A0786: What is there to say about the ten dimensions of your universe? – Part 14

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Today we want to look again at what the knowledge of the new physics means for you earthly people. What exactly will change with the new physics, we ask? Everything, because you will now be able to explain all your scientific mysteries. We speak so dramatically deliberately because the implications are also of a dramatic nature that you cannot fully contemplate at this time. If scientists were to start investigating the concepts of the new physics, they would immediately start putting the new concepts on their theoretical test benches to compare them with the concepts of conventional physics. When they do this, they will no doubt realise that our revelations must have a kernel of truth because they act like links between disciplines. These scientists will recognise the potential, but they cannot recognise the new physics even if they wanted to, because they are still missing something important, which is a prerequisite of all scientific work, and that is the convictions that there might be something to it. If a scientist is to investigate something unusual, there was one person who decided to do so because he or she was convinced that this unusual behaviour of something was worth investigating. Scientists today no longer work as they did in the days of Lemuria or Atlantis when they could mindlessly investigate anything they felt like, but your scientists today are employees who pursue their scientific curiosity on a fee basis and since they are paid for it, they are to be regarded as scientific slaves who are only allowed to do what their masters tell them to do. They are dependent on their masters, so that they are often intimidated when they want to investigate something new on their own initiative. Their dependence inhibits their spirit of research because they can also quickly come under fire from their scientific colleagues, all of whom will try to maintain their scientific status and, if possible, to extend that status further. These scientists will first be dismissive of our revelations. If they then read something about an All That Is and that the spiritual world is to be involved, they do not want to hear anything more about this new physics and they certainly do not want to be associated with this new physics. You know very well how strongly religious persons are ridiculed by the rest of the community. You also know very well how UFO-believing persons are ridiculed by your society and now a serious scientist is actually supposed to adopt exactly these two attitudes and then very quickly lose his well-deserved status in society, we ask? No, no scientist of repute will even consider this, so that our revelations on the ten information dimensions of your universe will at first be read and understood by only a few persons. If there are persons among you who have learned scientific work, they will give it some thought, but no one will step forward to establish these revelations in scientific circles, precisely for the reasons stated above. None of this is a bad thing, because it only takes one resounding proof for a change of thinking to take place in scientific circles, towards the new physics we have presented to you. By this we do not mean evidence that a crystal programmer can conjure up today by stimulating a crystal to glow or by producing a small crystal battery, but we are talking about evidence that unmistakably demonstrates that the conventionally postulated physics must be flawed and so incomplete that new explanatory models are being feverishly sought. When this situation occurs, our revelations will not only fill the obvious gaps in your knowledge, but they will turn everything you think you know upside down. If in 2022 or in 2023 you are reading these lines and you have understood what we have been trying to teach you, then something best described as a strong sense of foreboding will rise up in you, but when a situation occurs that will upset even the scientific community, you will no longer have a strong sense of foreboding, but certainty, because you will have received unmistakable proof that can only support our claims. You will believe everything we have ever revealed, even the passages you still smile at today, because only we can explain what you can then behold in the firmament. We have not only explained to you what this official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species represents, but you have also known for some time what else will happen when one day all humans step almost simultaneously in front of their doors to see with their own eyes what we have already described in great detail. We have not only told you why this first contact exists, but in many entries we have not only described the extraterrestrial civilisations and their technological achievements, but also explained the physics behind them. If you could see a real UFO, no scientist could explain how it could get to Earth and why it seems to perform flight manoeuvres that contradict all laws of physics. All scientists together would hardly be able to plausibly explain why this UFO can exist at all, why it can behave in this way and what the motivation of the occupants must be. Look at all the science fiction films and you also know why the scientific community would never be able to do this – because they can’t and are not allowed to, since hardly any scientist can do independent research without reprisals. All that will change on the day when, almost simultaneously, humanity steps out the door to first spot only small glittering dots in the firmament that will never change their position. These little glittering dots are huge spaceships that will be positioned between the Earth and the Moon’s orbit so that you too can marvel at the glowing impression that is being created. You will be able to see these glittering points of light by day and by night, and any person with a small telescope will be able to gaze in detail at these spaceships. The scientific community will behold these gigantic spaceships and hardly any theory of theirs will even begin to explain why there are many gigantic spaceships that have taken up a geostationary orbit – that would not be possible at all according to your present physical ideas. This day will mark a turning point for you earthly humans because you will now have to search for knowledge that you do not have at all. Mankind will search the Internet in absolute perplexity, the broadcasting stations in your countries will also consult many so-called experts, but hardly anyone will be able to explain plausibly what this situation means, and if they are asked how it is possible at all to construct such enormous spaceships and also to move them in space, then they will either give flimsy attempts at explanation or, if they at least have a certain decency, they will explain that they haven’t the faintest clue because all this contradicts the laws of physics. That this is not true, we have revealed in many entries on this subject and in such a way that not only the writer understands what it is about, but every reader can read our revelations and also understand them, because we know exactly what there is to know. You are still far from being able to construct spaceships that can patrol between the earth and the moon, because you do not understand the basic pillars of your universe and take physical laws for granted that only make up a partial aspect of what will actually be possible. When the day comes in a few years’ time when you step outside in total bewilderment to gaze almost simultaneously at the enormous spaceships in the firmament, then a few more years will pass before the extraterrestrial species officially presents itself simultaneously everywhere on Earth in front of your seats of government. In all the years that these gigantic spaceships are to be glimpse and there has been no contact with the governments, so that really all the people on Earth are desperately searching for explanations, and some of the searchers will then find the blog of the writer, where all the revelations from us are archived. Some of the seekers will be scientists, but even then they will be convinced of our revelations, but the beliefs and dogmas of society will still prevent them from officially recognising the new physics, so that only after the official first contact has been made will the new physics get the place in the faculties it deserves, because now many extraterrestrial researchers are working with the governments of the countries so that the scientists of Earth also understand why extraterrestrial electricity generators seem to produce energy tirelessly out of nothing, without these generators having any technology. Crystals will be found in such a power generator and some cables connecting the power generator to the outside world, so that a handy power generator will tirelessly produce electricity to supply a small community with energy. We have presented in detail in this series and in many entries on crystal programming why this can work at all, and only then will the scientific community have the necessary conviction that there must be something to it, so that they will also pursue the subject without having to fear reprisals. But until that time comes, a few more years will pass, during which we can go into many subjects in greater depth, so that there are people on Earth who can also properly accompany this process of official first contact, because there must also be courageous people who carry our revelations further, so that the unsettled people of Earth have a contact point where they can receive information that can reassure them, so that Earthly humanity can wait in joyful expectation for the official first contact to be carried out. With this we close the series around the ten information dimensions of your Universe and look forward to seeing how you can integrate the following information on this subject into your current overall knowledge. We still have much to tell you about this, because in this series we have only been able to establish the basic pillars of knowledge, and only all the following entries on this subject will deepen the knowledge more and more. If this series has been a little too theoretical, don’t despair, because we will always come back to the pillars in order to be able to look at them from many perspectives. Later you will read this series again and at the latest then the pillars should evoke the picture in you that we have tried to show. 

The ten information dimensions of the universe

Dimension of what has happened (1)

Dimensions of spatial depth (2-4)

Dimension of foresight (5)

Dimension of quantum consciousness (6)

Dimension of chemical reactions (7)

Dimension of object properties (8)

Dimension of magnetism (9)

Dimension of electrodynamics (10)

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