A0537: How is faster-than-light travel possible?

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Travelling at the speed of faster-than-light is indeed possible. Albert Einstein built his general theory of relativity on assumptions that are not wrong, but that also do not describe everything exactly as it would be correct. In this blog entry we want to review the history of general relativity and we want to find the reasons why this theory is partly correct and we will also go a step further when we explain to you why you are able to travel at faster than light speed after all. 

Many alien cultures travel faster than light with their transport vehicles, so they are able to travel between two galaxies in a short time. We will explain the concept behind this when we have shown why general relativity is not complete. Many physicists will see this as an affront, but when they come to terms with what we have said, they will realise that there is nothing wrong with it. When they realise this, then with the old and new knowledge of, they can come up with their own theory that would establish the concept of faster-than-light particle physics, because this branch of physics is still missing to you for the greater understanding about the universe. If we are to begin to turn general physics on its head, we must first state what general physics says about faster-than-light travel. 

Einstein correctly recognised that a light photon would gain more and more mass if it could travel even faster than it does now. A light photon is very light and many also claim that this light photon is something solid and something wave-like. But they do not claim that a vibrational wave is also something solid. What do we mean by that, we ask? A vibrational wave is said to have no mass and solid matter is said not to vibrate in the way that a light photon does. If the light wave vibrates, how are you able to detect a vibrational wave if the wave is not solid matter, we ask? Not at all. You do not detect the vibrational wave, but its effects on a field. This field can be measured by your sensors, but it is only the effect of the vibration wave. The vibration wave exists at the quantum level because gravitational waves create an electrostatic field when gravitational waves meet at the quantum level. When two foreign gravitational waves meet and pass each other, something arises that we have already explained in detail in the series on mass. An electrostatic field is created between the passing gravitational waves, which has a stronger effect the more of these gravitational waves are involved in the creation. 

If we want to imagine a gravitational wave in three-dimensional space, then an impulse shock could be carried out by a particle of matter, which forms a ball-shaped bubble that is created in the particle of matter and grows uniformly larger and larger. If this small gravitational bubble is created in a matter particle, then it is strengthened more and more on its way out of the matter particle, because every matter particle, no matter how small, creates such a gravitational bubble in the matter particle. If the same gravitational bubbles are created in the larger matter particle after it has been created, then they will strengthen each other when they want to step out of the matter particle and meet the other matter particles. Gravitational bubbles will emerge from a solid object and will always be stronger if the object consists of a great many of these matter particles than if it consists of a few of these matter particles. The gravitational bubble has reached the size of the solid body, so that the solid body is almost central in the gravitational bubble. As the gravitational bubble grows larger, it will have to divide its potential on the surface more and more, so that there will be a higher potential on a certain area of a gravitational bubble than on the same area if it spreads out further. Now, if another object also emits gravitational bubbles, then these two different gravitational bubbles will meet, so that when the gravitational bubbles pass, an exchange of potential takes place, which creates an electrostatic field that ultimately attracts each other. This is the gravity that you observe as effects in your environment. 

If we look at this gravitational bubble again more closely, we do not see a flat area on the surface of the gravitational bubble, but the surface of a gravitational bubble looks like the churning sea, so there are hills and valleys everywhere. The arrangement of hills and valleys is very characteristic of a particular type of gravitational wave, so different types of matter particles also have different characteristics in the surface of their gravitational bubbles. The potential is reflected in the difference of hills and valleys, so there are multidimensional factors involved here that ultimately determine the potential of the gravitational wave. If the gravitational bubble continues to expand, the surface characteristics will also become distorted, so that the potential will become more and more divided. If the gravitational wave has travelled for a long time, then the surface of the gravitational bubble will also become more and more flattened so that it looks very flat. The potential is so low in a certain area that one day the gravitational wave can no longer be determined according to what kind of matter particle it originated from. This gravitational wave still has many peculiarities that we have described in the series on mass. 

When the gravitational bubble leaves the object, it has a certain speed that corresponds exactly to the speed of light. This speed of light is the same for all gravitational waves, no matter what kind of matter particle produced them. If this speed of propagation is apparently constant, why can your scientists measure different speeds of matter particles in your universe, we ask? Because scientists have measured an effect that they do not yet want to admit. Every particle of matter is connected to every other particle of matter at the quantum level by an electrostatic charge. We have just explained what a gravitational wave is that roams your space. The gravitational wave exists in your space and at the quantum level the particle of matter that produced the gravitational wave is mentally entangled with all other particles of matter because a particle of matter is also a consciousness. Consciousnesses influence each other so that all matter particles influence each other at the quantum level. What does this have to do with the speed of light, we ask? The gravitational wave propagates at the speed of light, but not at the same speed everywhere in the universe, and if you now know that matter particles are interconnected at the quantum level, then surely closely interconnected matter particles could represent a higher consciousness than not so closely interconnected matter particles. If there are objects in your universe that have a high gravitational pull, then the matter particles of that object will be very tightly networked at the quantum level. If they are very tightly interconnected, they will emit gravitational waves with a very high potential that will affect other gravitational waves because the electrostatic attraction of the gravitational waves that pass will appear very one-sided. If a black hole has a high weight because a lot of mass has supposedly been compressed there, then these gravitational waves will have an influence on incoming gravitational waves. 

If the gravitational wave of a light photon comes close to a black hole, then the electrostatic attraction will attract the light photon, but only because the gravitational wave is influenced by the gravitational waves of the black hole. What does this mean exactly, not only the writer wonders? Imagine a single photon of light, assume it consists of an unknown particle of matter travelling at the speed of light. This example is only to illustrate something that we will explain afterwards. This photon of light now emits gravitational waves that travel around the photon of light at the speed of light. If the light photon travels in one direction at the speed of light, then surely a point on the resulting gravitational bubble that propagates in the direction of flight should travel at twice the speed of light, we ask? No, in fact it doesn’t, because it will propagate in all other directions, but not in the direction of flight. This should be technically obvious to everyone because Einstein said that the speed of light is a constant and this is wrong because the speed of light is an effect that occurs when small consciousnesses are influenced by a larger consciousness. 

The photon of light does not fly through the universe because it is catapulted out of a sun, but because it is influenced by great consciousnesses that exist around you. The photon of light is attracted just as massive stars attract their planets. The whole universe is an object and you can also say the whole universe is a consciousness that is not homogeneously distributed in the universe. If the gravitational waves create an electrostatic field among themselves that attracts each other, then the whole universe attracts each other. Because the gravitational waves can leave a particle of matter at a constant speed, it does not mean that this speed is constant. If the light photon passes very massive objects on its journey, then the gravitational waves will not only affect the trajectory, but also the speed. If a photon of light is produced in your sun and continues on its way to other areas of your universe, then there will be different consciousnesses in different areas of your universe that will affect the photon of light. When the photon of light is accelerated in one area of your Universe, there will be objects that emit very strong gravitational waves that will accelerate the photon of light like a flyby manoeuvre or slow it down more because there are many objects tugging at the photon of light. If you now claim that you do not see anything in these areas of your universe that could influence the photon of light, then we advise you to think again about the level of quanta, because we do not know these quanta, but we see consciousnesses on this level, as you or we represent such a consciousness. If you have a consciousness that is not located in your body but only surrounds it, then the quantum level is where these consciousnesses are located. If you can detect the effects for no apparent reason, then at the quantum level, which is that area of the universe, there is a very large consciousness that generates a very strong electrostatic attraction that affects the photon of light. 

The quantum plane houses consciousnesses that may or may not be coupled to solid matter of any kind. There are large consciousnesses on this plane that do not inhabit any matter, but still exist in areas of your universe. The speed of light is the starting speed of gravitational waves, which you cannot see, but which create an electrostatic attraction between themselves, which you call gravity. If a very light particle of matter is created by a physical process, then the potential for the produced gravitational bubble to create in the new particle of matter can only be very small, so that it is attracted from every direction in the universe. Since the electrostatic attraction seems to be the same from all directions, a photon of light in the Sun is first directed in one direction by solar processes, but thereafter the attraction of the other objects in that region of the Universe will dictate the direction and speed that can change in the regions of the Universe. A photon of light will sometimes travel faster or slower than the speed of light because the electrostatic attraction of the consciousnesses at the quantum level negotiates this. 

If we look again at the light photon travelling at the speed of light in one direction, we see a great many gravitational waves spreading out behind this light photon, but no gravitational wave spreads out in the direction of flight because the gravitational wave actually has a constant speed of propagation. If the light photon flies a little faster, then it becomes even more bizarre because apparently something happens behind the light photon that can be compared to a gravitational cavity. This area has no gravity because the electrostatic attraction is cancelled out there. If a gravitational cavity is created behind the faster-than-light light photon, what happens in the area in front of the light photon, we ask? The light photon is compressed because the gravitational pull in front of the light photon is strengthened. Imagine the following scenario: 

You are driving a lorry on the motorway. The air represents the electrostatic attraction that applies in this space. When you stand still, nothing happens because the electrostatic attraction has been negotiated by all objects. Now you are driving off in one direction. In front of the lorry the air builds up and the air turbulence behind the lorry creates a void for vehicles behind it as it moves. When the truck accelerates, the pressure on the cab increases and the cavity behind it gets longer. If you imagine the areas around the lorry, then at a distance of many metres there would be hardly any of the air resistance, so an observer on a motorway bridge would see the lorry driving, but the observer would not notice much of the air changes in front of and behind the lorry. The lorry cannot travel very fast, so the stagnant air is hardly a problem. 

If we apply this example to the light photon, then the air is the electrostatic attraction of the gravitational waves and when a light photon is accelerated, the gravitational waves of another object tug at the light photon in the direction of flight. At rest, this tugging would be detectable by measuring a weight, but in motion it is more difficult. The gravitational waves of the other object hit the light photon at the speed of light. However, the gravitational waves of the light photon are not able to generate an electrostatic attraction, so hardly anything happens in the direction of flight. The foreign gravitational waves hit the light photon and in the light photon they finally hit the gravitational waves of the light photon. 

If the movement of the light photon is calculated in a computer simulation, with the constant-speed gravitational waves, then a gravitational cavity would be created behind the light photon and there would be an area in front of the light photon where the gravitational waves from the direction of flight accumulate. If you take all this as an opportunity to redefine the speed of light, then the new speed of light would be the propagation speed of the gravitational bubbles, which is actually constant. 

If you build a vehicle in which you create an increased electrostatic attraction in the direction of flight, then this vehicle will move at the speed in the direction in which you influence the electrostatic attraction. The actual speed depends only on how great the electrostatic attraction is. You are not technologically ready yet, but from the theory you now have an approach to work with. Read through the series on mass and you will gain an even deeper understanding of this subject. 

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