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A0349: How is a person’s consciousness built up when the so-called matrix has been transformed?
We start with explaining how the energy field of your earth is currently constructed, and then we explain what happens after the official first contact and what effects this will have on people.
When we look at a person’s consciousness, we find that it is multidimensional. The received information is evaluated by all partial consciousnesses and put together in one consciousness, whereby the consciousness does not represent an individual consciousness, but all consciousnesses together result in this consciousness. We cannot describe it in more detail now, but we had already reported a lot about it.
But why does a person’s consciousness consist of many subconsciousnesses, we ask? So that humanity can be pacified. For this, the energy field of a planet is transformed and all beings on the planet will also take over this energy field. The energy field of the earth consists of seven astral levels and you as humans have seven energy bodies, so that there is a direct connection here. If the planet has seven astral planes, then there must be a reason for that, which we will reveal to humanity today.
If you are also made up of seven levels, then each level of a person is directly connected to a level of the planet. We already mentioned that and we also said that each level is also inhabited by a partial consciousness, so that your partial consciousnesses do something on all levels of the planet. We also said that each sub-consciousness manifests something on the astral plane of the planet. We also said that the manifested forms are reshaped by other beings, but we didn’t say what for. The why needs to be clarified before we look at what will come of it. If we ask why there are beings on the astral planes who use the manifested forms differently, then we also find out what they ultimately do with it.
When a person has a strong thought, it is automatically manifested on many astral levels simultaneously by the partial consciousnesses of the person. The reason for this is that a person’s thought always initiates a flow of energy that has to be diverted so that nothing is manifested on the worldly level, what do we mean by that, we ask? If the energy were not diverted to an astral plane, you would actually be able to manifest things in your world. Manifesting solid matter is not easy, even if you did not divert the energy, but this ability is also dangerous the further a species evolves that has not yet been pacified.
There were times on earth when the earth’s energy field looked different and there were people who could manifest matter. They had many skills that you see in exciting mystery films today, but there were only a few people. If society takes a certain direction, then the spiritual world knows that it is time to pacify the species, otherwise it could not only contribute to the destruction of its own species, but this species could become a danger to other species. Therefore, from a certain point in their development, these species are subjected to a so-called pacification procedure, which ends with the official first contact with an extraterrestrial species. Before this procedure starts, the energy field of the planet is transformed so that the species is prevented from developing mental abilities further and further. For this, the so-called thought energy is diverted so that it does not lead to the species being able to manifest on the planet. The beings on the planet know nothing about it, because only the following generations will experience this change, so that this is a slow process, which is difficult to notice even for you today’s readers, when your energy field of the planet is reshaped again.
Now we have explained why the energy field has been transformed, so we will now explain what happens to the diverted energy and what happens when the official first contact has taken place in a few years, because this is really an extremely exciting time, not only for you humans, also your whole galaxy is interested in it because you are the greatest threat to all other species right now.
The beings on the astral planes of your planet are constantly reshaping your forms, by which we mean the following: Over and over again persons will manifest a permanent form. This form is also perceived instinctively by other people, so that they will react to it. If the manifested form is strong, people will unconsciously react quickly to it, then the person has put a lot of energy into manifesting this form. If it is only fleeting thoughts, forms are also created, but these forms are immediately reshaped by the beings on the astral planes. Your question should now be what these beings shape out of it, and we are also answering it now.
From this they create forms that are supposed to help you to become more peaceful and the writer doubts, because according to his understanding humanity is becoming more and more violent, but that is actually not the case because 200 years ago people were much more cruel than people from the year 2020. If the societies are compared, then it can be determined that a great change has taken place here, but the technology has also advanced so that disputes are no longer followed so relentlessly, but the effects are very dramatic. There are always exceptions, but in principle it can be said that people are now much more peaceful than they were years ago. If people now appear more peaceful, then it is directly related to the forms that transform the beings on the astral planes. The shapes reflect a peaceful society that you will become when the official first contact has been made.
Everyone is talking about the fact that the earth and humanity will ascend into a sphere, which should also be the fifth dimension. Again, beings on your planet have made sure that facts are completely twisted just so that they have something spectacular to report. There is this “new dimension”, it is just something completely different, which no “knower” has understood at all until today, because they are all trapped in their beliefs system. The writer is like an empty vessel that can be filled with facts without starting to come up with spectacular theories so that many visit his blog. None of your so-called spiritual leaders has even rudimentarily understood what this new world actually represents and now we will reveal it.
This new world should remind you of how peaceful coexistence can be and you all perceive it instinctively, because your partial consciousnesses are constantly roaming around in these levels in the new world and your total consciousness in the sixth energy body is constantly confronted with it. You subconsciously feel how this new, beautiful world can be and you are all working towards it, because this is how you want this world to be. That is the secret behind it and your ascent into this new world is a mental act in which you try to bring the new world to earth and not the other way around.
Every person who claims that the earth and the people on it will change into a new dimension has no idea what they are talking about, because they are only parroting what a self-appointed guru or a self-appointed leading figure has spun together, because almost none of it is true. Now you also know why the energy field of the earth can be reshaped again after your official first contact, because after the official first contact you have brought the so-called new world to you and you are then pacified. When that has happened, you no longer need the astral planes and the beings on it are sent to the next species so that they can create their new world for the unsettled species in the energy field of the planet, so that this species also has the new world on its plane manifested so that they too may be pacified.
The so-called new world exists in the astral planes of your planet, but it is only an image that you should transform into your life as a template. If you are just waiting to ascend there, you are wasting your time because this is a misconception by people who to this day do not understand what is really going on in the spiritual world. They perceive something and therefore build an adventurous theory because they do not have the information that the big picture reveals. Do not be misled and question their claims, then you will quickly find that these are all just assumptions of perceptions that are misunderstood because they have no direct access to the knowledge of the spiritual world. If they make a living about it and just entertaining you with strange stories, then you shouldn’t believe these stories because they are just stories to spark your imagination, nothing more.
The so-called matrix is much more complex, but we have described its basic usage.