A0294: What was Machu Picchu designed for?
Machu Picchu is a place where a high culture lived for a short time. At a time when the Incas were not yet widespread, there were many races that had developed at different speeds. If such a people remains among their peers, then the achievements will not be shared with the other cultures. When a high culture arises, there is always a trigger for it, a high culture will never emerge from nothing, but a high culture only arises when a higher culture shares its knowledge with a culture that does not appear to be very well-educated. There will not be two different high cultures next to each other, but the knowledge of a high culture will be passed on to a not very advanced culture, which will literally arise overnight. This has happened again and again on your planet, so the question is asked, who were the higher cultures that were the role models for the well-known advanced cultures? We will tell you now and you will be amazed because not even the writer will expect it.
You yourself became this higher culture that had taught you how to create a better form of society. You wonder how something like this can come about and the writer suspects clairvoyance, but it’s even easier. You have traveled back in time and this is actually not as difficult as you think, but it is not practiced very often and there is a special reason for that. The time travelers are lost forever because they can never return to the starting point of their journey. What do we mean exactly, we ask? The time traveler who takes a trip back in time will never be able to travel back in time from which he came. The time traveler can only travel into the past, but never into the “future” from which he came, because the time line will no longer exist for the time traveler. When someone watches a movie, the scenes in the movie will always be the same no matter how many times the movie is viewed. The time in the movie will be the same, but for those who watch the film again and again the time will not be the same, so that it always arrives at the same place in the film, but he is always a different one because his own timeline continues. For you humans, time always runs in one direction, regardless of whether you play the film backwards or stop the film in a scene, the time line is always the same for you, even if the time traveler could return to the starting point, but he cannot, he would be a different person than the one who is currently starting the journey through time. You then have different timelines that a person can best imagine with the fact that a little boy who starts a journey through time and lingers in the past and becomes a grown man cannot be the same person who started the journey through time. When the man returns to the starting point of his journey, he will still be a full-grown man and not the boy who started the journey through time. That should make sense, whereby we emphasize that a journey through time into the future is feasible, but certainly not in the way that physicists imagine it to be today, but the laws are much more complex than when you travel back in time.
The time traveler who travels in the past will actually travel to the point of history, but afterwards his own present no longer exists for the time traveler, what do we mean by that, we ask? The present is experienced by you at every moment, but the present is constantly changing in your universe, so that you are at a point on your timeline that always represents the present. The past lies behind you and the so-called future lies before you, but it is actually quite different and we will explain to you today what time is, because in other universes these terms are defined differently because other universes are also subject to different laws and you don’t even know your own laws or can even one of you really explain what your so-called time really represents? We do not think and it is therefore important that you now understand the true nature of time, because it is not only “time”, but because we have the task to teach you, because the next decades are very important for humanity of the earth. We now start with our explanations of the time and will then find that the past and the future cannot really exist because, strictly speaking, they do not exist.
The Time
Didn’t you wonder about the fact that time seems to go fast and sometimes slow? You had so much time when you were young, but the older you get, the faster the time seems to pass. Why do people perceive “time” in this way and why is it that time can also run differently in phases? We tell you and you will be surprised because it is really easy. You “feel” the time because your consciousness seems to be thinking linearly, which, strictly speaking, would not be true because your consciousness is multidimensional. Human consciousness is structured differently than the consciousness of other species because human beings are special and because the earth also appears special. Everyone is talking about the so-called Matrix and we have already explained that a special energy field has a special task around the earth, but we have never explained what this special task actually is and we will reveal it in a following blog entry, but now should be said, it has to do with the upcoming first contact. This special energy field ensures that the consciousness of earthly people appears differently than that of all other extraterrestrial peoples on other planets that have already made the first contact. Because earthly consciousness is structured differently, the perception of reality is different and we also say that this also creates the impression of time.
When you are young, your consciousness is different than when you are old. If you were dead, you wouldn’t notice the time at all, why is that, we ask? When you are young, your energy bodies are empty, by that we mean the following: Every person experiences moments that are perceived as frequency patterns and that are stored as frequency packages in the respective energy bodies of a person. If you are young, then you have not yet experienced many moments and therefore someone could say that the energy body appears empty because there are not yet many frequency packages stored that reflect the experienced moments. Because the energy body still appears empty, the respective partial consciousness that is assigned to this energy body cannot use existing energy packages. What does this have to do with the person’s sense of time, we ask? If consciousness cannot access anything that it can consciously process, then it will have nothing to do and is in a sleep mode. When the sleep mode is activated, the person perceives everything particularly well with their associated senses, because the resources in the body and consciousness are shifted. You have, so to speak, entered a state that high-performance athletes achieve when they focus on their task of achieving high performance. All high- performance athletes will report a moment when time seems to stand still, but in reality they experience the “time” very consciously, even if you find this process very confusing.
If the high-performance athlete appears in this time loop, then he does not feel the time because it does not exist. You on Earth will have more and more moments stored as frequency packets in your energy bodies in old age and your subconscious minds will never stay in sleep mode because they are constantly working with these frequency packets. Because they are constantly busy, they can never really perceive the moment and feel that the time will pass faster and faster. This is your perceived time and let me tell you, spiritual beings will only spend in the moment that the high-performance athlete has for a moment, but the so-called time is much more, which is actually only perceived by beings who have not yet have made initial contact.
If you think you can travel in time, you are making a huge mistake because there are no timelines, as we have described before. You actually believe that you could travel back and forth between the times of your existence, that is not the case and we will now tell you what your so-called time travel actually is. They are humbug because there is neither time nor time travel, but you will travel your or the moments of other beings and then based on this moment, create your own moments. You create your own so-called timeline, so to speak. If you travel at a time, that time has actually occurred, but it is stored as an energy package in the moment of a being. All physical beings in the universe are entangled with each other, so that theoretically the writer could jump into a saved moment of another being. This can be seen as a reminder of time, but it is only a frequency package of the being who had experienced this moment. The writer would perceive the environment through the eyes of the being at the moment. The writer hears and feels everything that the being said, felt and heard, even the thoughts of the being could perceive the being. The writer could also perceive the moment of the other beings who were also present at this moment because the moments of the beings are intertwined. The writer could perceive this moment from different perspectives. The moment is real because all information is stored in the individual energy packs of the beings. As in the example with the film, the writer could rewind and rewind the moment, but the writer is not part of the moment and yet it is because the writer constantly stores his own moments in his inner universes. The writer has now enriched himself with an energy pack again, because the moment he writes down these lines, his consciousness processes this information and immediately stores it in his inner universes. The writer could also travel in his inner universes to the moment we started dictating this text to him and he would perceive himself as he wrote these first lines and had no idea that he would soon have to think about time travel. But we want to come back to the moment in the being.
The writer perceives the entire situation that led to this moment, he could move at this moment, what do we mean by that, we ask? Since all beings, in the entire physical universe, are entangled in this as well as in all other moments, the writer can travel around in the universe. He starts in the moment of the being and travels the moments of the other beings. Since everything in the physical as well as in the spiritual universe has a consciousness, everything also has inner universes, so that the moment is not only stored in the being, but in everything that is. This moment, which depicts the entire universe through the entanglement, is to be interpreted like a film that can be rewound and rewound. You could thus travel in the history of the universe what your so-called time travel is supposed to be, but as already described in the first example, the writer could never travel back to the starting point of his so-called travel when he started the journey. It is no longer on its timeline and we now believe that you understand what your so-called time travel represents. The writer continually created his own moments during his so-called journey through time. These moments are his own timeline, which other beings can also travel to. All about the future are assumptions, which are temporary frequency packets that could be traveled, but which become more and more unreliable the further you travel, but they never reflect reality because they can hardly be predicted. All are tendencies, the further they lie in the “future”, the more imprecise they become.
When the time traveler arrives at a defining moment that is stored in a being, the time traveler could take the universe that was stored through the entanglement of all beings and create his own universe in this image because his own universe exists in his inner universes.
You see, theoretically someone can travel back in time, but time doesn’t exist at all, everything is stored as a moment in the inner universes of all physical beings, so a time travel is like rewinding and rewinding a movie and not what you previously knew about it.
You are not traveling in time, you cannot travel to something that does not exist at all. How did these high cultures come about that were started by time-traveling people, we ask? You humans will of course try to do these so-called time travel because the knowledge about it, even after the official first contact, still hasn’t got through to the knower, so that the new technologies will quickly lead to you humans trying to travel in time. That will happen and Machu Picchu is the result of it, we will tell you, one day something will be found under Machu Picchu that will confirm our claims.
Didn’t we say that time travel doesn’t exist, why can this be confirmed? The future time traveler will not only marvel at the moments the writer admires the moment of being, but the future time traveler will exist in the moment and thus create his own new universe based on the universe at the time of his entry just experienced. There is not only an image of your universe, but every time travel that leads to the fact that the time traveler exists in the stored moment, creates a new universe that has the image of the moment as a model, but which is changed by the time traveler. You live in such an image because many beings did not know what you now know and therefore have undertaken many “time travel” that were based on the universe from which the time traveler started.
If you haven’t understood that yet, then you don’t know what we have dictated to the writer about the inner universes. Search for it on his blog and you will be able to understand our explanations, but what does the present represent, we ask? The present is the moment of your existence because you have always been and will always be. We will now use a few examples to explain what the present is and why you live in a single moment, even though you cannot perceive it.
The present
When man philosophizes about the present, he always talks about the state of being, although in the entire history of mankind in which modern man exists, not a single person has ever experienced what this the state of being actually is. When the knowing talk about it, they have an idea of it, but they will never experience the state of being. The writer doesn’t know what we’re talking about because the writer thinks differently than the people who think about the state of being. The writer knows nothing about these things because he never cared, so we never let him experience this condition. The writer was never interested because he doesn’t trust the so-called gurus, he doesn’t even trust us and we are spiritual beings. However, the writer has experienced many atypical states of consciousness through his meditations, which do not have much in common with your known meditation techniques, and we have let him experience a lot so that he also knows what we are talking about when we dictate all these things to him, too he should understand. However, the state of being is not part of it because the writer actually has different patterns of thinking than the so-called gurus or their followers. The writer is different and he doesn’t like to hear that we talk about it all the time, even if he doesn’t know what we want to say with it. Because the writer thinks differently, he will never be drawn to a so-called guru, as many people experience. When a person becomes a so-called guru, he develops special frequency patterns that work in the second energy body and these frequency patterns quasi magically attract the “disciples”. The writer is immune to it because he thinks differently. If the second energy body perceives frequencies that stimulate it, then the partial consciousness of the second energy body will increase this frequency and the energy body will start to oscillate. When the energy body oscillates, the information about it is passed on to the other energy bodies via the energy node of the solar plexus and the information reaches the so-called daily consciousness as a frequency. The writer thinks differently and this is noticeable in the fact that his so-called daily consciousness filters the information of the second energy body. It eliminates any information that makes him a follower of any other person. Why is that and what does it all have to do with the present, the writer thinks?
The present is the moment experienced by the so-called daily consciousness, if information from the environment is missing, then the present is not complete and the present of the writer is actually quite holey, because the writer has always perceived the present differently than everyone else. Every person filters certain frequencies out of the moment they are experiencing and the writer particularly filters out those frequencies that could make him a follower of someone that has to do with his task and every person who lives on earth has such filters of the incarnation, so that a person can lead the life that he wanted to lead as an incarnation. The writer never wanted to be a supporter of anyone, so his consciousness filters out all frequencies that are emitted by so-called gurus or by people who emit these frequencies. If the moment of the present is pre-filtered in consciousness, the writer perceives the present differently than other people. The moment the writer experiences is another moment that another person experiences. The present is different for each person and the much-discussed state of being is perceived differently by each person.
When high-performance athletes experience the moment in slow motion, they experience the moment of being for eternity and all athletes will say that the moment was eternal, but how long it was cannot be described because the moment is eternal. The writer urges us to get to the point and that’s exactly where we are. We are spiritual beings and we experience the state of being that your high-performance athlete perceives “briefly”, but if you would concentrate even more on this special moment, you would be there forever and experience this moment continuously. The writer slowly realizes what we are aiming for and his jostling subsides. If the writer can filter out the frequencies emitted by these so-called gurus, then theoretically the writer could ensure that other frequencies are filtered out by his consciousness. If the writer would filter out all physical impulses, then the writer remains with his consciousness in the state of being and this state is eternal as long as the physical impulses are filtered out.
How can all of this be related to the present, we ask? Not at all, because the present is generated by your physical impulses and everyone perceives the present differently. When you filter out the physical impulses or are no longer a physical being, you are in a state of being that knows neither time nor space.
That was our explanation of the present. We do not now assume that you will understand it immediately, but the time with you human beings will ensure that one day you will understand it.