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A0309: Are there aliens visiting Earth without a spaceship?
No, all physical beings need a transport vehicle and all extraterrestrials who physically visit Earth will transport their bodies to Earth with such a transport vehicle. Why can’t physical beings teleport like some spiritual beings, we ask? When a spiritual being wants to travel from location A to location B, he thinks of the new location and teleports the consciousness there. However, this is not correctly described, so we now explain how a consciousness makes a journey, so that we will recognize that there are consciousnesses that cannot travel and consciousnesses that can travel to all levels.
If consciousness is to be multidimensional, then we must first clarify what the meaning of “multidimensional” actually means in relation to consciousness. When someone talks about something that is a bit multi-dimensional, that person often doesn’t know what that means. The answer is multidimensional if someone wants to know why something seems to work, even though it doesn’t seem to be explainable. If you transported a car from location A to location B, you drove it there. Driving a car is to be interpreted multidimensionally, because you have to use more than one sense for it. Multiple senses provide multidimensional information that must be interpreted by consciousness based on the environment in which a person is located. Each of the information provides a “dimension” and because you get information from the eyes, ears and touch, you have several dimensions that you process simultaneously. That is why everyone speaks of a multi-dimensional consciousness, although the consciousness consists of partial consciousnesses, which in turn consists of aspects of partial consciousnesses. Each of these subconsciousnesses will constantly add its own information to a situation, so that the human “consciousness” through its subconsciousness processes an experienced situation in a multidimensional way. People who understand this rarely talk about the multidimensional nature of consciousness because people who cannot understand the term in relation to consciousness are always intimidated by it. The consciousness receives a lot of different information, which is compiled into a new overall situation at the same time so that the person can also process the situation. It is nothing more and yet this process can appear very complex the further the process of the individual parts of consciousness is examined.
Every partial consciousness that can be assigned to an energy body will process a lot of information and archive it in an energy or frequency package, what do we mean by that, we ask? When a feeling is received, many energy bodies oscillate differently and the resulting total frequency is stored in the first energy body as a package. At the same time, the collected information on their own frequency is also stored in all other energy bodies as packets in the respective energy body.
An example
A person stands in the forest, the calm and the scent are perceived by the person and they feel a comfortable feeling that they will associate with this experienced moment forever. The moment is stored in the inner universes as an experienced memory with all packages from the energy bodies. The body has to process the situation via its physical senses and the seventh energy body will receive all physical sensory impressions at the time of the moment and archive them as information in a package. The seventh energy body oscillates in a special frequency and this partial frequency is stored as an energy packet and the frequency is passed on to all other energy bodies via the main node of the solar plexus. Each energy body perceives the experienced situation in a very special way, so that the information about the lived situation leads to different energy packages in the individual energy bodies, which would have to be brought together to form the overall situation. However, this is not possible because there is no superordinate consciousness, so that all the subconscious with the energy packages that they created during the same situation process the situation together. If each energy body is viewed as one dimension, then an experienced situation consists of several dimensions that have been put together from several energy packages. You have grasped a situation multi-dimensionally and therefore some people say that consciousness is multi-dimensional, but it is even more what these people do not know.
If every thought in the spiritual world leads to a manifestation, then every human being will manifest something constantly on astral levels. If the human being consists of seven partial consciousnesses, then an experienced situation on seven different astral levels, different things will manifest. There is an astral level where a person’s feelings are manifested, and all people on earth will constantly manifest many forms on this astral level that reflect their feelings. This astral plane is populated by many beings who use these manifestations as energy to exist on this plane. Anyone who now thinks of energy vampires or beings that absorb the energy of people is wrong and has no knowledge of the topic at all. Every thought manifests itself and everything arises from the energy that the creator provides. You have used the energy to use your lived situation as an energy package and at the same time you will create forms on many astral levels that you will never use again for the most part. These forms are redirected energy that beings are transformed into something new. These beings recognize the new form and use the energy for something they need. As you supply countless apparatuses with the energy gained in the worldly world, the beings of the astral planes use the redirected energy for their purposes. Humans neither perceive it nor serve as a battery for these beings, but all energy is converted again and again. When these beings perceive the manifested forms, they often do not even know at all that this form was manifested by a partial consciousness, but they themselves only perceive energy, which they then transform for their purposes.
Beings always need energy because beings themselves represent a compact energy package, the more energy there is in the being, the greater the consciousness seems to be. The greater the consciousness appears, the greater energy packs the being can generate. If a being can work with large energy packages, then the being is more powerful than a being who can work with smaller energy packages. If beings are measured by the size of the energy packages to be processed, how can this be transferred to humans? The writer is a powerful being, but only in the spiritual world. On earth, the writer appears like a normal person with no special abilities, but why then do we always say that he is a powerful being who is constantly becoming more powerful, even though it is obvious that the writer has no special abilities. The writer is not defined by what he can do on earth for work, but how large are the energy packages that he can possibly process. If he appears powerful, he can process large packages of energy that always lead to a manifestation in the spiritual world. If the writer would consciously manifest, then he will manifest large packages of energy on an astral level that will take a form that can be perceived by other beings. Would the writer be able to do extraordinary things? No, because we are still preventing that. Only when the writer does his job will we free his mind from all the filters that are currently preventing him from processing large packages of energy. What does all this have to do with the question? If the writer can process large energy packets and these energy packets lead to a manifestation on an astral level, the writer could also project the large partial consciousness, which he calls daytime consciousness, onto another astral level, so that the writer with his so-called daytime consciousness could travel to levels that you are constantly creating with your thoughts. You will travel this astral plane with an aspect of your sixth energy body sub- consciousness as a small consciousness, but if you were more powerful you could use even larger aspects of your sixth energy body sub-consciousness to travel this astral plane. If you are a person who does not seem to have a special task and you travel a lot and consciously on the astral plane in these so-called astral journeys, you have accumulated a lot of power that allows you to work with larger energy packages. If you are able to do this, you will experience more and more conscious out of body experiences and many would think that you are powerful beings.
If you were extremely powerful, you could visit the astral plane directly with a thought and since the astral plane of the sixth energy body is always conceived by the beings that inhabit a physical place, you would be able to visit foreign planets with them you don’t need spaceships. Of course, this is not the whole truth and we have to admit that the astral planes are only an image of the physical universe, but there are ways and means how a physical being can travel to a physical place via the astral planes, but there are regularities involved a role that we have not yet addressed.
Your masters and teachers will control and monitor the use of consciousness on an out of body experience. If your masters are just as convinced that a person is not yet ready for it, as we are about the writer, then that person will not be able or hardly be able to process large energy packages for a conscious out of body experience. It will not travel to the astral planes at all or only to a limited extent with its so-called daytime consciousness.
We want to teach you, and it is inevitable that we start with simple explanations and continue to increase over time, so that this can be seen as a process in which every person can participate, regardless of their level of knowledge. If the person cannot understand our explanations, then all they have to do is go back in the blog post’s blog entries and record the missing knowledge there.