A0353: What is the mass? – Part 1

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When we talk about mass, we first have to describe what constitutes mass for us. When we think of mass, it becomes existent, and when we talk about it, mass is generated. You would say that the spiritual being manifests mass the moment it thinks of something heavy, but this is not the case because the so-called heaviness has nothing to do with the actual mass, but the weight is an effect that we do have already described. Today we want to deepen the knowledge about it so that even non physicists are able to recognize the true nature of mass and at the end of our summary you will look puzzled because you have understood something that not even your scientists understand. 

What is weight, we ask? Weight arises at the moment when different gravitational waves collide and one gravitational wave amplifies the other. We have already described the process, but we will try again to explain how it works so that your reader has a better understanding of it. 

When gravitational waves are emitted from a body, the body determines what kind of gravitational wave it is because the body’s energy is responsible for how the gravitational wave is sent. How is crucial so that the gravitational wave also behaves as the body’s energy suggests. When a body rests in space, a feather will also produce hardly measurable gravitational waves, because every body releases these waves from within. What do these gravitational waves have to do with actual weight, we ask? Actually nothing, as long as a second body is not present that also sends out gravitational waves. These bodies do not weigh anything when they are alone in space, but when they are together, then the gravitational waves from one body hit the other body and the weight is born because it is only an effect between at least two bodies and alone would be that body weightless. If a body has no weight, what then determines the density of a body, we ask? The density of a body is not an effect, but is directly related to the type of energy of the body, so that it can be said that the density corresponds to the type of energy. If you take a very dense body, then the type of energy is different than if you use a less dense body as a comparison. The weight results from the density of a body in direct relation to another body. When the bodies interact with one another, the gravitational waves that are emitted by the body determine the weight of the bodies among one another. 

Gravitational waves can penetrate any massive body, but they change as they travel through the body. Gravitational waves, which depend on the type of energy in the body, are also changed by the actual body when the wave is created and wants to leave the body. If the body appears very voluminous, the waves have to cross a lot of volume, which changes them to a certain extent. If the body is very dense, the change is less than if the body were not so dense. Isn’t that confusing we ask? In fact, it’s very confusing, so we’re going to shed some light on this so you can understand why it is so. 

When a gravitational wave occurs, something strange happens. The wave is generated by a particle of the body and it wants to spread in all directions, but there are more particles present that also constantly emit gravitational waves. When a gravitational wave leaves the particle, it will hit the wave that was emitted by the neighboring particle. The waves are alike, so that they double in their creative power. This resulting wave has a higher energy potential so that it continues its journey more dominantly. Every other wave will increase the potential so that the gravitational wave becomes more and more dominant. Once it has penetrated the body, it is much more dominant than it was after it left the particle. The dominance of the wave also ensured that she left the body much faster than if she had tried it alone. The density of a body determines, among other things, how many particles are in a defined body volume, so that the gravitational wave can travel faster through a supposedly solid body than through a not so solid body. 

If the gravitational wave can travel faster through a solid body, then it only applies if the body also corresponds to the energy type of the gravitational wave. If the gravitational wave hits a body with another type of energy, then the type of energy decides whether the body can be traveled quickly or not. If a dominant gravitational wave meets a gravitational wave that does not correspond to the same type of energy during its journey out of the body, then they will either cancel each other out, increase each other or one wave will be weakened and the other wave will be strengthened. What happens when a gravitational wave arrives that corresponds to the same type of energy, we ask? Nothing at all, the waves will just let themselves pass without anything happening to the gravitational wave that wants to leave your own body. The wave that hits the foreign body of the same type of energy will pass through it without change. When the foreign wave emerges again, however, its potential has weakened slightly because it could pass but was influenced by the particles. When the foreign gravitational wave leaves the body, it is never alone, because the gravitational waves of the actual body join in, so that considered together, the energy potential increases, but does not add up, as would be the case if the gravitational wave emerged from one’s own body. If the bodies are placed next to each other, the gravitational waves hardly influence each other. When the bodies are placed far apart, things are different. A gravitational wave traveling through space is weakened on its way because it has to stretch its energy potential the further it travels through space. When you tighten a rubber band, you have to use more and more force the further you tighten it. If a gravitational wave leaves the body, then it has a greater potential than if it hits another body a few meters later, which means that the distance between the bodies plays an important role. If the bodies are close to one another, the exiting gravitational waves hit the gravitational waves of another body with great dominance, so that the gravitational waves can influence each other more strongly than if they are weakened more and more over the distance. If a body of the same volume but with a different density is added, then the energy waves of the new body hit the bodies to be equated and the gravitational waves of the less dense body want to travel through the denser body, now something extremely exciting happens, which we do have to describe a little beforehand so that you can understand the process correctly. 

There are again two bodies in one room. Both bodies have the same volume, but body A has a different density than body B. Body A is denser than body B. The energy type of body A is more powerful and body B consists of a “light” material, so to speak. When the more dominant energy wave emerges from body A, this wave hits body B after a short time. In the meantime, the gravitational waves have passed each other in space without anything having happened. Does it correspond to reality we ask? No, but we want to explain this fact another time, so that in this blog entry we only want to focus on the interaction of gravitational waves on a body. If the dominant gravitational wave from body A hits body B, then more dominant gravitational waves will emerge on the surface than if they had already traveled a few centimeters, because they weaken more and more with distance. The dominant gravitational wave meets an exiting gravitational wave that just wants to leave the “light” body. The outgoing wave meets the incoming wave. If the energy potentials are the same, then they cancel each other out. If the incoming gravitational wave is more dominant, it will weaken the exiting gravitational wave more and more, so that less and less dominant gravitational waves emerge. The dominant gravitational wave from body A will simply be able to pass through the body because on the one hand the particles are fewer and on the other hand they do not cancel out the dominant gravitational wave. What happens to body A when the less dominant gravitational wave meets the dominant gravitational waves that leave body A? The incoming gravitational waves from body B are multiplied in body A because the exiting gravitational waves use the incoming gravitational waves to increase their own energy potential. 

If the incoming gravitational waves are not very dominant, is there still always an increase in energy generated? No, it also happens that the waves can cancel each other out. When this happens, the bodies seem to lose their weight because the gravitational waves either continue to weaken or they are completely canceled. The gravitational waves that cause a granite block to seem to lose its weight so that it can easily be transported by a much smaller person was known to a few thousands of years ago. You will quickly find out once you have built up the knowledge of the gravitational waves. 

If we now consider what actually constitutes the weight of a body, then we find that the particles incessantly generate gravitational waves that are repeatedly weakened or strengthened, depending on the gravitational waves involved and when they interact, they become weights born that would not exist as a form of energy. The weight is to be seen as an effect, because the mass represents a form of energy which, depending on how it is placed in relation to other masses in space, the gravitational waves will influence each other. If the gravitation of a body is examined more closely, it is noticeable that the energy of the body can be raised, so that a body appears to appear heavier, but actually there is no weight, only different energy potentials that influence each other because the form of energy is decisive what kind of gravitational waves are generated. 

Nothing else matters because there is no force of attraction in the actual sense, but bodies have an electrostatic charge, which has already been described very well by the law of magnetism. Weight does not exist, but the gravitational waves will ensure that the body in space exerts a magnetic force of attraction, even if your physicists have never considered it that way. 

We will still need a part to be able to explain the facts. 

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