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A0422: What is the pain memory and how can it be erased?
The so-called pain memory is in the bodily body because the body alone is responsible for what pain you feel and where. All bodily matters are controlled by the body consciousness. The body consciousness is not something that you have taken over into the bodily life, but the body consciousness is an independent being that literally has its own body. The human body is a vehicle that you use for the time of bodily life to gather the experiences that you can only experience embodied. Pain is such a bodily experience and the body consciousness wants to point you to something with every pain signal because you are not paying attention to your body.
When the body consciousness finds that you are not giving the body the devotion it needs, then that separate consciousness starts to send out pain signals. These pain signals are sent through the main energy node of the solar plexus to your so-called day consciousness, because the body consciousness knows that the day consciousness is not responding to its other cues, then it only has the option of getting the person’s attention through pain. Only when you feel pain, only then do you start giving more time to the body. When you spend more time with your body, then the body consciousness also does not have to send out the pain signals.
The body consciousness knows that it is no longer necessary after the death of the physical body, but as long as the body is still functioning, it will remind the person’s consciousness that it should take care of this body. If the body consciousness notices that a function in the body is impaired, then it will draw the person’s attention to this place with pain impulses. If the person disregards the cues, then the pain will gradually increase so that soon the person is no longer able to see past these pain signals. If the person notices the pain, then they should also recognise the cause so that they can make arrangements to relieve the body at that point. If the person will change a behaviour that has affected the body at that point, then the pain will also go away. If the physical damage cannot be repaired, then the body consciousness will never stop sending the pain signals at this point so that the person never forgets that this part of the body is damaged and that the person must be especially careful with it. If the body consciousness did not send out pain signals, the person would have no regard at all for the damaged part of the body and the body would take a great deal of damage in a short time. That alone is the reason why you feel physical pain, because you would not actually know pain at all if the human body did not send out these pain signals.
The damaged part of the body does not send these signals, but in the nervous system there are certain messenger substances that ensure that electrical impulses are generated that are received by the body consciousness. When these messenger substances find a defective part of the body, the body consciousness knows from the electrical impulses what constitutes damage where. This information is stored in the body consciousness and as long as the messenger substances generate the electrical impulses in the nervous system, the pain impulses are also sent to the so-called day consciousness. When these messenger substances determine that the damage has been repaired, then they will send fewer and fewer electrical impulses through the nervous system.
The body consciousness then also stops sending these pain signals. The body consciousness has no memory of pain, but the messenger substances, for some unknown reason, still detect a defective body part and continue to generate the impulses in the nervous system, hence you speak of a memory of pain, although there is no such thing. Why won’t the neurotransmitters stop sending these impulses when apparently no body part is affected, we ask? Because something in that part of the body has not yet been repaired. If you seem to have repaired the body damage and you are still receiving pain signals from that body part, then the body damage has not been completely repaired. There is no situation in the body where the messengers send wrong impulses into the nervous system, but they are never wrong, so that if the pain persists, you have to examine these parts of the body more closely so that the messengers recognise that when you have found the damage and repaired it, then the body consciousness will also stop sending out the pain signals.