A0310: What needs to be considered for a manifestation that has not been mentioned before?
If a person has a wish and wants to manifest that wish, what should should be done, we ask? The person must have a clear goal, they must know what the wish is supposed to represent. What would be the goal of the wish. When the goal is clearly defined, the person thinks about what it means to have achieved the goal, it doesn’t matter how they get to the goal, but what happens when the goal event has occurred, only that counts. If the target event appears unrealistic, it will also be difficult to manifest and if the target event appears selfish, it is something else. If someone manifests a selfish goal, it can happen as if they did not manifest a selfish goal. Everything just has to appear exactly in the mind’s eye and the more intensity you put into this manifestation, the faster the target event could occur. Why is that, we ask? Because the more intensely a manifestation is carried out, the more clearly the goal manifests itself on an astral level. If the wish that a human being expresses is selfish, then the spiritual beings around you will pay little attention to this wish, but if a person intensely manifests the wish as a goal, then it creates a form on an astral level that is not can only be perceived by the spiritual beings, but all beings that have something to do with the person who is manifested will perceive it instinctively.
If the form is manifested particularly intensely, all persons will perceive this form. These forms on astral levels are perceived by many people and if someone is sensitive, he will instinctively know what the manifestation means. If many people instinctively understand what needs to be done to achieve the goal, they will unconsciously ensure that the goal event occurs. If the person repeatedly renews the manifestation in great detail, then this form will persist for a long time and many people will unconsciously contribute to this target event.
If you still want the event to happen, it will go even faster, but then the wish must not be selfish in nature, and we want to briefly define this selfishness. When would a wish be selfish, we ask? If the desire leads to consciously taking something that belongs to another person, then this is the selfishness we mean. When a person is harmed, the wish was selfish. If a person wants a new partner, it’s not selfish. If a person chooses a specific person as a companion who lives happily in a relationship, it is selfish. If a person wants wealth, it is not selfish.
We hope that our explanations have shed some light on the subject of manifestation and let you say that you can always express a wish, if it comes from the heart, it can never be selfish.