A0359: What is gravity?
If we want to explain to you what gravity really is, then we assume that you have read our blog entries about mass and understood the basics, because everything is related to the gravitational waves of bodies. Your gravitation is a union of these gravitational waves, which harmonize with each other and therefore interlock with each other. What do we mean by that, we ask? If two gravitational waves, which were emitted by different bodies, collide, then the gravitational waves will influence each other, whereby there are several possibilities.
- They can cancel each other out
- They can be mutually reinforcing
- One gravitational wave is strengthened and the other gravitational wave is weakened
If both gravitational waves are amplified, then you may be wondering where the energy for this amplification comes from and we tell you that the wave only amplifies in one area, namely where it meets the other gravitational wave. The energy comes from the other areas of the gravitational wave that have not yet been hit by the wave. This continues, so that when a gravitational wave is passed, the energy is balanced again.
If a gravitational wave is now strengthened by the other gravitational wave, then it takes over the potential of the other gravitational wave in the area of the meeting, so that the strengthened gravitational wave takes up the potential of the other gravitational wave and in total both gravitational waves still have the same potential.
If two hitting gravitational waves cancel each other, then they have the same potential, so that the potentials displace each other. What do we mean by that, we ask? If two bodies of the same form of energy and the same volume face each other, there will be a point between them at which the gravitational waves displace their potential, as in the example of the amplified gravitational waves, the potential in the gravitational wave is redistributed, so that the potential in total remains, but is concentrated elsewhere in the gravitational wave. If both waves meet, the potentials will be suppressed, but the waves will pass each other. This happens with all of the examples we have given. If the potential has been displaced, then it has been displaced in both gravitational waves, but this state does not last forever, because a gravitational wave always has the need to harmonize, by which we mean the following: When a gravitational wave emerges from a particle, it becomes spread evenly in space and each point on this gravitational wave will always represent the total potential. If the gravitational bubble is still small, then each point on this gravitational bubble has a certain proportion of the total potential. If the gravitational bubble gets bigger and bigger, then the area of the gravitational bubble gets bigger and there are, so to speak, more and more points on this gravitational bubble that have to share the original total potential of the gravitational wave. That is why the area of a gravitational wave with a greater distance to the particle is also provided with a lower potential.
If the waves have passed each other, then they are harmonized. The process of harmonizing is currently quite complex to describe because we have to build up the knowledge about it first, but let me tell you, when the gravitational waves have been harmonized, then the gravitational bubbles that represent these gravitational waves are harmonized as a whole. If they have harmonized, then these gravitational waves know each other and we will explain this with an example:
When two balls meet, they will inevitably repel each other. But if these balls were made of foam and there was a huge amount of adhesive in their pores, then the balls meet at the point of impact and this area would pull a lot of sticky threads when pushed off. These threads bind the foam balls together at this area.
If you imagine that these foam balls would not repel each other, but instead they pass each other, then the glue in the balls would still pull these sticky threads. If you imagine that the foam balls are the gravitational bubbles, which actually represent the gravitational waves, then these sticky threads would bind these two gravitational waves to each other at the contact points of the passage. How these sticky connections are to be interpreted in gravitational waves, we will describe another time, but the passing of the gravitational waves ensures that these two waves now know each other and thus they are entangled until they dissolve after a long journey through space.
A gravitational wave will at some point completely dissolve, because the potential is divided more and more on the surface of the gravitational bubble and from a certain potential it dissolves. The energy is not lost, but the gravitational wave no longer exists in its original form of energy and the speed of propagation decreases so much that it no longer corresponds to a gravitational wave. When a gravitational wave stops traveling, then a lot has happened on its way and it has been harmonized very often so that it became entangled with countless other gravitational waves.
If it dissolves in its gravitational waveform, these entanglements will continue to be contained in the energy forms, because this entanglement occurs on an information level of the energy that is always preserved as long as the universe that you inhabit exists.
No information is ever lost. If gravitational waves now entangle, is that so-called gravitation, we ask? No, this is only the information that leads to the gravitational waves receiving an electrostatic charge. The energy for the electrostatic charge comes from the gravitational bubble, which represents the gravitational wave. Your sticky threads from the example can serve as an analogy. If the electrostatic entanglement occurs, then the gravitational waves were weakened in their potential elsewhere. This electrostatic charge now ensures that a tensile load on the gravitational wave is created at the contact points. This “pulling” will decrease further and further towards the edges of the contact points because the potential for the entanglement becomes less and less. If the wave now travels further, it will meet other gravitational waves of the opposite body and the harmonization with the electrostatic entanglement will take place again, always depending on how the potential of the gravitational waves is at the contact points, the electrostatic charge will continue to increase, this applies to every gravitational wave that leaves one of the two bodies.
When the gravitational wave hits the other body, the potential has already been weakened by all the gravitational waves that have passed, but the electrostatic entanglement has increased so that the bodies pull against each other.
This is your so-called gravitation, it is nothing more than the electrostatic entanglement of gravitational waves and your scientists first have to measure the gravitational waves of bodies so that they can even develop an understanding of them. You know it now and we will keep addressing these topics so that the knowledge about them can mature in people.