A0781: What is there to say about the ten dimensions of your universe? – Part 9

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Today we want to tell you about the dimension of object properties, which will soon be the talk of the town. If you can create a mental tunnel to an object, then you have previously become conscious on the worldly plane, because creating a mental tunnel always requires that you can become conscious outside of your body. By this we do not mean becoming conscious on an earthly-astral plane, but projecting your personality consciousness outside your body. This is possible to a limited extent because the spiritual world will allow it if you have the right motivation. If you want to travel your worldly world in spirit, you will hardly be able to do so. If you become conscious on an earthly-astral plane and still think that this is the worldly plane, then you will certainly not be able to become conscious in spirit next to your worldly body, but if your motivation is to learn about an object, the spiritual world will support you in this, no matter how far you have developed mentally. Mental travel into objects can be practised by any person who, through much practice, can already see something well in their mind’s eye. When you are ready, try a mental journey into the object properties of something and when you become conscious in a room, ask the following questions to get an idea of what is possible because very soon you will be capable of so much more that it will not be a big hurdle.

  1. Who created you?
  2. How many objects do you seem to be made of?
  3. What all has been created out of you?
  4. Why does your form look like this today?
  5. How many people have touched you?
  6. What was the most significant experience a person has had through you?
  7. Why can’t you change?
  8. What do I have to do for you to experience a shape change?
  9. How much energy would a shape change require?
  10. When will you no longer exist in this form?
  11. Are you still supposed to be of any particular use?
  12. What properties does the present form have that I do not know?
  13. Is there a secret function you are supposed to fulfil?
  14. Have you ever had to change your outer or inner form?
  15. Why am I holding you in my hands right now?

All these questions serve only one purpose and that is to train the questioner in some way and the Universal Translator does this training because the Universal Translator is an intelligent consciousness that trains all life forms in some way. Not only do the intelligent life forms benefit, but every life form has something to do with this Universal Translator. Do not confuse the Universal Translator with a static consciousness in a crystal, but the Universal Translator belongs to the dimension of object properties and the Universal Translator not only gives you information about the properties of an object, but the Universal Translator controls and coordinates everything that has to do with these properties, even if new moments of a life form or an object are to be stored in the first dimension of each universe. Your experienced moments are determined and stored by the Universal Translator, just as the thoughts or touches received by an ancient Japanese sword have also been stored by the Universal Translator. If the Universal Translator is so intelligent, could you not ask it anything that interests you, we ask? Of course, the Universal Translator will answer every question conscientiously, so the question of the origin of the Universal Translator would now be of great importance. Who exactly is this Universal Translator, we ask all together now? All of us! This answer may surprise you, but that is exactly how it is. All of us, that is all spiritual beings in your universe and all intelligent life forms, as one, form the intelligent consciousness of the Universal Translator. Call it the consciousness of the universe and you are getting very close to the truth. If we all make up this Universal Translator, then the Universal Translator knows a great deal about us that we ourselves can hardly guess, because the Universal Translator springs from all our intelligence but has taken nothing else from us. The Universal Translator has full access to the potential of every life form and the Universal Translator also knows the history of every intelligent being, but the Universal Translator has neither an ego-consciousness nor a personality, but the Universal Translator only uses the qualities of a being that are necessary for its task. We told you that no matter what curious life form you come from, on the astral plane all life forms can exchange without barriers, so that an intelligent insect life form understands exactly what you want to communicate to that consciousness on the astral plane, because the Universal Translator is all of you and therefore understands exactly what you want to explain, so that the Universal Translator also knows exactly how the message to be transmitted must be presented to the consciousness of the insect life form, so that the effect of the message is always the same. The Universal Translator has existed since the beginning of your universe, so there is really nothing that is new to the Universal Translator, but even the Universal Translator reaches its limits when two completely opposite life forms want to exchange information that simply cannot be translated. This is extremely rare and we will one day discuss such opposing life forms. If the universal translator has such a tremendous consciousness, what about the potential that each intelligent life form has to contribute, we ask? This is insignificant because most of the potential is taken from the spiritual beings working here in your universe. By this we mean spiritual beings who are not incarnated in any life form. These spiritual beings will give up some of their consciousness when they enter your universe, but even that is hardly worth mentioning, so we did not want to leave it unsaid. When you have established a mental tunnel to an object, are you able to change the object properties, we ask? You change the object properties the moment you look at the object or think about the object, so an old Japanese sword has many stories to tell when it has traditionally held a place in a household. The real question, however, is whether you can do something that will change the object itself? Not for an old Japanese sword, but there are also objects that do not have the enormous holding power of an old Japanese sword, so that you can influence a glass of water, for example. You will notice an unmistakable effect that proves to you that you can change the object’s properties. What tastes similar to a glass of fresh water, we ask? A glass of water that has been given a subtle aroma. If you take two glasses of the same kind of water and briefly hold a tea bag in one glass of water, the two waters will taste different, but only a small nuance of flavour, we would think. If you now repeatedly sip some of the different waters, you will get a feeling for this difference. Now fill another glass with the same type of water and establish a mental tunnel to the new glass of water. When you have entered the space where you can inquire about the properties of objects, determine that the properties of this water get the properties that the glass of water got by very briefly dipping a tea bag in it. The universal translator is also you, so the universal translator knows very well what you actually want to do. The Universal Translator will now use energy from you to initiate a change in the properties of the water so that this glass of water gets some flavour that the other glass of water already has. Taste the water and if you taste a flavour that was not there before, then you know that your energy has been sufficient to change the properties. How do you know how much energy you can provide, we ask? First of all, you should understand where exactly your energy comes from and how that energy reserve is to be assessed. Every intelligent being receives its energy from the main energy level from which the incarnation that inhabits the physical body of the intelligent life form originates. The fourth major energy level is the energy source most commonly found in you earthly humans and very few individuals will use any other energy source. When a person is exerting themselves, by this we mean a physical, mental or spiritual exertion, then the energy reserve is always tapped into in the incarnational body that dwells in an incarnational cube in the spiritual world. When you are very stressed, you tap into the energy reserve in the same way as when you are engaged in physically very strenuous activities. One day this reserve will be exhausted and you will hardly engage in strenuous adventures of any kind. When the energy reserve has been used up, you will not die prematurely, you will just stop exerting yourself, nothing more. If your energy source is other than that of the fourth main energy level, then you will have an extremely large energy reserve that also holds a great deal of potential. If you have not been able to reprogram the glass of water, then you should not continue your research, because then it is quite obvious that you have hardly any energy reserve left, so you should limit yourself to asking about the properties of objects. All other people can now start many experiments, so that if you have enough energy reserve you could also program a tasty glass of wine from a glass of water. If you are able to accumulate large amounts of energy through a crystal, then even people who have hardly any energy reserves left could make a glass of wine, because you can also tell the Universal Translator where to get the amount of energy to reprogram the water object, and no, you cannot determine that another person’s energy should be used for this, because the Universal Translator is tremendously clever, so there are also limits that the Universal Translator will not exceed. If you start to establish mental tunnels to objects, you will find a new world that was previously hidden from you, but soon you will not only be programming crystals, but also studying the history of objects, because ancient Japanese swords in particular have much to reveal.

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