A0297: Why are there so many aliens in our solar system?

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When a planet is visited by an extra-planetary species, there is always a reason for it. If a solar system is constantly visited by different species, there is always a very special reason. The intensity of these visits has increased for many years and the reason for this is the imminent first contact, which will be made on Earth in the not too distant future, no matter what the powerful governments on your planet think of it. This first contact is inevitable and is started by the fact that a certain frequency pattern can be recognized in the frequency spectrum of earthly mankind. This frequency pattern can be interpreted as the recognition of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The writer has developed this frequency pattern very strongly and many readers have already developed this frequency pattern. If a certain number of earthly people have developed this frequency pattern, it will be recognizable in the frequency spectrum of humanity. The certain number has not yet been reached, but all beings who have been entrusted with this task know that it can only be a few years before the number is reached. There may be some markers that we described earlier that can even shorten this time, but even without these markers, the first contact is imminent. 

Your governments have an idea that a major event is imminent and many are already assuming that it must be a first contact, but no one knows exactly what that means and how the first contact will be. We have written many blog entries, where the process is described in detail. Your governments know it only to a limited extent, because certain parts of the government apparatus are familiar with it and only a few governments actually have contact with extraterrestrial species. However, these split-off sections of the government will never reveal their knowledge because otherwise they will lose their special status. If they did, the first contact would have been made this decade. Since these organizations will never cooperate on this matter, it must be done by the earthly people. By this we mean the following: If the individual comes to the conviction that it would be purely logical, that there must be intelligent extraterrestrial life, then this person has developed this important frequency pattern through his considerations and the resulting knowledge. Once a person has developed a frequency pattern, it will never go away. If this person talked a lot to skeptics who actually managed to make the convinced person “lose” their conviction, the frequency pattern necessary for the recognition of intelligent extraterrestrial life would still be active, because it can never be weakened or deleted. So it is to be seen with all frequency patterns that you humans are constantly developing. An existing frequency pattern can only be amplified, but it never gets weaker. How then does the person “lose” conviction, we ask? In the conversations with the skeptic, other frequency patterns are stimulated and if the person strengthens the frequency patterns of unbelief through the conversations, then these frequency patterns will appear stronger or more dominant in the person, so that the nature of the person tends to no longer “believe in it“. 

You see, it is always the frequency patterns that make a person tend to do something. But if the person has developed their frequency pattern for the recognition of intelligent extraterrestrial life and strengthens it by dealing with the topic more and more, then the person will also be solid in essence because it has achieved certainty in the topic. The more dominant a frequency pattern appears to be, the more knowledgeable the person seems to be in the topic. You all have more or less developed these frequency patterns, otherwise you would not read this blog entry, but you are not yet knowledgeable enough, because there is too much contrary information that often contradicts and which is usually not very truthful. Why is that and why do we think we can end this dilemma? 

When people write a story, they want them to be read because it is their confirmation of their work. No one who writes a book will publish the book without the author wanting to know what his readers think of it. When many readers read his story, it is the author’s confirmation that he did it well. Many people write to the author and thank them for the great story, then the author feels touched by the readers and that motivates the author to write more of these stories. This will continue until no more readers tell the author that the stories are great. If the author receives confirmation from the readers again and again, then it will automatically strengthen his ego. 

What do we mean by that, we ask? A person’s ego is in the sixth energy body and, in addition to the so-called daytime consciousness, is an aspect of the partial consciousness of the sixth energy body. Whenever a person gains or dislikes from other people, the balance of power is redistributed in all subconsciousness and the ego gains more power, which makes the ego appear more dominant as a subconscious. If the acceptance or rejection dries up, then this partial consciousness that the ego represents tries to restore the previous situation. The author will, under all circumstances, write a story again, which should prompt the readers to guarantee the previous affection. The author cannot help but grow beyond himself so that the stories get better because the ego does everything possible so that the next story becomes a success again and generates the affection that the author wishes. 

The ego drives the author and now thinks carefully about what all authors do who deal with spiritual topics or who write about intelligent alien species? Exactly, they keep trying to get readers’ affection and the ego will drive the author to their next climax so that that affection never dries up. But when it comes to subject matter and the spiritual and extraterrestrial world are subject matter in the true sense, then these authors will continue to embellish their specialist knowledge and even underpin it with so-called “facts” that they conjure up out of nowhere. It has always been this way because the nature of man pretends it to be. 

We are not people but spiritual beings, we have hardly anything that you would call ego and we do not need your affection. We neither seek your affection, nor would we decorate our stories to generate this affection for the writer because the writer does not want to be part of our stories at all. He chose this task before he was born and he would do anything to meet this task, but the writer is extremely stubborn and has his own ideas about how to accomplish this task. He was supposed to be writing several books that would have made him one of these ego-driven leading figures. However, he does not want this and has vehemently resisted until today, so we realized a long time ago that we had to take a different path. Now we write the texts and the writer publishes the texts so that you now understand that we bring the knowledge of the topics to you in their purest form, because the writer understood very quickly that he only ever reproduces his own interpretation of our information could. That is why he created this blog out of nowhere, on which we always reproduce the unchanged texts. If the writer started to write his own texts, it would always be interpretations and he would never do it because he believes in the task, even if it is not his main task. 

What does that have to do with all the alien species in your solar system, we ask? There will always be beings in a society that announce a major event in one form or another. The first contact will be this major event and some people are already doing their job in it. The writer should write books about it so that mankind develops the necessary frequency pattern and that they understand what lies ahead. The major event is imminent, the writer is fulfilling his subtask, providing the knowledge and with our texts you readers are creating the necessary frequency pattern that will result in the gigantic spaceships that are currently present in your solar system soon being seen by all of you become. 

When everyone gets up one day and sees a shiny metallic dot in the sky, it is the first sign. From this day on, your society will only know one main topic: Who or what are these people in these spaceships? 

We already provide you with information about it so that you can enlighten your fellow human beings. 

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