A0705: Why is Japan special? – Part 6

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Each embodied spirit was granted a dwelling and at least one person lived in each dwelling. Some families had also agreed to take in an embodied spirit, but mostly it was young men who shared their shelter with an embodied spirit. When young men were of marriageable age, they would begin to build a dwelling for themselves in the village out of a mixture of mud. Where this dwelling could be built was regulated, as was the size and shape, so that there was a balanced village ratio of dwellings. If a young man did not find a wife to start a family, many bachelors joined together and lived in larger dwellings. If the number of women and men willing to marry was unbalanced, a marriage market ensured that young people left their village to start a family in another village. The mud huts were very simple in design, so there were neither doors nor windows as you know them today. The dwellings were roundish in shape and had an entrance hole that was usually covered by a fur. There was a flue, but all cooking was done in groups, which made up the village community. People were not dressed in fur at that time, but they made something out of the fur that was like another skin on their body. They had sandals that they moulded out of it and their chest and hips were covered by this skin. Today you would classify them as Stone Age from the look of the clothes, but they were much more advanced than you give the Stone Age credit for. They were very clever and they already had knowledge that the western world rediscovered only a few thousand years ago. Before the Wanderers moved into the village, the village community was already very advanced in its development, but the quantum leap in society came with the Wanderers into the village and then spread like wildfire throughout what is now Japan. Many thousands of years later, the cultural achievements also reached later China and the surrounding countries, but the East Asian culture was created in Japan, in a village where extraterrestrial explorers trained the villagers as embodied spirits for a long time. This village is still represented in every Japanese history book, even if the true background can only be guessed at today. Edo was a village consisting of mud huts. Edo is not the true name, but Edo has emerged from lore. Edo was a village that provided shelter for embodied spirits, so stories of it are still very much in the folklore of the Japanese today. Edo was renamed, but Edo still stands where Japanese culture began 70,000 years ago. When the extraterrestrial explorers sought shelter on the island chain more than 70,000 years ago because their spaceship had to ditch off the coast of Japan, and at that time there were hardly any advanced civilisations on Earth apart from Atlantis. People lived very simply and forms of government as you know them today only existed in Atlantis. Atlantis is not representative, however, because Atlantis with all its city states represented a closed system and it was only in Japan that ordinary people were taught a social structure that later found its way into other countries and founded the modern social system. Many forms of this system have emerged everywhere and hardly any of today’s societies have not adopted some of it. But before this could happen, the extraterrestrial explorers had to teach many concepts that were unknown until then. The protection of the village community had top priority, so the arts of self-defence were taught to the men who shared larger dwellings together as bachelors. First they were taught how to win in a direct duel. Then batons were used to defend themselves. The bow and arrow were already known, but the Wanderers improved the equipment so that game could be killed or the enemy fought over long distances. The hunters could not believe what they saw at first when the Wanderers presented the new hunting equipment, so they trained diligently to hit the target accurately so that the enemy could be kept at a distance. All the training ensured that these men were very persistent and strong, so that there were now real exhibition fights in which the bachelors demonstrated their new techniques. As the Wanderers also ensured that the population’s diet was much more balanced, the inhabitants of the village were also extremely healthy, so that the population grew rapidly. The new agriculture brought much more yield than the village itself needed. The exchange of goods with other villages increased and the village became an important trading centre, also because of the embodied spirits that repeatedly appeared to visitors. The village community grew so quickly that after a few years the village resembled a small town, which did not exist a second time in Japan at that time. As the village grew, more and more bachelors had to take care of the villagers, because the progress and wealth of Edo was spreading fast, so that many marauding gangs of murderers came to see what there was to get in the village. The first encounter of such a group with the defence guards shocked the gang because there was no remedy against the defence of Edo. Therefore, more and more gangs joined together to fight against the superiority of Edo. When the embodied spirits still lived in the village, not many criminals dared to enter the village because they were very quickly exposed by the Wanderers, but when the extraterrestrial explorers returned home, the peace around Edo was gone and many murder gangs wanted to get some of the wealth. But this all falls in a time that was after the Wanderers, so our accounts are meant to reflect the time when the Wanderers still lived in Edo. The bachelors had the job of protecting the village and the families made sure that the community was provided with everything that was necessary for daily life. There were the embodied spirits who trained each villager in something and these were very many skills that Japan is still famous for today. Clothing was transformed because the Wanderers showed the villagers how to use yarn spun from caterpillars to make silk sheets. Even though many knowledgeable people are now crying out because they think that this could never have been known on earth 70,000 years ago, we ask you the following: Do you think that Lemurians or Atlantians walked around in fur? No, of course not, because this kind of weaving was known on Earth millions of years ago, but only among groups that hardly shared any of it with the rest of modern humans, because they excluded all others and favoured only their own group. The Japanese were different because they shared all this, even though we have to say that it took a long time for the procedures to be spread all over Japan. That’s not all, because 70,000 years ago in Japan, the first swords were also forged so that the bachelors also had weapons with which they could fight absolutely effectively at close range. It was not the longsword katana that is the talk of the town today, but the process for forging such a sword was passed down from the Wanderers as a body of knowledge. It was only much later that the extraordinary forging of these well-known swords was perfected, but it was all based on the knowledge of the Wanderers. The language also changed because general communication was subject to rules that precise instruction could not pass on, so in Edo the Japanese of today was given a new beginning. Precise instructions can only be given if there is no linguistic barrier, and this is only possible if the vocabulary also reflects the unambiguity. That is why the Japanese language was expanded and Japan was given a script to document all this. Since there was no writing before, the extraterrestrial explorers were able to bring a lot from their own culture into the now emerging Japanese culture, which can be seen especially in the writing. The language became more distinct and the ancient Japanese script came into being. The Japanese characters resemble a painting because that is exactly how they were conceived. A Japanese person can not only read the old script, but these characters appear before his inner eye, the meaning of which can only be revealed to a Japanese person. In Mexico there was a similar attempt to establish the picture language and we would think that although the painted script of the Japanese and the picture symbols of the Aztecs and Maya are different, both types of writing will trigger similar things in an understanding reader because people who grow up with it instinctively know what these characters or picture symbols are supposed to mean, even if new characters or picture symbols are read that they did not know before. The Wanderers kicked this off in Japan and they taught much more, which we will address in the next blog entry.

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