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A0403: How can someone travel to their inner universes?
When a person experiences a moment, all the information of that moment is stored forever. The information that represents a moment experienced is much more extensive than you might think. The moment consists of the thoughts that you thought at that moment and all the sensory information that the body consciousness experienced at that moment. This moment enters the first main level as a frequency packet, by which we mean the following: Everything that the body prepares in terms of information is sent as a frequency packet and this frequency packet is fed into the energy stream of the first main level so that the information of the moment is not lost. The frequency packet was created by you, so your frequency spectrum has also left its so-called fingerprint there. When the frequency packet is fed into the energy stream, countless moments of you are already there, because every moment goes there. Your moments can be short or long depending on how your consciousness was at the time. If you were stressed, the moments will be shorter than if you were very relaxed. If the moments are stored in the first main level then you have a connection to every moment that was stored there because all the moments are intertwined with you and if you were not alone when you experienced the moment then the moments of the other people are also intertwined with your own moment, so that if you had a conversation with another person years ago it reflects not only your moment but also the moment of the other person. When you travel your inner universes, you travel the moments that were deposited in the first main level. You could relive that conversation from an observer position through your eyes. You see what you saw then, you hear what you heard then and you say what you said then. You even perceive the feelings that you felt at that time and you hear what the interlocutor said to you, but you are intertwined with the moment of the interlocutor so that you can change the observer position from yourself and, so to speak, experience the experienced moment from the observer position of your interlocutor. You will perceive everything again, only this time from the other person. This can clear up many misunderstandings, because this is your biggest problem, you never know exactly how the other person is doing or what their motivation is, so you always blunder from one misunderstanding into the next misunderstanding, even though this usually seems completely unnecessary.
If you could travel to the inner universes of other people, you would not only better understand their position in an argument, but many misunderstandings would vanish into thin air because you would immediately recognise what led to the misunderstanding. If it were that simple, could everyone travel in each other’s moments, we ask? No, that is not possible and we also say why it is not possible. When people travel in other people’s inner universes, it is to clear up a misunderstanding and never just out of curiosity. When you travel the inner universes, the person’s masters and teachers also want you to do it because the person is supposed to learn from the moment. If base motives cause a person to want to travel to another person’s moment, then the person will not be able to because the Masters know how to prevent that.
You must make the request to travel to a moment for this to happen. When you are asleep or meditating, you will consciously experience that moment so that your masters make it possible. You will be guided, but you will be fully aware, so that the travelling of the inner universes can be seen as a so-called astral journey. If you are able to astral travel consciously, then during that astral travel you could think of that particular moment and you will immediately relive that moment in such a way that you gain value because the misunderstanding is cleared up. That would be great, wouldn’t it? If you are concerned now, you already know that the moment you are thinking about is a big misunderstanding and you are now concerned that it will become more conscious. If that is the case, then clarify it now, you do not have to travel into the inner universes of other people. All others who may wish to relive a particular moment or who wish to understand another person with whom they share a moment can proceed as described. You do not have to astral travel, although by means of astral travel the experience seems much more impressive.