A0787: Is the chronicle of the Slavic Vedes true? – Part 1

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26,000 years ago, some human races were settled in Central Europe that were able to defy the climatic conditions and a human tribe was fostered in Central Europe that is described today in the chronicle of the Slavic Vedes. The Chronicle of the Slavic Vedes is not a chronicle in the true sense of the word, because the traditions are full of gaps and errors and thus the stories about this particular tribe do not do them justice. These people have no extraterrestrial roots, but they are closely connected with extraterrestrial beings, so that we would already speak of this human tribe having been unique in Central Europe. The Slavic Vedes founded a society that was ahead of its time and the Slavic Vedes do not correspond to a human race that no longer exists in this way, but the Vedes correspond to a way of life that can be found wherever human beings live with nature, so that the Vedic way of life benefits an overpopulated area. What do we mean by this, we ask? We have explained to you that overpopulated areas will eventually be afflicted with diseases that are rarely found in non-overpopulated areas because overpopulated areas will one day generate frequencies that will start defence mechanisms in the biological bodies so that the biological bodies can send an unmistakable signal to their bearers that this area of life is harmful and should be left immediately. When groups of Vedes come into this overpopulated area, they manage, through their way of life, to create a biotope to work against these harmful frequencies, so that over time the overpopulated area undergoes a transformation that is like a small miracle. What is so wonderful about the Vedic way of life, we ask? A person who is committed to the Vedic way of life lives in harmony with nature, and this way of life is possible even in a confined space, so that an area that is actually considered overpopulated does not generate harmful frequencies when lived there according to Vedic law. We will explain in detail what this means. The Vedes, as this ethnic group called itself, will regulate many things in such a way that the resources in the area are divided fairly among the Vedes. If a Vede needs more because he has an addition to his family, all the Vedes in that area will divide up their resources so that all the Vedes again receive the resources fairly that the other Vedes also have. A Vede was no different in his actions than people of other human tribes, but they had no reason to accumulate anything because possessions did not seem so important to them. If a Vede created something that did not exist before and that enchanted other Vedes, then it was produced for all Vedes, so that the Vedes who also wanted jewellery, for example, could get it. The Vedes knew barter, but only outside their own tribe, so that within a Vedic tribe everything was divided fairly. The Vedes actually always had as much of everything as they needed to survive, but the Vedes also gave away when a neighbouring village was in need, so charity was something the Vedes practised. How, in a time of barbarism, could a society arise that lived the Vedic way of life without being overrun by the domineering tribes, we ask? The Vedes did not evolve from an existing society, but the Vedic culture of life was brought to you on Earth by an alien race of humans called the Apycrians. The name is not familiar to you and we would also say that the writer has his difficulties in receiving unusual names from us correctly, but this name is pronounced approximately and this extraterrestrial human race will then appear familiar to you when you are ready to learn your earthly human history from a reliable source –then you will learn a lot about this extraterrestrial human race, including what we will report in this series on the Vedes. We will tell of the motivation of the Apycrians and we will tell exactly how they came to teach you the Vedic culture of life. The pacification of Earthly humans is a very old concern of most of the extraterrestrial species that populate your quadrant, and the Apycrians were no different, so that was their motivation as well. As we begin our narratives, we will tell in brief how the Apycrians came to pacify a section of your populated Earth more than 26,000 years ago, because it gives us great pleasure, and not only us. Even then, the extraterrestrial species recognised the potential in earthly humans, so it is their concern that earthly humans are a peaceful race that does not become a threat to themselves or other species. Every extraterrestrial species has the right to visit Earth and establish outposts. Any extraterrestrial species may also make contact with the native species of a planet and any extraterrestrial species may promote the native race of a planet as long as the native race is not prevented from choosing its own path. If the promoted sector of a society would one day determine to no longer be promoted, the extraterrestrial species must immediately retreat and not impose itself on the previously promoted sector of a society. To put it briefly: Higher evolved extraterrestrial species are allowed to offer assistance to groups from a native species without demanding anything in return, so that the native species can break away from its sponsors at any time without fear of reprisals. When the native species ascends to an interstellar-travelling species, the rule no longer applies, so that unconditional aid is then negotiated through treaties that are binding. You will become an interstellar-travelling species within a few years, because you, as an indigenous species that makes official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species, will become an interstellar-travelling species after making official first contact, because you will have the technology to do so. We have already covered all of this in detail, so you now know that many people groups in your past have been massively helped by extraterrestrial species because the extraterrestrial visitors offered their help, most of which was gratefully accepted. It was the same with a human tribe that later established the Vedic culture of life on Earth, which lasted for a long time and is only lived in isolated cases today. Why did the Apycrians decide to bring the Vedic way of life to Earth, we ask? The Apycrian star system is different from yours, but the Apycrian home planet is very similar to yours, so the Apycrians had to go through a lot before they established a form of society that is similar to the Vedic way of life, but because the Apycrians were technologically far ahead of you, a lot has changed on their planet. However, they are still aware of their own development, so they thought about how they could use their own social experiences to be of help to the earthly people. After much debate, those responsible for this endeavour agreed that they would foster a tribe of humans on Earth by offering them protection if the Apycrians were allowed to train this tribe of humans. The sole purpose of the training was to establish a Vedic way of life at the centre of all sectors of the population, which would serve as a model to educate the earthly people into a peaceful race in the long run. The surrounding areas of the population should take the Vedic way of life as an example and integrate it into their way of life, so that the Vedic way of life should spread further and further sooner or later. We say already that success occurred, but only on a limited scale, because the dissemination of information and news at that time was so slow and prone to error that the time the extraterrestrial species spent promoting the Vedic tribe was not sufficient to guarantee a wide spread of the new way of life. The Apycrians’ undertaking was not limited in time, but one day they had to admit to themselves that the earthly humans were exceedingly stubborn, obstinate and obsessed with power, so that the undertaking – to pacify earthly humanity – then had to be abandoned in the end. However, all this did not happen overnight, but the period of time in which the Vedes were directly promoted by the Apycrians can be stated as two centuries. During this time, many things happened, which we would like to bring closer to you in the next thirteen parts to this series, so that you can once again experience a part of your earthly human history, which has only been handed down in gaps and errors.

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