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A0345: Does the daily consumption of garlic and onions influence spiritual practices?
No, it doesn’t and we want to enlighten you as to what these spiritual practices actually represent. When someone says of himself that he is spiritual, he usually means that he believes in the spiritual world and that spiritual beings are superimposed on him. What do we mean by that, we ask? If someone believes in the spiritual world, then he believes everything that has been reported about the spiritual world up to now. All your reports about the spiritual world are fundamentally wrong and the scribbler is just making sure that you get the right picture of the spiritual world, because only someone who does not yet know about the spiritual world can report about it. Have you ever thought about who actually wrote down all this spiritual nonsense? No? Then do some research and you will notice that it is always the same people who constantly discover something new in the spiritual world – although they neither have the senses for it nor are objective, because they are all spiritual. How do you think all your conspiracy theorists get their theories? They experience something and then they build a theory around it. The more they invest in the so-called theory, the more glorious are their conclusions. Are they objective about it, we ask? Not at all, they will put all their knowledge into the new theory and now guess where this so-called knowledge comes from, we’ll tell you. Many humans have experienced strange things and when something like that happens, they take their knowledge and try to explain it rationally. When knowledge is no longer enough to describe the strange thing, then faith is used. When a person believes, they don’t question the belief, they accept it as fact. All your spiritual teachers who want to help you to evolve take the knowledge of the spiritual world as fact. They do not question it because they are absolutely humble and follow their shepherd like a sheep in the pasture. But if someone refutes the facts, then the hardness of the belief determines whether the sheep continues to follow the shepherd or determines for itself what is a fact and what is not. All of you who call yourselves a spiritual human, all of you will receive the so-called facts according to the hardness of your belief. Those who present the so-called facts are the shepherds who make up their own stories just so that there are enough sheep to make themselves a leader. Start questioning these so-called facts and use your logic, which will tell you how likely the shepherd’s story can be true, when the shepherd has never experienced the spiritual world outside his own beliefs. If someone is firmly convinced that he knows how the spiritual world works because he has experienced it, then you now know that this person is a really great shepherd. This shepherd understands even less about the spiritual world than you do, because really no single person can experience what the spiritual world is actually like. Even your astral journeys will not give you a full picture of it because even then you do not have the senses to experience what the spiritual world is actually like. If you want to know what the spiritual world is really like, you will have to wait for your death. Let me tell you that after death even the greatest spiritual human is no longer spiritual because the spiritual world is only a vast extension of the mundane worlds. In the spiritual world there are no spiritual spiritual beings, but only beings with different potentials of power and different opinions. If a person thinks that eating garlic and onions will influence his spirituality, then by all means advise that person to eat onions and garlic so that this person realises that it really has nothing to do with each other and that the shepherds and storytellers have influenced this person long enough. Stop listening to these storytellers because they themselves do not know what they are telling. Don’t feed the ego of the storytellers because actually they don’t want that, do they?