A0637: How was Atlantis founded and how did Atlantis perish? – Part 24
If we now explain to you all that was done in the city states to expand the knowledge of genetics, you will shake your head in disbelief, but everything we are about to describe actually happened. The human-like chickens were only the beginning of what the New Lemurians created in their laboratories. No created being of the New Lemurians served any purpose except to explore the possibilities of genetics further and further, so that all kinds of animals were used to create a new species from two species. We choose the name species for these creatures because none of them had any reasonable purpose, so there were many experiments where creatures of one species were bred only to find that this new species added no value at all to the New Lemurians. At first, the crosses were not crosses in the sense of mixing different characteristics of a species, but at first the researchers only manipulated the appearance and size of the new species. Only later did they start to artificially cross species and the New Lemurians found this out very quickly because they mentally examined the levels of the DNA and they got to the bottom of all the mechanisms that the Wingmakers used to create the species so that they could also perform a task to fulfil their purpose. When two species are interbred, the new species has many characteristics of the first species and some characteristics of the second species, so one species always dominates in the new species and that is by design because the Wingmakers also predicted this behaviour of intelligent species. If the Wingmakers had not foreseen this, then species could arise that could have more features than both species together would provide, because features could transform. We will explain why this is so another time, but you should be able to understand that the sum of the characteristics of a species is always stable. If a species has a certain number of characteristics, then that number cannot expand even if it crosses with another species. If a human being has more characteristics than a feathered being, then a crossing of the species can only result in a human being that has characteristics of a feathered being. Man is the more evolved being compared to a bird, so when the species crosses, the human characteristics will dominate in the new species. When the cross has been accomplished, the number of characteristics is equal to the number of characteristics of a human. If the new species is to adopt a feature of a feathered being in the cross, then the feature in the human must be exchanged for it. If the new species should be able to see as well as a peregrine falcon, then the human characteristic of the eyes must be replaced by a characteristic of the peregrine falcon. If you can do this, you will have created a creature that is fundamentally less than its original species. A peregrine falcon can only see very sharply and accurately at long distances, what should the creature do with such a feature, we ask? Nothing, because the creature would not add value in your society. So it is with every characteristic that is exchanged during a cross, but genetics wouldn’t be genetics if there wasn’t more to it than just the exchange of characteristics between different breeds and species. When we look at different breeds of a species, we see the same number of characteristics in those breeds, so that the characteristics are different in intensity. What do we mean by this, we ask? The different races are different only because their characteristics have progressed differently evolutionarily. We have told you many times that all human species are always evolving in appearance towards something that you already know and which we call the tall greys with white skin. No matter what human race you take, and no matter how different that race is from you visually, when that race makes its final evolutionary leap, it will look exactly like a tall grey with white skin. Your race on Earth will also make this evolutionary leap in several million years, because your evolutionary developmental stages have already been determined and also the triggers that trigger such an evolutionary leap. You on Earth will soon make your first evolutionary leap because you will become true telepaths. After that nothing happens for quite a while until you begin to change your physical appearance as a race, so that one day first masses of children are born who master telepathy better and better, and quite a while later masses of children are born who have a different physical appearance. The differences can then be seen, but they will only emerge over generations. That’s why geneticists can start creating new species where the evolutionary characteristics are either brought forward or where the development of the characteristics goes back in time. This works particularly well with very old breeds, so that in both the animal and plant kingdoms, species can be bred that either existed a long time ago or that can still skip a few evolutionary leaps in their development. Neither does this make animals more intelligent beings, as you define yourselves, nor does it give the species any advantages that put it evolutionarily above the level of humans. Animals are always subordinate to intelligent life forms because the intelligent life forms see a benefit in the animals and never has an animal become more intelligent than their species provides, therefore a cross between a human and a feathered creature cannot produce a more intelligent bird because the cross of that species will always produce a human with characteristics of a feathered creature. When the New Lemurians cross two animal species, things are different because animals of the same size usually have the same number of characteristics. If a feathered creature is crossed with a cat, the result is a species that walks like a cat but has legs, like a feathered creature. Can the cat have wings, we ask? No! If the cat exchanges its front paws for wings, then many other features would have to be exchanged before a cat could fly like a feathered creature. What about a winged lion, we ask? No! There has never been such a thing, and we will have more to say about it in the blog on the Anunnaki. What is it about the monstrous creatures that the New Lemurians have created, we ask? Imagine a crab as big as a horse. Imagine a bovine-like creature the size of a school bus. Imagine lions that can manage to sail because they had the skin of bats. Rats that are the size of adult dogs. All of these were already impressive creatures, but they are not monstrous creatures as we think of them, so there must still be something that would make a new species frightening. Take an animal creature and change the external form to resemble another species. If you take a cow and give it the outer form of a giraffe, that is neither spectacular nor is it frightening, but you can hardly create anything impressive out of a cow. Take an ugly spider and change the shape so that the head of the spider resembles the shape of a human. The eyes could have the number of a spider or the number of a human. If you still change the size, then this would be a creature that haunts your thoughts for the rest of your life. Very often human characteristics have been applied to animals and insects to create horrors, but the animals only get human characteristics, but never the consciousness of a human being. Even animals that have always looked more like humans have not and cannot develop a human consciousness because higher consciousnesses only incarnate in intelligent life forms and any genetic modification of an animal or insect species will never produce an intelligent life form. Theoretically you could alter a human life form to the point where the human looks more and more like an insectoid or animal species, but the other way around no higher consciousness can emerge. Have the New Lemurians altered their own blueprint, we ask? No, but they did make genetic changes to living New Lemurians to increase life expectancy, but they never changed the external form or introduced features from other species. What else happened to these monstrous creatures, we ask? Whether a giant insect or fearsome beast, all creatures eventually met their death in the laboratory or in an underground arena, but every now and then creatures managed to escape and few of these creatures managed to escape the track marshals. Even though the marshals often faced death, little happened in the process. When Atlantis sank, many creatures escaped and some of these creatures survived to this day because the New Lemurians always created creatures that could hardly die. The life expectancy of the creatures was changed so that they did not always have to be bred again. This offered advantages, so that the underground arenas were really only created so that the creations could serve an ultimate purpose, even though we disapprove of this approach. If the Anunnaki can live to be a hundred thousand years old, then a creature can live to be several thousand years old without the creature suffering from ageing. These creatures still scour the caves of underground cities today without being prevented from doing so, because even giant spiders that contain alien body forms are peaceful beings, even if you find this hard to believe. They are not intelligent life forms, but these creatures can no longer practice feeding as their original species would have you do. You would run away in panic, but not every being is as afraid of spider-like creatures as you humans are on Earth.