A0302: What is a partial consciousness, what is its task? – Part 2

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A partial consciousness, however small it may appear, could still represent the person of whom it is a part. The subconscious almost only differ in their power potential and we also think that the so-called day consciousness has the greatest power of all consciousnesses of a person. If the so-called daily consciousness has so much power, why can the ego take the lead if it only gets a little more power, we ask? Because the ego has a very special task and it can override the more powerful daily consciousness because the function in the ego provides for it. When people still had to fight for their continued existence every day, the ego was always very powerful and it hardly changed until the person died. We have exaggerated this state of affairs somewhat to bring the reader closer to the real purpose. If the ego was so important for survival and nobody really has to fight for his life today, as it seems to be the case in most industrialized nations, why are there so many egoists among you, we ask? Because your life is not only physical, but because you also live a social life and it is about family, political or professional survival. Every aspect of your life is conducted with other individuals and everywhere you have a certain “position” that the ego tries to defend. Should the position be at risk at work, then the ego will automatically take the lead and gain more power potential from the so-called daily consciousness. If the “position” has been successfully defended and there is no longer any danger, the power potential is automatically redistributed and daily awareness takes the lead again. It can also happen that both subconscious minds take the lead, but this is extremely rare and can be described by the fact that a person cannot make a decision at all, because the daily consciousness would always act differently than the ego. So if a person is torn to make a decision, all the subconscious will express their opinion and the overall opinion is not yet clear, but after a short time the daily consciousness takes over and announces the decision or a person cannot decide at all and seems paralyzed and with every decision that is to be made. These people have an equal day consciousness and ego consciousness that can never negotiate a decision. These people only have to utter the sentence that we dictated in the first part and the redistribution of power potential will ensure that the ego consciousness returns its extra power to the so-called daily consciousness and that the person can make decisions again shortly afterwards.
The ego consciousness also has another task that it constantly carries out. The ego consciousness controls your thoughts in a way that can be said, your inner voice corresponds to the ego consciousness. The writer keeps a close eye on his ego consciousness and when he perceives his voice in his thoughts, he not only internalizes what was thought, but he constantly analyzes the content of the information with his daytime consciousness, only in this way was he able to be independent Expose ego consciousness. He has captured information in the thoughts that he would never or not think in this way in his day-to-day consciousness, when he recognized this, he knew that someone else and not himself thought that. Strictly speaking, he thought it himself, but with another subconscious. He is still analyzing his thoughts because he has been practicing it for so long, but the voice that apparently gives him information indiscriminately has almost ceased, because the writer too, by speaking the dictated sentence from the first part, his ego consciousness had instructed to begin redistributing power so that the extra power was transferred back from the ego consciousness back to the so-called daily consciousness.
The voice with all the additional information is almost completely silent, so that the writer now understands what the so-called subconscious actually means, which everyone is always talking about, but nobody really knows who or what the subconscious actually represents. The so-called subconscious is the ego consciousness, which gains more power when the person is in danger and will ensure that the danger is averted. In the next part we will take a closer look at the remaining partial consciousness of a person, because there is also a lot to discover there.

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