciously than consciously. The autistic person sees this game and he is not at all capable of memorising all the facets of this game so that he can participate in it without attracting attention. Only when true autistic people understand that they think differently, differently from non-autistic people, only then will they be able to use their potential in a meaningful way. True autistic people are still prevented from doing this because they use their potential to find out why non-autistic people play these interpersonal games, but when the true autistic person understands that this is a waste of potential because they will never understand it, then this wasted potential can be used to play to the true strengths of the true autistic person. The interpersonal games of non-autistic persons are stored in the blueprint of the human species as a character trait. The neural inflammation of the brain in autistic individuals ensures that these areas, which are incredibly important to this character trait, cannot be processed properly and as these brain activities become less and less, the brain will ensure that resources are reallocated. Your interpersonal interactions drain you of a lot of energy because you have to analyse even the smallest nuances of your counterpart in order to plan your next move as a game player. This approach takes a lot of energy and can lead to overload, usually ending in a nervous breakdown. True autistic people do not take part in this interpersonal game because they cannot use these areas due to the neuritis in the cerebral cortex and since the brain is always running at full capacity, the computing power can be used for many other tasks and this is where true autistic people can play to their advantage. Anything that has nothing to do with interpersonal interactions can be wonderfully analysed by an autistic person and they have a computing capacity available for this that most non-autistic people do not have. Autistic people are also people with preferences, so they usually find something they enjoy and are exceptionally good at. True autistic people will find it difficult to form close human relationships so that autistic people can have a fulfilling life together, but every relationship needs to be nurtured, so true autistic people will never have long-lasting and intimate love affairs. What can society of non-autistic people do to not exclude autistic people, we ask? Understanding! If non-autistic people try to understand why autistic people are so often in trouble, then there would be understanding towards this group of people, because non-autistic people know that autistic people cannot participate in the interpersonal game even if they tried. Leave them as they are and don’t start expecting them to accept something from you that your society has produced and which actually seems almost excessive at your present evolutionary stage. If you allow autistic people not to conform to your interpersonal rules of behaviour, which are hardly understood by an autistic person as you mean it, then you too would have seen through this society and you would be very aware of this interpersonal game so that you would be a highly evolved person who can interact very well with autistic people. Autistic people already have a peculiarity that highly evolved people have and that will have more and more influence in a few decades because your future generations will participate less and less in the interpersonal games because they will soon realise what this game is actually meant to achieve. It is to tempt you to take an ever higher rank in society and future generations will not need that, because on the one hand they will experience existence much more consciously and on the other hand ego consciousness will become less and less, so that although there will still be egoists, people will not go through life egoistically. Egoism is the mainspring of all evil, but egoism will also always help a race to develop very far very quickly. The more egoistic a race is, the faster is its social development. Autistic people can also be egoists, but this egoism is to be evaluated completely differently from the egoism of non-autistic people. When autistic people act selfishly, they always have a goal, which is to help other people. Since true autistic people have hardly any ego consciousness, they will also not put their own well-being in the foreground in the same way as non-autistic people, so that the focus of an autistic egoist is always the well-being of other people – Isn’t that extraordinary?