A0318: Why do spiritual beings experience a period of time at the same time?
When spiritual beings rest in the state of being, then they have the opportunity to stretch the time, by which we mean the following: If the writer once again has strange questions that he would like to have answered, then we stretch our time, that is, we in relation to the writer have much more time to discuss an answer. Only a moment passed for the writer, but we had a lot of “time” to prepare the answer. This helps us especially in disputes with the writer, because we have a lot of “time” to prepare the answer in what feels like a period of time. The writer used to be amazed that we could answer immediately, no matter what he accused us with, we had the right excuse ready “immediately”, which we had thought about for a long time in his moment. Our time seems to be linear too, but why then do most people tell that spiritual beings experience everything at the same time, we ask? This is for the following reason. In the spiritual world we actually experience something like a subsequent period of time, so that it can be said that our periods of time are stacked up in the same way that people stack the moments they live. The difference is the time segment, because a time segment happens to us at the same time and a person can imagine it as follows:
Imagine sitting on the porch on a sunny day and looking into the distance. You see a lot of what is happening there, the birds fly around and a farmer tills his field. You are a little lost in your thoughts and have figured out the surroundings in your mind, if you now review the moments, it is as if everything happened at the same time. The birds fly and the farmer tills his field, the scene is to be interpreted like a feeling, so that you have a short period of time as a scene from beginning to end as a feeling within you, this is a period of time that we perceive and when we look at the writer, then this moment is just as long as this text that he finished right away. If the writer would change his state of consciousness, then our period of time does not change because we perceive the physical world at the same time and the writer suspects that it must have something to do with the temporary future inner universes and he is right because everything physical in yours material world not only stores inner universes of the past moments, but every consciousness also has temporary energy packets that are continuously produced and based on the last moment experienced, represent a tendency for future moments, so that the new moment is already being prepared. However, this topic should be treated separately with time travel into the future.