A0286: How can human memory be described?
Human memory has taken on a form on an astral level and this form is subject to constant change. Whenever groups arise, a form will emerge on an astral level, depending on what the group is doing together. What do we mean by that, we ask? Groups always have a purpose and each group deals with at least one topic that has brought them together. People who meet at an event are there because of the topic of the event and that connects them indirectly on this astral level.
Everyone exists physically and spiritually. The spiritual quality of a person is his consciousness. Consciousness is not limited to the physical body, but consciousness has a connection to the spiritual world and therefore also to the astral planes. You exist in the physical body and at the same time in your spiritual body that you have chosen as the incarnation. The vast majority of you have taken on a human form in the spiritual world, so your consciousness is expressed in a form that you have chosen at some point. This spiritual form lies in an incarnation cube in the spiritual world. You have decided to live a human life and have placed yourself in an incarnation cube. The incarnation cube is connected to the physical body that you live in right now and here. The incarnation cube and the body are connected by an incarnation tunnel, which you generally call the so-called light tunnel. The energy between the incarnation body and the bodily body flows through this incarnation tunnel.
The incarnation tunnel crosses the astral planes to the level of solid matter that you call the worldly world. You are a spiritual as well as a worldly being at the same time, whereby you are not able to be both at the same time, this was specially designed so that you do not constantly switch between the forms of existence. Your energy does, however, so that it can be said that your energy, which is also part of your consciousness, is constantly changing levels. When you meditate, you make this change very consciously, whereby we have to say that you cannot travel these levels with your daily consciousness, but it is always only certain parts that consciously travel the different levels.
If you can consciously travel the levels, then you do it unconsciously and in every moment of your life. When two people meet and communicate with each other. Then they do it unconsciously on an astral level, which is selected based on the state of consciousness. When the subconscious minds meet at a certain level, they interact and since every thought leads to a manifestation in the spiritual world, something will arise between the two subconscious minds that takes a form that depends on what these two people are talking about. If something is manifested on an astral level, then this manifestation disappears after a while, unless the manifestation has been “thought out” very precisely, then this manifestation has existed for a long time. If this manifestation is renewed again and again in this astral place, then it has existed for a long time. If many beings work on the manifestation, then this manifestation will last for a very long time. If the manifestation is renewed by many beings and the manifestation becomes more and more detailed because the beings think about it very often and intensely, then this form is very stable and someone who perceives this form for the first time will immediately understand what this form means. If people on a planet keeps thinking about the same issues, their subconscious minds will manifest on an astral level, a form that reflects their issues. This form will be very constant because billions of beings are always thinking about the same topics. If the people on the planet are in line with what you are through your media, then you will manifest your global issues in this form on the astral level in addition to your everyday issues. If a global event occurs over a longer period of time that people think about again and again, then these thoughts will greatly expand the form on the astral level so that new beings on your planet can feel this manifestation without the being being aware of these events must have.
When the first contact begins, the form that was created by the people of the earth on the astral plane thousands of years ago is expanded to the extent that the form manifests the knowledge of the events there, so that all future beings instinctively feel what people knew and felt at the time of the first contact. This form in the astral plane corresponds to human memory and we currently do not see the markers for the recognition of intelligent extraterrestrial life in this form. It will take a few more years for us to see the frequencies for this in this form.
Everything is energy, so everything is a frequency. The richer a frequency appears, the more detailed it appears to be. The richer something appears, the more endurance it has. Everything is perceived by us in frequencies, a being is very rich in frequencies and your human memory is rich in frequency patterns, but also very one-sided, so that with the start of the first contact, the frequency patterns in human memory will suddenly increase.