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A0347: What Exactly Is Autism?
If we want to talk about what autism basically is, then we have to clarify beforehand what your normal state of consciousness represents.
When a person has a thought, there is something in his mind that is being evaluated and analyzed. This thought is present until an apparent solution has been found. If the person does not have a solution, the thought will not go away, but over time it will weaken so that the person will pay more attention to other thoughts. But the thought wants to be thought through to the end and so it waits for its time when the person picks up this thought again in order to evaluate it further and finally to resolve it. You already know how to solve a thought, so we won’t go into it any further today. Once the thought has been resolved, something happens in the overall consciousness of the person. Solving the thought is also equivalent to solving a task, so that the person will inevitably grow from it. As the person grows, their frequency spectrum will be richer in frequency patterns, making the person appear wiser and more relaxed. This happens with every solved problem or task, so that a person continues to grow and come closer to the incarnation consciousness and they appear more and more relaxed and wiser. When the person dies, then he wakes up in the incarnation body in the spiritual world with exactly the same consciousness that he had when he died on earth, there will hardly be any change.
What about people who are autistic, we ask? If a person is a so-called autistic then his consciousness functions differently, but never worse, because the total consciousness has always been there, so that the person could exist without this so-called autism. But if the overall consciousness does not work differently than the overall consciousness of people without this so-called autism, where does this autism arise at all, we ask? Autism is caused by the connections between the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system and is therefore only a physical disease that can be treated. If autism is a nerve disease, why hasn’t it been discovered yet? Because scientists still don’t understand how consciousness works and where it is located.
You all have a body consciousness that actually has your brain as its main seat. The body consciousness is not you as total consciousness, but it is only a temporary partial consciousness of yours, which is only connected to you in your physical life and when you die, then the body consciousness no longer affects you and you no longer have any physical complaints you don’t will feel physical desire. Almost all of your fears stem from body awareness. The body consciousness is connected with your overall consciousness for the time of your physical life, so that the overall consciousness and the body consciousness enter into a symbiosis, at which there is an interface that you can call the eighth energy node. This eighth energy node is connected directly through the cerebral cortex and is therefore the direct link to the spiritual world. The larger this cerebral cortex appears, the more direct the connection into the spiritual world, by which we mean the connection of body consciousness with the overall consciousness of the person. If the cerebral cortex of a real autistic person is examined, then the scientists could determine a difference, which can only be seen as an effect. An autistic person no longer has this direct connection in its diversity, because the nerve inflammation ensures that the connection appears restricted. As this nerve inflammation progresses, the person appears to become more autistic, but actually something else happens that we will now describe.
The person with the nerve inflammation has a normal connection to total consciousness, but certain areas of the cerebral cortex are inflamed, weakening the connection. However, the human being expresses himself through the overall consciousness in the sixth energy body, so that the so-called flow of information from the sixth energy body takes place via the solar plexus. The so-called eighth energy body, or rather the body consciousness, is directly connected to this overall consciousness in the incarnation body, so that the information that the person wants to express about the body is transported via the cerebral cortex. The flow of information remains the same, but the information is redistributed because the infected areas can no longer be used. However, this redistribution has effects on the physical person depending on the severity of the infection, so that the person often cannot perform seemingly everyday things or they can pay more attention to some sensors so that they can do things that uninfected people can do only with difficulty. Find out what is causing this infection and treat it. If treatment is given early, the effects later will be less than if the person has lived with it for a long time.
We want to go into the autistic among you. Many of you have discovered my own characteristics of autism, but we also tell you, forget it, if you are really a real autistic then you would not think about it at all, or “normal” people would think about them seemingly normal are? No, they don’t, and there may be people among you who seem to be autistic in some areas, but actually you just haven’t evolved. If you notice that you have a tad or that you are having a hard time interpersonal relationships, then you can work on it or you can leave it, but please don’t put yourself on a par with an autistic person because autism is a nervous disease and you don’t consider it to be Should use excuse just because you don’t seem to want to develop in an area. Identify your apparent problem and tackle it, but don’t hide behind true autistic people who actually “work” differently that you could never understand, so that you adorn yourself with something that you have not built up any knowledge of.