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A0406: Are psychedelic drugs useful for the development of consciousness?
No, definitely not and we also tell you why drugs of any kind will never trigger a leap in consciousness. If you use a drug, first ask yourself why you want to do it. The vast majority of users will say that they want to escape from everyday life. Very few promise themselves something that has to do with consciousness in a figurative sense. What do we mean by that, we ask? Only very few of the consumers hope to find answers to their questions through this, because they believe that in a “heightened” state of consciousness, these questions could be answered. We say it now more than clearly, this is absolute nonsense and no one who tells of such a “trip” has really gained knowledge from it, but this state has revealed seemingly unbelievable things, but honestly, you could also watch a nice fantasy film, you have gained about the same amount of knowledge through it.
Everything you experience in these states is just as true as in a whimsical dream. You perceive the spiritual world better, but the information floods you and your consciousness is not at all able to interpret this information correctly, because the overstimulation simply paralyses everything else that is necessary to evaluate a situation sustainably. We have not told it in detail, but that does not matter now. Everything you perceive will be what you take back with you from your so-called trip. You will say how incredible it was to experience it, but great films are similar. If someone else asks that person about what answers they got, that person will fall back into their belief pattern and will draw from that to embellish everything even more than it already is. This trip has not seriously provided any answer to a question, nor has it generated any insights, but it will only reinforce old belief patterns, nothing more.