A0287: What happens in an incarnation swap?
Every incarnation wants to end life on a planet even if the biological body is old, then the being has experienced a lot and it has grown incredibly. These experiences, which are experienced in a physical life, cannot be experienced at all or can only very hardly be experienced by an incarnation in the spiritual world, so the incarnations compile a list of moments that the incarnation would like to experience in a physical life.
It is always experiences that make the incarnation grow. When an incarnation grows, it automatically gains more power. If she gains more power from experiencing a lot of extraordinary moments in a physical life, then there will always be a lot of extraordinary moments on this list, because each incarnation always gives the greatest importance to the increase in power. If the incarnation has a special task, then the incarnation is extremely powerful, so that other factors are decisive for life. If an incarnation absolutely wants to experience many extraordinary moments, then it also means that the physical life will not be easy, because many of these extraordinary moments have to do with the fact that the being has to mature mentally in order to be able to master extraordinary situations in life.
If these extraordinary moments are difficult to master, there will also be people who fail to master these situations. We are not talking about situations that deliberately cause physical or mental damage, but situations that pose a challenge for a person. Every person is different, so the challenges are different for each person, but they always have to learn to cope with these situations. They often do it and automatically grow mentally through it. You came out of the situation stronger as a person and thus gained more power. What do we mean? If a person gains more power because they have mastered a situation, then new frequency patterns are added to the person’s frequency spectrum because the Wingmaker have provided the universe with laws that provide for such situations. Once the person has mastered the situation, the frequency spectrum corresponding to the mastered situation is automatically added to the person by the universe. This is the increase in power we always talk about. The person has now received new frequency patterns and these frequency patterns always unlock new abilities in a person. The writer is currently considering what skills he has already achieved because he has had to deal with many situations and we are now telling him. He has not attained exceptional skills because all of his mastered situations do not count for him. He is an incarnation with a task and depending on the task a person has, the abilities are also unlocked. The writer is still not doing what he primarily wanted to do on Earth. He is a healer and only heals on the side to experiment with it. If he focused on this task, many skills would be released suddenly because he had mastered many virtues that would unlock these skills. If a person gets stuck in mastering their situation, then the masters and teachers will try to make the person experience new situations that should ensure that the moment on the list can be experienced and mastered. The person will then wonder why they seem to magically attract certain situations that are challenging for the person.
It can happen that life does not go as the incarnation had intended, so that the life of the person seems increasingly difficult. Then come the situations that need to be mastered, then the person can break them. What happens to the person who is also the previous incarnation? When an incarnation lives a bodily life, the consciousness of the incarnation changes into the bodily body. The body of a fetus could neither absorb the entire spark of life nor the entire consciousness of the incarnation, therefore only a part of the spark of life and a “part” of consciousness will pass into the fetus. In the first time the fetus grows, the awareness of the incarnation constantly changes between the physical life and the spiritual form in the incarnation cube. During this time, the incarnation got a feeling for the physical life, it could already determine not to live the physical life, but this happens very rarely. When the child is born, a “part” of the incarnation consciousness changes permanently into the child in order to grow up there. Whenever a person makes a “mental leap”, another part of the incarnation consciousness will change into the physical body. Each experience thus transfers another part of the incarnation consciousness into the bodily life until you have gained so much experience that the last part of the incarnation consciousness has also switched over to the bodily life. The writer has received almost all of his incarnation consciousness and so do many people. If you have matured and appear wise, you have gained a lot of experience and mastered many situations, then you have taken on a lot of your incarnation consciousness and you would still be the person of that after death, if you step out of the incarnation cube as an incarnation be earth, but also the incarnation that you became before. Not much will change for you, but you will be much more powerful as an incarnation than before. The writer will also receive this increase in power, even if he never becomes a healer, as he intended to be an incarnation, but he has mastered almost everything that was on his list and many other situations that he had mastered and that had not on the list generate even more power gains.
However, if you are not yet ready to accept the full awareness of your incarnation, then the part must still be in the incarnation form that lies in the incarnation cube and that is indeed the case. This awareness, even if it is only a small part, is still the complete incarnation. We will deepen this connection later. This awareness communicates with the Incarnate Institute. We do not mean that the incarnation and the institute are constantly exchanging views, but the institute will always question the partial consciousness that is still in the incarnation cube, so that it sometimes happens that the partial consciousness decides to leave the physical life prematurely. The partial consciousness is also connected to the physical life, so that all impressions and feelings of the partial consciousness are perceived as the person experiences it. If the partial consciousness decides one day that it no longer sees any meaning in the physical existence because it does not get ahead and only produces suffering, then life can be ended. The human consciousness will then enter into a symbiosis with the partial consciousness in the incarnation cube and depending on how dominant the human consciousness is over the remaining partial consciousness in the incarnation cube, either the human consciousness will dominate the incarnation or the partial consciousness is more dominant, then the original incarnation dominate with their consciousness, but human life will always have an impact on the incarnation, so we always said that the previous incarnation will no longer exist after the incarnation because human life, no matter how it goes, will always change the behavior of the incarnation becomes. If the incarnation has decided to leave life, the physical body can die or another incarnation lives on.
When another incarnation takes over life, you call this process walk-in. The previous incarnation leaves the entire human body with its awareness and spark of life. The new incarnation will transfer its partial consciousness and spark of life into the human body and will inhabit this body from now on.
Many peculiarities still happen, but this has no consequences for the previous incarnation. The previous incarnation does not receive the increase in power that it would have had if it had lived life to the end, but it does receive power because it had previously mastered situations. The new incarnation must be very brave and strong because it will now try to maneuver the worldly person out of the predicament that led to the departure from the previous incarnation. The so-called karma points that the previous incarnation had generated do not count for the new incarnation and its soul, and all future situations that would lead to further karma points are no longer counted. The previous incarnation, as well as all incarnated incarnations, have nothing to do with the karma points that they had generated in a physical life, because the karma points always keep the soul and the incarnation that has accumulated these points never has anything to do with “degradation”, but something like this is always negotiated among the souls, who then agree on a solution.
If you have committed an iniquity on earth that generates these so-called karma points, you have nothing to do with the processing of these points. You then do not have to live a physical life to atone for your iniquity from the “previous” life, but you all usually live only this one life as a physical being, before you have never been incarnated and after this life you will also never incarnate again, because incarnations usually incarnate only once in their entire existence. The stories of past lives are true, but they have never been your own lives, but the lives of the other incarnations of your soul, so the stories that you have to reduce karma because you have done wrong in a previous life are more complete Humbug and yet there is something true about it.
If it is not the incarnation that receives the so-called karma points for its iniquity, but its soul, what happens to it, we ask? The soul will communicate with the soul that has been “damaged” because its incarnation has been damaged in the sense of: The “life plan” has been negatively influenced. Then the soul in which the incarnation committed the iniquity will pay compensation to the damaged soul. The soul that is responsible for the damage, so to speak, will help the soul that has been harmed to help its future incarnations living the next lives. Then the next incarnation will help the incarnation of the damaged soul, so that the damage from the previous life has been compensated.
You see, you still haven’t understood what these past lives really are. You still have so much to learn because the knowledge about it seems instructive and the new concepts that come closest to the truth always trigger a maturation process in you.
The walk-in is not bound to the so-called karma, just like his soul. He still receives a lot of support from the spiritual beings that exist around you, but mostly these incarnations master life.
How does a person know if he is such a walk-in incarnation? Not at all, no matter what other people say, not a single person on earth can determine whether he is a walk-in. For training purposes, we once told the writer that he was such a walk-in to see how he handled it. Our story was fantastic and we also say it was waterproof and at that time he still trusted us. He took it very calmly without knowing exactly what that means, but he learned from it even when he found out that it was only a story about him again. If a person thinks he has noticed signs that correspond to a walk-in, believe us, it is certainly not so. If you have experienced tragic moments and you behave differently afterwards, it always has to do with the fact that you have matured mentally, no matter how tragic the moment was, they are never the signs of an incarnation exchange because nobody perceives anything like this or have you always noticed that your subconsciousness is constantly changing back and forth in your life, no, nobody notices something like that, so there are no signs of such a process.
In particular, we are now addressing people who are convinced that they are a so-called walk-in. How do you actually know that you are a walk-in, we ask? If you answer this question by someone telling you that you are such a walk-in, then you are certainly not a walk-in, because something like this is only told when the spiritual world teaches a person a lesson so that they can learn from it. If you still believe in it, you still haven’t learned from the lesson. Think about why you are announcing that you are such a walk-in. Exactly because it makes you special, which you are not, it is a lesson and you simply cannot manage to master it.
There are walk-ins and they are really rare, but really absolutely never in life, a true walk-in will find out because his life is already difficult enough and this person should not be influenced more in his life. Everyone who thinks or believes to be a walk-in is definitely not. The writer has figured it out because he is watching his ego closely and whenever it is “fed”, the writer knows that something is wrong.