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A0281: What do highly sensitive people have that other people do not have?
If people are sensitive, it generally means that these people can quickly perceive other people’s feelings. When people are highly sensitive, they can not only perceive other people’s feelings, no, they really feel these feelings. People who are highly sensitive learned to control their emotions early on because they instinctively felt the feelings of other people as children. When highly sensitive people face a situation in which other people feel deep grief, it is as if the highly sensitive people have suffered a great loss because the grief of the person is felt by the highly sensitive person as well.
Most of you don’t understand this and most of you who think you understand don’t do it because there are actually very few highly sensitive people among you. These people would stand out because they are introverted and rarely attend events, because every emotional movement of people stimulates these highly sensitive people in the emotion, which they then feel as well. This is not only the case when people are physically present, but also television films or programs that are intended to convey emotions are avoided by highly sensitive people and are a heavy burden if they have to be viewed by highly sensitive people for some reason. Highly sensitive people can immediately grasp the basic mood of a group and they almost always feel uncomfortable when they have to act in a group because every sensed emotion can hardly be hidden by a highly sensitive person.
Highly sensitive people are always real introverts, so there is a connection here. If real introverted people basically exist inside, then the reason they live in the outside world is that they cannot protect themselves from the emotions of other people, which is why real introverted people prefer to be among themselves because all real introverted people have learned to control their emotions. You see, it should actually be: Real introverted, highly sensitive people and this group of people is so small that real introverted, highly sensitive people rarely meet, if they do, they almost automatically become friends and this friendship survived life because real introverted, highly sensitive people represent something special as incarnations that we have never addressed before.
Aren’t you wondering why there are real introverted, highly sensitive people, if this nature should be a disadvantage compared to the vast majority of people who cannot understand what it means to be a real introverted, highly sensitive person? We will announce it now and our explanation will not be understood by the vast majority of you humans, because it should only be intended for people who live an introverted, highly sensitive existence, because only these people really know what we are talking about, everyone else will think it’s a humbug.
We now continue with our explanation of why there are real introverted, highly sensitive people and what, among other things, their job on earth is.
Real introverted, highly sensitive people are rare, but there is a reason why these types of beings exist at all. Incarnations are quite different in nature and it follows that they have a different character. If there are different characters, then they differ in certain characteristics. If there are traits that distinguish a character, someone must have determined beforehand what these traits are supposed to represent. Beings in the spiritual world are created. There are different types of beings that we explained earlier. Whenever a being is created, it is redefined in its behavior, so to speak. You would say that the behavior of the new being is adjust so that it behaves differently than its creator. The creator creates a reduced copy of himself and adjusts his own properties in the new being so that the being behaves somewhat differently than the creator. The soul thereby creates a new incarnation and so that the incarnations of a soul differ, the soul “adjusts” the properties of the created incarnation so that not all incarnations are the same, but each being behaves quite individually. The limits within which the soul can change the properties of the created incarnation are not prescribed, so that the soul can experiment a lot, but it basically changes the properties of an incarnation only once, during the creation. The soul could subsequently adjust an incarnation, but this is rarely used and also requires an immense effort of the soul, so that this is practically not practiced at all.
When the soul adjusts the properties, one day it will choose the properties in such a way that it creates a very special incarnation. The energies that flow are of a very special nature, so that we can say that this is only rarely practiced by a soul and only very few souls are able to do so. These incarnations are so special because their energy is different from the energies of all other incarnations. We had already addressed the 8th main plane, which has a particularly powerful energy. If an incarnation decides that it wants to become a new created being, then in this process the energy of the 8th main plane is used. When an incarnation is created by a soul that has a very special attitude so that this incarnation is something very special, then the energy of the 8th main plane is also used. Incarnations that are created as a special incarnation with the energy of the 8th main plane will always have a special task, otherwise the soul would not go through this arduous process.
You few people who are real introverted, highly sensitive people are such a special incarnation and you always have a task to do in the spiritual as well as in the worldly world. You few not only have the gift to feel the emotions of your people, but you are also always very powerful healers because you get your healing energy from the 8th main plane. You are something very special, even if all other people cannot understand at all what you have had to suffer every day since childhood, but that is part of it.
If you are such a real introverted, highly sensitive person, then you are also a very powerful healer and you now know what your main task here on earth is. You usually have other tasks too, but you were born to heal, it is within you and you only have to start with it. You have had a difficult life so far, but with the current knowledge, the rest of your life should have a goal that will fulfill you.
We wish the real introverted, highly sensitive people all the best on their way and we admire their courage that they nevertheless dared to lead a human life with their gift.