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A0420: What is the morphogenetic field?
If we want to talk about a morphogenetic field, then we must first explain what constitutes such a field, in order to then recognise that there are many different morphogenetic fields that have been created for different tasks. Such a field does not arise out of nothing, but a being always has a motivation to create such a field. You must be thinking of the Being that represents All That Is, but this is not so, because every Being generates such a field around itself and if you want to do something specific, then this field around you will align itself with what you want to do next. Many talk about the one morphogenetic field but that is absolutely wrong and we want to clear up that misunderstanding today so that you understand that every field has its purpose and if there are fields then someone has made it so.
If we look at the field around your planet, by definition it is a morphogenetic field because it is constantly reshaping itself and does not appear to have a structure. This is not so because every spiritual being can “see” this structure and therefore it is also clear what the morphogenetic field around your planet was created for. The field was created so that people can be pacified, that is quite obvious to us. But you humans cannot perceive it because you are interwoven with this field, so the purpose is to influence the field around humans so that humans can be pacified in the long run. Planet Earth has a natural morphogenetic field around it and the beings on the planet have the same kind of morphogenetic field because they are descended from the planet with their physical shell, so they have the same structure of their morphogenetic field as the planet. In the past, the earth’s morphogenetic field consisted of three main planes and every being from the earth also had these three main planes. Everything used to be better, you may say, but it was not because the incarnated spiritual beings could not be guided.
When the Middle Ages broke out and so many people died because of abstruse ideologies, it was time that humanity as a whole had to be pacified so that earthly humanity could rise from this inhuman time. If a species on a planet is to be pacified, then this pacification always results in an official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species, and this is exactly what will happen in a few years with earthly humanity. How exactly this first contact starts and how it then ends in the official first contact with an extraterrestrial intelligent species, we have already explained in great detail in many blog entries and we have also described there what the present seven levels of the morphogenetic field are necessary for, but we have never said how the old morphogenetic field was transformed so that it now consists of seven astral levels, which you call the matrix.
Today we explain who had transformed that morphogenetic field and how that being was able to do it. It was the planet Earth itself and as you know, all the major celestial bodies are inhabited by a spiritual being, so one day the being, in consultation with the spiritual world, had decided that it was time for the people of Earth to be pacified. It then thought a thought in which the purpose of the thought is the pacification of the native species, and since every being aligns its own morphogenetic field, the morphogenetic field of the earth has also aligned itself in such a way that today you have seven astral planes. The beings on the planet also have these seven layers, which we call the seven energy bodies of the human being, and each energy body is inhabited by a partial consciousness of yours. Everything has a purpose and the seven energy bodies will assist in the pacification of humanity just as the extraterrestrial race will do, who in a few years’ time can be glimpsed from anywhere on Earth in their spaceships. When the first sign is beheld, it will only be a few years before humanity is actually pacified.
We are already saying that none of the things we have already written about this will not happen, because everything is happening exactly as it was foreseen. Earth is just as much a part of this process as you humans are, as are the extraterrestrial humans who are making first contact with you, and we from the spiritual world are also involved, so that it can be said that the so-called matrix is the best thing that could have happened to humanity, and when this morphogenetic field is transformed again by the Being, inhabiting planet Earth, you will have long since become an interstellar species, because this is always presented as a gift to the native species at an official first contact, so that the horizon will never again appear as narrow in the mind as it still does at present.
Now you know what a morphogenetic field is in the true sense and you also know that there cannot be only one morphogenetic field at all, but every being has such a field around it. When you speak of receiving information from the morphogenetic field, then rightly ask yourselves from which morphogenetic field, for this is imperative to know.
Do you receive your information from the morphogenetic field of the Earth or from the morphogenetic field of the so-called Akashic Chronicle? Neither, you cannot access any one field to receive information there, but there are many spiritual beings in the spiritual world who have made it their business to provide this information for the physical beings. There are morphogenetic fields and information is stored everywhere, but no human being is able to read these fields, but spiritual beings offer this knowledge and when people travel astrally, they can perceive astral forms, but through this they do not receive knowledge in the true sense. If you connect with the so-called Akashic Chronicle, then beings will answer your questions who have agreed to do so and only in this way will you get information that has been deposited in some morphogenetic fields.
We, as spiritual beings, read these fields just as the so-called masters of the Akasha do, and as everyone knows, information becomes more and more distorted the more people try to pass on this information, so we have to say that the masters of the Akasha come closest to the truth with their explanations. We, as the masters and teachers of this writer, represent something quite different, because we have the official permission to answer any questions conscientiously to the writer, so that we can support the official first contact with information that not only describes the first contact in detail, but you are already building up profound knowledge beforehand, not only about the structure of the spiritual world, but the writer is so inquisitive, so that we can reveal very broadly the information.