B009: Who are the Anunnaki? – Part 9
When an Anunnaki wishes to marry, they register their marriage. If the organisation finds that the two parents can enter into genetic compatibility, then their wish to marry is accepted and they can register on another list where they decide on their procreation pact. If everything has been archived, it may be that one day this organisation will grant their wish for an offspring and the Anunnaki couple will be allowed to produce a child. If the Anunnaki couple decides to accept the offer, a very special procedure is undertaken to produce the offspring. Once the couple has had a child, that child is just as helpless as earthly children are, but Anunnaki children are a speciality not found in any human species. The Anunnaki children are born as twins and one of the twins is used to strengthen the other twin child. What do we mean by this, we ask? Twins are a rarity on Earth, but among the Anunnaki the children are bred and that is why two eggs are taken from the mother and genetically modified so that two identical children mature. Both children develop a normal consciousness, but one of the children is used before birth to act as a donor for the second child. We also think this procedure is bestial because an Anunnaki is not inhabited by one incarnation and thus actually develops a consciousness that can never unfold after birth. The child that is used as a resource for the other child dies shortly after birth because it already serves in the womb as a donor for the second child. What is the purpose of the Anunnaki in doing this, we ask? The Anunnaki have not reproduced like a human species for a long time, which is why they are no longer considered a human species. But the Anunnaki have gone further and they have changed their genome so much that there is not much left of the human blueprint. This blueprint also has the reproductive process as its content, but the Anunnaki do without it, which also made their men impotent over time. By removing the reproductive process, they have been able to add some enhancements that allow them to live so long, for one thing, and for another, they can no longer get sick. This is because important groups from the blueprint have been reconfigured to take on the characteristics that make an Anunnaki. The changes are so striking that important processes are no longer formed during growth in infancy. Earthly scientists are familiar with these peculiarities that make a small human being grow for the first few months. The scribbler once again does not know about such things, so we have to paraphrase some things. The infant of the Anunnaki must reach a certain size and weight in order to continue to develop normally. On its own, this child would not be able to do so, so a twin child provides the necessary resources. The twin child will never develop normally physically and we also think it will not even develop into a proper foetus because the important resources are transferred from one child to the other quite early. The pregnancy is shorter than that of earthly women, so that after six months a real child and something similar is born. The child that lived the whole pregnancy as a resource for the other child is cremated shortly after birth so that there is only one child left. The Anunnaki women also cannot conceive a child in the normal way if they use a non-Anunnaki man for procreation, because the Anunnaki no longer use a reproductive strain, so procreation can only be artificially produced. The Anunnaki have an additional peculiarity. Anunnaki are not inhabited by an incarnation and we need to explain briefly what this means for the Anunnaki. When a human being is born, that human being is inhabited by an incarnation. The incarnation is a spiritual being and is made up of spiritual energy. When the incarnation incarnates into a physical body, it will not only transfer parts of its life spark into the body, but also its consciousness, therefore the body is alive. A human body without a life spark would die, because the human flesh is only supplied with the energy that is essential for survival through the life spark. If there is no energy, the body will die. This is the case with almost all corporeal bodies and we also say that all human beings are inhabited by incarnations. There are non-human species that have mass or group consciousness, there it is similar, but some characteristics are shared only by the human species. When the Anunnaki modified their children to have these unnatural characteristics, they also eliminated all possibility of interbreeding with human species, so the Anunnaki have only this one possibility of producing offspring. There is hardly anything human about it, except that the Anunnaki have a human appearance. If the child is produced, by which we mean artificially inseminated, no incarnation will animate the flesh with its spark of life. Therefore, the Anunnaki had to find a way that would make this life spark of an incarnation unnecessary. Nevertheless, the flesh of the child had to be filled with a life energy similar to the life spark of an incarnation, but nowhere near the function that an incarnation would perform. What do we mean by this, we ask? The incarnation provides its spark of life to animate the bodily flesh, at the same time it provides its consciousness to provide the necessary consciousness for the living being. When the living being dies, the spark of life and the altered consciousness return to the spiritual body of the incarnation. After that, the incarnation could live another bodily life, but most incarnations do without. The bodily life, however, has changed the incarnation to such an extent that the consciousness has grown enormously and the consciousness of the bodily life henceforth continues to exist in the spiritual world as the incarnation. But if no incarnation inhabits the living being and therefore no spark of life animates the flesh, it must be artificial in nature. This is how the Anunnaki have done it, whereby they have had to make many compromises in order to provide the spark of life themselves. For the Anunnaki do not possess these sparks of life, but share a source of energy that is these sparks of life. What this energy source is and what strange procedures have to be organised, we will reveal in another part.