A0317: Time, what should be understood about it?
When someone philosophizes about time, most people do not understand what the so-called philosopher is talking about, so we will now use a few short examples to show that time cannot exist at all and that the past was and the future uncertain is. Time does not exist and you only perceive it because you feel the time and you even perceive the felt time differently. We will now start with the examples and at the end of the blog entry we will summarize the findings from these examples again and finally evaluate them.
Example 1
Didn’t the time pass more slowly in childhood than in old age? Why can someone feel time when it should be a constant and this constant is always the same.
Example 2
If a person is a high-performance athlete and he is preparing for a competition, then many athletes will report about a very special moment that they experience again and again when they have to concentrate shortly before their peak performance. They tell of a moment that lasted forever, but they can never describe how long they stayed in this particular state. You have consciously perceived the so-called time loop, but are not able to describe this moment in more detail.
Example 3
A child receives a new toy and is very fascinated by it. It plays with it very intensely and it feels like an eternity to the child. After the child has played, they have to tidy their room. If both activities happened in the same time units, the child will say that playing was way too short and that it took forever to clean up. The felt sense of time is real because everyone knows these situations and studies will confirm it again and again. If the perception of time changes within a short period of time, then time has to be constantly accelerated or slowed down. That would have to happen at the same time, because if two children were doing opposing activities, then the playing child would perceive an accelerated time, while at the same time the tidying child would perceive the time slowed down. Since countless children on planet earth are constantly tidying up and playing at the same time, a time constant would no longer be a constant. The children feel the time, nothing more.
Example 4
When the elements of the fuel rods start to disintegrate in a nuclear reactor, they always do this very evenly. If an athlete wants to achieve his maximum performance next to such a nuclear reactor and switches to this special moment through concentration, so to speak, which seems to be a time loop because time does not seem to pass, how can the elements in the fuel rods still decay evenly. If the athlete manipulates time, then it must apply to everyone, because time should be a constant. But because the athlete perceives time differently than what the disintegration of the fuel elements suggests, the time cannot be the same, otherwise the fuel elements would disintegrate more slowly. The fuel elements disintegrate every moment and that constantly, it doesn’t matter how many athletes perform at their best in the vicinity. When the high-performance athlete achieves his maximum performance, he will perceive something for a moment that seems to happen one after the other, but actually it is at the same time because the moment stands still, which is why some athletes will understand time differently than other athletes. If time ran linearly, then the time would have to be the same for every athlete and not of different length, as the athletes would indicate. Time is felt, so time in the same moment can be different for everyone. If you want to perceive time, you should concentrate on an energy node in your body, then the person will perceive time very strangely like a high-performance athlete, because time does not want to advance at all, why is that so, we ask? Because a person develops a certain sense of time through the external impulses that are constantly processed in the body and every time the person concentrates particularly strongly on one thing, all physical sensations are filtered out by the environment and the person is in the so- called moment of being that lasts forever and never seems to perish. The top athletes come very close to this moment, but nobody comes there and lingers there because the physical impulses cannot be filtered out for long. The physical body exists and disintegrates, so to speak, but the consciousness of a high-performance athlete can blink its eyes once in the same “decay time” or seem to linger forever in the time loop. How does this all come together?
Example 5
A tractor drives over a field at a constant speed and the tractor driver looks bored out of the window. The driver thinks about how the upcoming harvest will turn out. He thinks very carefully about how best to plan the harvest. Out of nowhere, he’s standing with his tractor on a busy road, even though he’s only just started driving. His mind was busy trying to find solutions and apparently he lost track of time because after all these years, the driver knows his fields by heart, but he still didn’t notice how quickly the time passed. The time is felt and anyone who has already driven a long distance in a car will confirm that on an unspectacular route the driver hardly notices most of the journey and can only remember parts of the journey. Anyone who taps short-term memory is far from understanding what this so-called memory is. You can perceive time through the external impulses, but without these impulses this sense of time would not exist.
Example 6
When fuel rods disintegrate, a certain amount of time elapses in which a certain number of elements have disintegrated. You measure something like that and, among other things, timepieces are created from it. If we claim that time does not exist, how can these elements even disintegrate in a certain “unit of time”, we ask? They also decay, but not in a certain time, but in moments that correspond to the product of the decay. What is a moment supposed to represent? A moment is a thought, every thought will always generate a moment. Energy is also always consciousness because energy exists in vibrations. Every vibration is different and when energy or frequencies are compressed on a seemingly compact area, then that is actually a consciousness. Not every consciousness is so powerful that you can communicate with that consciousness as you can with one another. If the top athlete can focus his thoughts so strongly, then he thinks in its pure form. If the high- performance athlete paused longer in this moment, then he would be in the state of being and he would hardly perceive a time because the size of his consciousness lets him feel this time. If a person were able to get into what is called the state of being, then the person could say, I’ve been there for ages, thinking about everything a person could ever experience, and it felt like an eternity to me because that Consciousness in the state of being thought up innumerable situations that a person could experience on earth. We say the following: When consciousness is powerful, a moment outside of the state of being can feel like 10 seconds to a person outside of the state of being, even though before him a person in the state of being has thought up all the possibilities that a person can experience on earth. How does that fit together? If the person remains in the state of being, then all physical impulses are filtered out and the person no longer has any sense of time, the less physical impulses are filtered out, the more the person perceives time in the state of being. A high-performance athlete is on the verge of this state of being and he perceives time through the physical impulses, but it almost seems to stand still. If the athlete were able to filter out even more physical impulses through the strong focus, then time would first stand still and then there is a change of consciousness into the state of being, which can be eternal for the consciousness as long as the consciousness can hold this state.
The elements in the fuel rods have their own consciousness because everything in the physical world is formed from consciousness. The elements are in the state of being and depending on the consciousness, the moment will also have a certain length. Since this awareness does not change, the disintegration time will always be the same. The high- performance athlete and the element in the reactor have different awareness potentials, which is why the moments lived are different. A moment is always felt by the consciousness. If external sensory impressions stretch the moment because the moments of the external consciousness feel differently than the own consciousness feels it, the moment will feel different. If you live in a fast-paced city, time is racing for you and someone in the country feels the same time much longer. That should make sense to everyone.
Example 7
A person rides a bicycle and there is a car next to the person. Both drivers drive the same route in the same time. The time for the cyclist will be different than for the driver, because the time in traffic is different from that for the cyclist on the bike path. The cyclist does not have to concentrate on the traffic, so his consciousness wanders and before he knows it, he has reached his destination. The driver starts with the cyclist and arrives at the same moment as the cyclist, but time has passed much more slowly for him because he had to concentrate so much on the traffic that his sense of time is different. Both drivers drove the same route in the same amount of time, but the sense of time they feel couldn’t be more different. If we keep talking about the past time, why do we keep saying that time doesn’t exist at all? Because your measured time is measured by a constant consciousness, which has a constant state of consciousness, if you would not have the timers and thus no deadlines or processes that presuppose time units, then you would hardly have a sense of time and your felt time would only be tied to your state of consciousness . Time is felt and you subjugate yourselves to a state of consciousness that you never reach, because your consciousness appears to be much larger than the consciousness that indirectly determines your time as a product of decay.
Example 8
When physicists talk about the universe, they often talk about day X, when the universe was created by a big bang. You also know that the time did not exist before this big bang, but now there is time because man defined time. How did man define time? Exactly, he has taken an element that always decays reproducibly at the same intervals. The so-called time is based on this. Humans also measured the speed of propagation of light on the basis of the defined time measurement. However, time does not seem to pass the same speed everywhere, because Einstein already established that time may pass at different speeds, depending on where someone is in the universe. Some people believe that a journey through time into the future can be undertaken, we tell you that this is not possible at all and we hope the writer asks us about it occasionally. If time runs at different speeds in the universe, then it cannot be a constant. If something in the universe affects time, why do people still believe that time is stable? If it were the same everywhere, depending on the decay product of elements, why is this not true everywhere? Because a decay product has consciousness and consciousnesses will always influence each other. When an element decays in a certain period, this decay process is influenced by all the consciousnesses in the area. If the same pair of elements seems to decay more slowly or faster in another environment, then it is because the consciousness in the environment has changed. If the greater consciousness changes, then the change in the influence on the lesser consciousness will always be decisive. The pair of elements has a smaller consciousness than the galaxy around them, so the consciousness of the pair of elements in your galaxy will be different from that in the Andromeda Galaxy. If the lived moment is dependent on consciousness, then the consciousness of an element can also be influenced here on earth. Take an experiment in which light particles hit a slit, the specific pattern that is formed there will be different if you follow the experiment with great concentration. These types of experiments still piss you off, but the moment you pay close attention to the experiment, your thoughts will be on the experiment and focused thoughts are energy. Energy is also always consciousness, so that you supply the experiment with the energy that you produce with your thoughts and because the small consciousness of the light particles is influenced by it, it has more consciousness and experiences its specific moment differently than without this extra consciousness, therefore it behaves differently, because the felt time at that moment is completely different. You see how there can be time when it can always be influenced. There is not the time, but the lived moment.
Example 9
Particles traveling through space have a direction in relation to their surroundings that can be predetermined. When a particle travels through a solar system, it is constantly being influenced because the so-called gravity can deflect this particle, but how can physicists explain this deflection? They say that the more massive a body appears, the greater the impact on other bodies must be. When a super-rich black hole rests in the middle of a galaxy, it has incredible mass that affects all the bodies around it. When this super-massive black hole receives no more matter, its growth stagnates until the black hole appears to be at rest in space. The gravitation should no longer be able to attract further matter, therefore it is in a rest mode. The star systems around the black hole also hardly seem to move. They are racing increasingly around the black hole, but hardly any change seems to be occurring from the outside. Physicists also say that the time near a black hole is different, but they don’t know why. Apparently they do not know that all matter is occupied with consciousness and that the greater consciousness will influence smaller consciousnesses, so that time in the black hole stands still because the matter in the black hole is so huge that the consciousness that exists there is also exceedingly must be enormous. The awareness is so enormous that the awareness of the galaxy is rather low. Since hardly any external impulses have any influence on this consciousness, the black hole experiences the apparent state of being that high-performance athletes often experience and which seem to last for an eternity. The black hole as consciousness is almost in the state of being and since it is physical it will influence everything around it with its consciousness and everyone would say that time seems to stand still there, but in reality the state of being is perceived there, which is physically expresses. Everything is consciousness and every consciousness incessantly experiences moments that are sometimes felt longer and sometimes shorter, but nothing more.
Example 10
How can the felt time be brought into harmony with reality, since there is a past and a present, must there still be something like time or not? No, the past exists as stored moments, but these moments were felt for different lengths of time by all beings, always depending on the beings’ state of consciousness. Your photos are memories, but nothing more. Your past is a memory that is composed of all the consciousnesses that were present at the moment and that have influenced each other from the consciousness. The time in a photo is exactly a moment in your life, one had the feeling that the moment was long and the other in the photo thought the moment lasted forever, so the time was different for both people. You have timepieces that would measure a different “time” in different areas, how can you still assume that this constant time exists. If time is not constant, then it is not real either, because the decay numbers of an element here on earth are different from those in other regions of your universe. Everything is relative, and it is the same with time on earth, but no one can determine in advance how long time will feel, because time runs at a different speed for every consciousness. Everything has to do with which state of consciousness an awareness has assumed, then a moment can appear briefly or last an eternity.
We have addressed many examples in which the perceived time was an issue and we have given examples in which the verifiable effects of time were explained and yet the writer still has problems to put these fragments together to form a larger picture and we also explain why.
The writer, like you, thinks linearly and that prevents him from understanding time for what it is. If someone thinks linearly, then his reality always builds up piece by piece. He has just had a coffee with his wife and the next moment he is back at his desk and is writing this text down. These are all moments that happen one after the other, but if the writer divided these moments into equal time parts and wrote down how long it felt like drinking coffee and how long it felt to write down the examples from the text, then he would quickly understand that they were all of different lengths, although your timepiece specifies the same time intervals. There is no time because the felt time is different from that of the timepiece and if you always stack your moments, you can barely perceive it. If you were in a state of being, then time would stand still, if you were an extremely powerful consciousness or if you know how you can influence the consciousness of your environment, then the time pile that you have piled up with your moments would be variable and you could time stretch and compress as you like. You are already doing it when you are reading these lines with concentration, but you are doing it all unconsciously. If you compress and stretch the time, then you influence your own sense of time, but nothing more.
Whoever thinks that time is accelerated because he perceives it in experiments, then confirms his state of consciousness, but nothing more. The time is felt and because it is not constant, one cannot speak of a “time”, but of experienced moments that seem to have a certain length, but nothing more.
Do not confuse the stacking of experienced moments with a constant time that seems to be different everywhere and that can also be influenced.