A0277: What happens to our society when the first contact has taken place? – Part 5

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Society as you know it also exists on other planets. Many peoples had this type of society and had their first contact with it. In the last part of this series, we now report how the beings on other planets, with a social form similar to you, had their first contact and what happened afterwards.
We still have to give a brief explanation of the following explanations so that everyone understands what we will now report. The beings who had experienced the following initial contacts are all human in appearance and particularly similar in appearance to you. You are the species with the greatest ego, so all other races on foreign planets are inherently more peaceful than you are. Technologically they were similar to you, but we also say that you are technologically quite far and that is why it is time to make the first contact so that you become more peaceful and do not extend your violence to other planets.
The first people are the Marcihver that we mentioned earlier. This people even lived in your solar system and had the well-known Mars as their home planet. They were very warlike, but not as brutal as people are today. When the people saw the starships in the sky, they already knew that the first contact was imminent because they had already had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Only with you humans everything is veiled, with the other extraterrestrial peoples, the knowledge about extraterrestrial civilizations is widespread, but when the gigantic spaceships were seen in the marsh sky, the shock was quite big. Curious as people are, the fear gave way and everyone just wanted to know who these aliens are. The atmosphere on Mars has always been different, so the aliens entered the surface of Mars with breathing masks, which caused a sensation because many could not understand why the same beings need something like this. It quickly became clear why and a lot of knowledge was exchanged before the official first contact, so that the population on Mars was very well informed. Many meetings before the official first contact took place and many Marcihver flew in the spacecraft, which strengthened the bond between the native species and the extra-planetary visitors. When the date for the official first contact was announced, the visitors had been there for a while and we also think that the sight of the entire spaceships was common for the local population, whereby the meeting between a local and a visitor was certainly not everyday, so such a meeting always made a global headline. The Marcihver wanted so much the contact that they organized festivals for the visitors, whereby the visitors did not remain physically below them, but the spaceships then always flew very deep and slowly over the festival. When the desire for a change in the population grew, visitors came and announced the date.
Any society facing a more developed society will automatically want to change because they can see that their form of society is not sufficient, otherwise they would be the visitors and not the beings visited. Society will think about its social model and they will want something to change. This will to change will spread to the entire population, so that the “governments” are in a misery. They know if they want to stay in power they have to change something. The changes will never be enough to appease the population, so that even the powerful can long for that change, even if they don’t understand how to do it. This is the moment visitors are waiting for, because now they can offer the help that “governments” desperately need. Visitors have had no apparent impact on the local population throughout, and yet the change in society has only been started by their presence. When the date is given, all change requests stop immediately, because society knows when the first contact is made, the desired change will automatically occur and all worries will be over, because they literally see and know the change in the sky every day Technology and society form are superior to their own.
When the population has calmed down and everyone is just waiting for the day of the first contact, something wonderful happens, it happened on all planets, it was the same with the Marcihver and it will be the same on Earth. All beings will feel a deep connection. All beings will look at each other and a calming mood will be felt because all beings understand that the first contact is the event for this species that will go down in history and that no being present will ever be forgotten. If you know months in advance that the greatest event in your human history is imminent, then this event will enter the universal human memory through all the people present and all descendants who are born after the event have literally got this knowledge in their genes, so that they “know” what happened on that historic day. This is the case with all species that experience their first contact.
When the Marcihver made the first contact, everything around them changed in a short time. What do we mean? If a not so progressive society is supported by a progressive society, then the not so progressive society will orient itself towards the progressive society and take over everything that they can integrate into their present society. If visitors don’t have to work, they will want to know what needs to be changed so they don’t have to work. A great deal of technological aids were made available to the Marcihver and they were able to integrate the technology into their environment immediately because the visitors had adapted their technology to the standards of the local population, so that energy generation for the planet was assured. When the Marcihver no longer needed to use resources to generate their energy, they almost didn’t have to work anymore, because technology was now being developed in which the energy was no longer an obstacle, so that many incredible construction machines were built that literally did everything alone and industrialization was pushed ahead, but this time without looting natural resources or at least being much more careful with the environment. The Marcihver were not environmental terrorists like you humans from Earth, so not much was done here.
The Marcihver developed quickly in the early days, what do we mean, we ask? When a society develops, it changes, whether for the better or for the worse. The Marcihver have developed for the better, as have all other peoples who had first contact and without exception. The Marcihver system has changed rapidly and we think that the Marcihver was doing much better, but there are always groups in a society that do not follow the general trend and so a splinter group was founded on Mars that was far from the Main events, founded its own system and this parallel society existed for a long time until it also dissolved and the former members were taken into the care of the actual society. The Marcihver are exemplary for peoples who experience initial contact, but there are also exceptions, of which we will now report.
On a planet, not in your solar system, was a colony of extraterrestrials, discovered by a human species that had long mastered space travel, but for some inexplicable reason had not yet made its first contact. Much did not happen with this people at that time, so that they traveled the planets and met the outposts of non-human beings on a celestial body. The surprise was great and we think we had to say it was a shock for this people to find a non-human race near their home planet. Like most human races, the people immediately acted defensively and many diplomatic attempts to de-escalate the situation almost triggered a war. This people experienced their first contact differently and all, really all beings have learned from it, so that for ages, first contact has been planned long in advance for a people on a planet so that such “coincidences” do not happen again.
The governments on the planet banded together to act against the “enemy.” We said before that you are the most extreme form of a human being on earth, but when it comes to protecting their species, all races are merciless. The war could be ended before it actually started, but the result was weakened so that the first contact, we are talking about the official first contact, was promising for the people, but not as successful as usual so happens. A long time ago, precautions were taken to ensure that your first contact will be very successful, that this day will be stored in human memory and everyone will say that this was the day when everything had changed for the better, because it always happens that way.
We also say the following: Your first contact will even stand out from all first contacts because you are a special human race that actually does not represent one race, but several races live on your planet and all together are the earthly people on earth. Many extraterrestrial races have brought their genetic makeup to the terrestrial people, so you are actually a separate human species that descends from many extraterrestrial races. We say the following: If different human species have offspring, then this being is a new human species, it happens again and again because love knows no borders. You on earth, however, are such an extraordinary species as a people, which is a completely new species in its entirety, because you have received such a mixture that does not exist anywhere in the universe. If we speak of these races, then it is exclusively human races that are represented with their genetic material everywhere in you humans.
Many of these races are just waiting for mankind to make their first contact so that they can announce that you are not just human alike, but related in the narrower sense because these people regard you as their descendants. This connection is always felt by these beings when the subject of earth is discussed. They are connected with you on a very deep level and they will celebrate the day of first contact just like you on Earth and they are looking forward to officially introducing themselves.
We will dictate a part in which we will tell other examples that also seem very interesting. Also looking forward to seeing important information in it.

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