A0779: What is there to say about the ten dimensions of your universe? – Part 7

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Today we discuss a dimension that has to do with how chemical reactions occur in your universe. Everything you see comes from a chemical reaction. Whether it is a stone, a dove or a molecule, everything has been created through a chemical reaction. You cannot create anything that has not been created through a chemical reaction, so the dimension is called the dimension of chemical reactions. Every chemical reaction requires energy to carry out the chemical reaction because the dimension of chemical reactions only contains the information of how a chemical reaction should react and the necessary energy for the process must be taken from elsewhere. Every object is made of something and every object has properties that we will discuss in detail in the next dimension, but every object has settings that describe it exactly. The dimension of object properties will reveal much that has been hidden from you until now, and for good reason. If you had known long ago that everything around you, including your body, is just information that is constantly being checked against each other, you would have had the idea of rewriting the information of objects by a flash of thought so that you could create a sheet of steel from a sheet of paper. This approach is reserved for the evolved species because these species have more knowledge and are also much more peaceful than the brutal earthly human race. If an object has a set of properties, then the dimension of chemical reactions can compare two objects where energy has been added in a process to make the objects react with each other. The application of energy  – to one or more objects that are spatially within the energy bubble – will cause the chemical reaction dimension to be instructed to compare the object properties and determine what to do with the objects based on the application of energy. If two metals are to react with each other under high heat, then the object properties will lead to the lattice structure being changed. In the object properties, it is stored exactly what these objects are made of and the energy supply can be used to permanently change the properties of the metals. If the energy was used so that the object properties were readjusted, then this was a process that was automatically negotiated on the level that we call the dimension of chemical reactions. If all objects can be treated in this way, why can’t you make an ingot of gold from an ingot of lead? If you change the properties of lead as they are in gold, then a sufficient amount of energy should be able to do that, shouldn’t it? No, because gold is not only beautiful to look at, it is also something very special. If gold is studied, you will find that gold has very unusual properties and that is by design. Only geological processes can produce gold as you know it, and wherever gold is found it has been brought to the surface from within the planet, because gold is something that is only created where there is a consciousness that has a lot of potential. Planet Earth was not inhabited for quite some time until a soul moved into the planet to guide the destinies on the planet. If you were to visit a planet that has never been inhabited by a soul, you will not find any precious metal, because all precious metals are only produced in a celestial body when a great consciousness is present there. Gold has the most properties that include everything that non-gold metals have to offer. So when so much energy flows that geological processes are enriched with an enormous form of energy to the point that metals are produced that you still call precious metals today, then the highest concentration within the planet will result in gold being created. Gold received the tremendous amounts of energy in the chemical reaction, so gold became entitled to receive most of the properties on the dimension of object properties. Iron ore also came out of a geological process, but iron ore did not receive the amount of energy that gold received when the chemical reactions created this precious metal of all precious metals. Now, if you wish to make gold from lead, you will have to use amounts of energy that not even the advanced Anunnaki can muster, so the amount of energy applied in the chemical reaction will also determine the settings of the new object. An object that is not gold has a subset of the properties that gold has to offer as properties. Any substance you can imagine can be made from gold with ease. Since the energy input is stored in the object properties as well as the further composition, gold can also be converted back into energy, so that not only the energy given off can be used, but from gold any other precious metal can be made that you can usually somehow bring to light. Metamaterials are another matter and will be discussed in detail once you are familiar with the dimensions of your Universe. If you can extract large amounts of energy from gold, why have you not noticed this until now, we ask? You know the chemical processes that are necessary to convert materials into something of high value, but no sooner have you investigated the other direction than you have had to harness atomic energy for your own use. The process of deriving energy from the properties of a substance led you to harness atomic energy, but one bar of gold holds more energy than all the nuclear power stations could ever even begin to produce. The energy reserve of a single bar of gold is so enormous that you could secure your energy consumption for decades if you knew how to harness the amount of energy from the bar of gold. We will reveal the concepts in the series on metamaterials, but you do not have to become alchemists now, as official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species will ensure that your energy problems are solved by the end of your present decade. The dimension of chemical reactions provides all the information about what substances exist and under what circumstances they will influence each other. Every chemical reaction requires energy to start automated programs at this level that will carry out a chemical reaction based on the circumstances at hand. These chemical reactions will not explosively change the properties of objects, but there are processes that are run through that regulate exactly how the chemical reaction will eventually proceed so that the object properties are changed. Your material scientists, biologists and chemists are constantly working with these properties without knowing that there is an information level where all the properties of an object are listed and there is another level where, under the influence of energy, certain characteristics of a substance can be changed and that on the basis of processes that take place – which can also be influenced mentally. What do we mean by saying that a chemical process can be mentally influenced, we ask? What are thoughts, we ask first? Thoughts are packages of feelings and every feeling arises in incarnation because an incarnation in a body feels what you experience when a feeling arises in you. A feeling is something special and each feeling is experienced by the personality consciousness as follows. A person experiences an impressive situation and as if from nowhere a feeling rises in the person. The incarnation also experiences this situation and if the incarnation feels that the person can learn something from it, the incarnation will do something in its energy bodies which the personality consciousness perceives as the total frequency of the body and this vibration of the energy bodies is reported to the personality consciousness and since the personality consciousness very rarely experiences such a vibration, it is an indescribable moment for the person to which it attributes the expression of a feeling. The incarnation very rarely generates this overall frequency and since the person has experienced this so-called feeling once, this overall frequency is automatically stored in the energy bodies so that the person can also consciously let this feeling arise again. When a person experiences such a feeling – it is irrelevant whether the incarnation creates this feeling or the person lets this already experienced feeling arise again – then the energy bodies will vibrate in a very special frequency that the person can transmit. A person who feels real love can redirect the energy that is generated so that the energy of love can be used for something else. A mother who loves her child from the bottom of her heart will automatically transfer this energy to her unborn child when she prepares herself full of love for the eagerly desired birth. This energy is transferred directly to the foetus in the womb and many processes – corresponding to chemical reactions – are fuelled by the energy of love so that the child can mature very well. A botanist who devotedly mothers her plants will feel something similar to love, because she takes great care that each plant also receives what the plant needs. These people are in a meditative state that enables them to feel a very strong satisfaction that is automatically transferred to the plants they care for through the focus of their consciousness. Again, the chemical processes involved in growth can receive special energies that promote plant growth. If each thought corresponds to a set of feelings, then observe your thoughts and determine how you feel about them. If the feeling is more negative, you are constantly producing feelings that you had better not allow to rise because they will not support the chemical processes in your body. In the long run these feelings will even interfere with your chemical reactions, which will always make you feel worse than if you had positive-valued feelings. If you can transform the feelings into emotions then you are increasing the potential again, which is beneficial when you have a feeling of love. What else is there to say about this dimension of chemical reactions, we ask? One more thing we want to mention, because the settings of the object properties are exceedingly special when the material of an object is Shungite. We once said that Shungite comes from within the earth, from a layer that supports life. So this Shungite will have object properties that promote life. When these object properties are one day uncovered, then you can initiate chemical reactions on Shungite objects that will produce a potion that will act like a fountain of youth, so that Shungite is still ridiculed today but will play a significant role in the future when alchemy experiences a renaissance.

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