A0504: Why is a person’s free will an illusion?
Because we spiritual beings guide you and as long as the so-called matrix exists, there is also no free will, as you imagine free will. If you had free will, then we would not be able to guide you either and you would act much more inhumanly than you are already doing.
Question: Then why did you always say that the spiritual being must respect the free will of man?
No, we never said that we as masters and teachers have to respect this free will, but that all other spiritual beings should respect the free will of man. If they don’t, then they will be punished for it.
Question: Who allows you to act against human free will, isn’t that inhuman?
No, we make sure that you become more human, for this we will create situations in a person’s life that should make it clear to the person that he is reacting inhumanely. Once a person has understood this, they automatically stop.
Question: Who regulates your attempts and who determines when you have to stop?
Nobody, that is at our discretion and we are trained to know when to stop our experiments. We can’t go on forever because then the person would go crazy. We also say that just because people seem crazy doesn’t have to be because of the guidance of teachers and masters.
Question: Isn’t your behavior the most inhumane thing you can do to humans?
No, we help them to behave better, what is inhuman about that?
Author: Your approach is inhuman if the human does not want it. If the human being is only a puppet in the puppet theater that is controlled by you, what is not inhuman about that, I ask?
Because we never get to the point where you actually act like puppets, we only show you one way.
Question: If people don’t want to go your way, why do you still drive people there? It’s not a help, it’s like in a prison camp, where the inmate is barely allowed to find his own way. Do you think convicts become more human in prison?
No, we don’t believe that and we also emphasize that not everyone receives guidance that drives them in a direction, but sometimes people are a tough nut to crack, we have to work longer on them so that they can find their direction.
Question: By direction you mean your direction, which you would like to take as a person, that’s why you believe that it would be good if the right people would go your way, although you actually cannot know it at all, I’m not right with you my guess?
No, most masters and teachers have not yet lived a human life, so that we can not be irritated by it. If it really is about human concerns that require expert knowledge, then there are also spiritual beings who have already lived a human life and who will then temporarily lead people through their difficult situation.
Question: Who controls you so that your wrong behavior does not cause even greater damage?
We are under constant control and each person is led by a council that makes decisions about what can be done next to make man more human.
Question: Who guarantees that the so-called council does not make wrong decisions which the leadership then implements?
We are not leadership, but we support you in life and the council has done this very often, so that we can say that the advice of a person is very competent.
Conclusion of the masters and teachers: Free will always applies when a spiritual being wants to do something to a person and this spiritual being does not belong to the accompanying beings of the person. Then the spiritual being has to respect this free will and if it does not do that, it will be punished. We as the accompanying beings are allowed to disregard this free will if there are valid reasons that could lead to the person acting more and more inhumanly. We are only allowed to go as far as the advice of the person dictates and if we exceed these limits, we will be punished for it. If we do not follow the recommendations of the Council, there will be consequences for us too.
Conclusion of the Author: Free will is an absolute illusion and according to my current experience, we are not only “guided”, but the accompanying beings will force a person to go their own way, no matter how inhumanly they have to act. It is also not always about making the person more human, but if the spiritual beings want to know something done, then in their opinion it also belongs to what the path of man should look like. This does not necessarily have to do with human behavior; there is much more to the Council’s agenda. All of this could lead to a more human behavior, nevertheless the procedure is absolutely inhuman and if people experience this consciously, then they will have to watch powerlessly as they are shown like puppets in a prison, because they simply cannot help themselves. If someone claims that the earth is like a prison planet, then he is partly right, because earthly life makes you an extrater of the spiritual world as long as you stay on earth and because there is no longer any spiritual being in the spiritual world over If mistreatment as a human being is weighed down by the spiritual world, this inhuman advice can continue with its inhuman decisions and the accompanying beings will implement these inhuman decisions on the person, regardless of whether the person wants it and no matter how inhuman the effects on the person are.
-what a beautiful world-