A0520: What are the messengers in a body responsible for?

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If we are going to discuss the messengers in your body, then we will also reveal properties that current medicine does not yet know and that can help you to better understand the body and its mechanisms and also to be able to treat it better, because messengers are the transmitters of information, so you only have to read the messengers in a body to understand what is going on in the body at the moment. If you know the protocol for this information, you can constantly read along to get an overview in real time. Then, when certain messengers are sent, you can react much earlier to something that is yet to be triggered, because the transmission of information always takes some time before the body as a whole system even reacts to it. 

If a messenger substance contains information, then there must also be someone who has set this information on its way, so that there is always a sender and a receiver in this system. The sender is always a single body cell and the receiver is the limbic system, which ultimately redistributes the information to create a dedicated analysis from all the messengers, which will then again ensure that other types of messengers are sent out with other types of information. These two types of messenger substances are also already known to you, but you do not really know the interaction of these messenger substances, so today we will present you with some clues that will help you to look at the messenger substances more closely so that you can better understand the overall function of the messenger substances, because this is still a mystery to you. We will start by describing the two types of neurotransmitters so that even the writer will understand what these types of neurotransmitters are responsible for in the first place. When the types of neurotransmitters have been described in detail, we will explain how they interact and what the limbic system has to do with them. 

The messenger substance that sounds the alarm
Every cell is always exposed to external impulses and the cell will then look in its DNA for how it should react to these impulses, because an impulse also always triggers something in the cell, which we will discuss later. If it is described in the DNA exactly what a certain body cell should do when certain impulses act on this body cell, then this body cell also knows where in the DNA it should look for it because it knows what kind of body cell it corresponds to. If we look at different body cells, we will hardly be able to detect a difference because the blueprint of the cell is the same in every cell. But if the cells are identical, how does a skin cell know it is a skin cell and how does a liver cell know it is a cell in a liver, we ask? Because every body cell knows where it is in a body form. The skin cell knows it is a skin cell because it can determine where it is placed in the overall energy field of the life form by its energy field, so that all body cells grow in the same DNA structure, where the base pairs are that are relevant to the body cell, that correspond to its place in the overall energy field. In this way, each body cell can determine where it arises and which gene sequences in the DNA are important for it. 

Now, when impulses arrive at this body cell, it looks in the relevant area of the DNA sequences to see what it should do. Because it was coded there what the body cell should do when certain impulses affect the cell. If the impulse is something that is to trigger a reaction in a body, then the body cell must also have the possibility of expressing this information and this is where the life of the messenger substances starts, because these messenger substances are constantly circulating in your body system and many other systems do nothing but constantly read these messenger substances to see whether the information contained is to trigger something else. When a messenger is read, that molecule does not just disappear, it can continue to travel until eventually the energy in the molecule has been used up and the molecule is automatically transformed. You are certainly asking yourselves how long such a molecule lasts that transports information as a messenger substance, and we will say the following about it: A messenger substance will travel through the limbic system at least once in its existence. We will discuss the limbic system later, but let us tell you, it takes several moments for a messenger to come into existence and several minutes to hours for it to travel through the entire limbic system. When this type of messenger has been sent by a cell, has the body cell also produced the messenger, we ask? No, a known system ensures that this type of messenger is constantly renewed and this mechanism also supplies these messengers with the energy that the messenger needs to travel the limbic system. We will also come back to this. 

If the body cell wants to distribute information, then the next free messenger is chosen for this and the body cell transfers a reduced DNA sequence from itself to the messenger so that the sender is clearly identifiable. When the body cell transmits the DNA sequence to the messenger, information is also transmitted as to why the body cell has something to report. The DNA sequence was changed by the cell to this effect, so that actually only this difference in the DNA sequence is fundamentally important for the further understanding of the messenger substances. The entire DNA sequence in the messenger substance is a partial area of the DNA that identifies the body cell in the body, because this DNA sequence is responsible for the area in the body shape. The difference between the DNA sequence in the messenger and the same DNA sequence in the body cell is the information that triggered the sending of a messenger. If you now know what the identification of a body cell is, then you only have to examine the messenger substances to find out what the actual information in the DNA sequence is. If, through much trial and error on body cells, you can match this information to an impulse that acts on the identified body cell, then you have almost understood the protocol for your messengers. 

The messengers come about because a body system needs this flow of information and the information needs to be transported in a normal way, this is for several important reasons which we will now list. 

  1. The body can only process a certain amount of information at the same time, so that a warning signal that is spread by many body cells can hardly, if at all, be evaluated in its diversity. Because many body cells send their information on its way analogously, they will also arrive one after the other where they are evaluated, so that no information can be lost. The body system will process all messages at different stations, so that the limbic system will receive all information one after the other, no matter how important it seems to be. But if one piece of information goes undetected because the messenger is not detected, then the body cell has also sent many other messengers with the same information so that its call for help is actually heard. All the messenger substances sent have a mission and this mission alone consists of transporting a given piece of information into the limbic system and visiting all the docking sites so that the information can be processed somewhere. If the body system did not act in this way, no body cell would ever be heard and this is also a big problem with your medicine because it ensures that the messenger substances can no longer visit the docking sites in the limbic system. If you would stop manipulating the body system, then you could concentrate on the messengers. When you fully understand the messengers, then you will be able to address the cause, because at the moment you can’t do that at all. You are trying to bypass the alarm system by depriving the limbic system of their messengers, but that is never the cause of a complaint, that should be obvious to any person. 
  2. When the body receives the warning signals, new messenger substances are sent, which belong to the second category of messenger substances. These messenger substances will also travel through the limbic system, but they will not continue to be evaluated at the docking sites of the limbic system, but other sites in the body system will ensure that something is done in the body, which had as its cause the information of a body cell in a messenger substance. When the new messenger substances travel through the human body, then docking sites are visited that are only used by this second type of messenger substance, so that they start mechanisms and regulate something in the body, because they carry the coding of the first messenger substance, which has been adapted once again in the limbic system. The body cell has deposited the DNA sequence that identifies the body cell in a body form and at the same time it has changed suitable base pairs in such a way that the information is deposited as a warning signal. The limbic system has docking stations that look for messengers and when a messenger connects to a docking station that finds something in its altered base pairs for the warning signal that the docking station is supposed to react to, then the limbic system, ordered by its task, will send a new messenger on its way that carries the original information of the first messenger and furthermore base pairs have been altered to such an extent that other body systems can react to it. When a body system evaluates the new messenger, then a mechanism can decide what to do next, because the information chain is extended more and more, so that new information is added to the DNA sequence by changing the original gene sequence more and more. Every body system will always wait for certain gene sequences to trigger something new, so that in the last messenger sent that would still trigger an action to a warning signal, all the existing changes in the base pairs are contained as information. If you understood the coding and the interaction in a body system, you would know which body cell sent which warning signal and how the whole organism reacted to it. All the changed base pairs reflect this process and you could see, as in a checklist, what the organism did to process the warning signal. 

Now we come to a point that your scientists simply do not want to understand and when we have finished speaking about it, scientists may think they can understand the body system better. However, there is still a lot of research ahead of you to realise all the implications of the new knowledge. For at first glance our explanations appear to be tremendously simple, but there is still so much knowledge that you need to gain before you can actually recognise and treat any disease, because this is absolutely simple once you have gained an understanding of the body system. 

The body is like a biotope where a change always promotes an imbalance in that biotope. If the biotope responds to the imbalance with mechanisms that over time can restore the original balance, then the biotope has developed a program to do so. If a change is due to a property in the biotope being changed, then the biotope will first change other properties to restore the balance. These changes must be known in advance so that the biotope also knows how to react to them. If an external change in the biotope causes other properties in the biotope to be changed as well, then this process is already known beforehand and all properties must adapt quasi simultaneously so that the biotope finds its way back to equilibrium. If the initial change is known, then the program for establishing equilibrium is started and the process is always the same, so that all stages appear predictable. If there is a change in a biotope that is resting in equilibrium, it is manageable, but if the biotope is repeatedly thrown out of equilibrium by many external changes, then everyone eventually loses track. 

If an immune system is considered to be the equilibrium just discussed, then an immune system always responds to external changes in a way that allows the body system to play out its predetermined programs. When many external changes arrive, then the immune system becomes very much out of balance, so a great many programs run to restore balance. If a program starts with a messenger being sent from a cell in the body, then the program will inevitably set off a chain reaction of mechanisms designed to restore balance. If one day you can decode the messenger substances correctly, because you not only know from the DNA sequence which part of the body has sent the messenger substance, but you can also trace back what has already been done by means of the changes in the base pairs, then you will also understand the mechanisms in the body system that represents the actual program. 

When a body appears ill, all you have to do is examine a snapshot of the messengers with altered base pairs and you know not only where the body is having problems because the cause is encoded in the DNA sequence, but you also know what will be done next by the body system to restore balance. If any change, no matter how small, throws the immune system out of balance, then you can use the programs that are going on to help because you already know how the program is going to proceed. The body system is subject to a certain inertia, which is linked to many factors, but which ensures that the course of a disease takes some time. If you know the program, you can accelerate it in a positive way, so that by knowing the course of the program you can mitigate many courses of illness that are now still protracted and painful. To do this, however, you must not only understand how a body cell determines where it is placed in a body form, but you must decode the gene sequences in the base pairs so that you understand what reaction is carried out in response. You have everything to gain from doing this research, but your pharmaceutical companies do not see much profit in it, because then they hardly have to produce expensive medicines that can be sold completely overpriced. If you have someone among you who likes to do research in this field, we can provide much more information about it. Let us now return to the second type of messenger substances. 

The messengers that cause a reaction
If the first messenger docks with a docking station and this mechanism recognises information in the DNA sequence for which this mechanism is responsible, then this mechanism will trigger something that leads to a free messenger of the second kind being loaded with the DNA sequence of the first messenger. But the docking station will change free base pairs in this DNA sequence to add another piece of information. This docking station has only one task, it scans the messengers of the first kind for a certain information in their base pair and if it detects a certain combination in this base pair, then it will trigger a reaction by sending a messenger of the second kind, which is scanned by other docking stations on its way through the limbic system. These docking sites do not distinguish whether it is a messenger of the first or second kind, but the messengers are fundamentally different in a way that we will reveal in a later blog entry because we are now going to lay the groundwork for this with you first. The docking sites will basically evaluate the information and not the origin of the information, so that in the later course of further scanning of the messenger substances, reactions for certain parts of the body will also be triggered. The input information of the body cell plays a role here because the body cell knows where it is located in the body form. The DNA sequence contains this location information and you have not understood the mechanism behind this until now, but we will also go into this process in more depth in a later blog entry so that you will understand better and better how the body cell perceives itself in the energy field of the body form. 

The docking stations can be interpreted like a treadmill, where first the messenger substances of the first kind are continuously passed on the treadmill from one docking station to the next docking station. Each docking station checks the information contained in the first messenger and if a reaction is possible, the docking station adds a messenger of the second type, so that there are now also messengers of the second type next to the messengers of the first type, which are passed on to the next docking station. The messenger substances of the first type lose energy with each docking attempt, so that they travel through the limbic system and no longer have any energy. These messenger substances are converted again so that the messenger substances of the second type travel through the limbic system and are supplied to the body system. 

The messenger substances of the second kind have been expanded more and more with information in the limbic system so that they now travel through the body system. As the messenger substances travel through the body system, they are evaluated by molecular chains that are present everywhere in the body. Similar to the docking stations in the limbic system, these molecules evaluate the information in the second type messengers. If they recognise an associated coding that matches their molecular information, they will trigger a body reaction that will influence the body organism. Every physician now knows what happens, but you have never understood the connections, so you experimentally manipulate the DNA of the messenger substances without really knowing how the program behind it works. If you integrate our knowledge into your thinking, then you will understand the body organism much better and you will recognise patterns that can be put together into programs. When you are ready, you can easily make any disease mild enough to have little negative effect on the balance of your immune system, but until then you must gain the knowledge and do much research. If you do, it will be worthy of a Nobel Prize, the likes of which have never been seen before, because you will raise medicine to a whole new level, the likes of which you have not seen for a long time. You won’t get rich doing it because you won’t make any pharmaceutical companies happy, but is that really relevant, we ask? 

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