A0258: How do reptoid beings live? – Part 2
Reptoid beings are neither stubborn nor have a big ego, they have some habits that you humans would consider very unusual. Reptoids don’t take a shower because their skin cleans itself. You humans have pores through which the body can not only control its temperature, but also carry elements out of the body. Reptoid beings do not know such a thing and we think they are very clean. How does your body wash work, we ask? They purify themselves through their breathing technique. What do we mean? They are able to breathe through their skin, which is not practiced for a long time because it is very tiring for a reptoid being. If this skin breathing is practiced, the elements in the body can be “exhaled” through the skin. Reptoid beings practice this procedure several times a day and so they can excrete all the ingredients that should be removed from the body. This procedure is very effective and should not be compared to a visit to the toilet by you humans, because it is not. Reptoid beings also have to empty their bowels, but reptoid beings do not eat much and then do not eat meat, so these toilet visits are short and rare. Reptoid beings don’t like music because music unpleasantly disturbs their senses. They are musical themselves, but their music would not be heard by most people. Reptoid beings lay eggs and their fertilization, like the archons, is a mental act that develops over time in many species. The sex that humans practice is only carried out by species that have not yet developed. No human race practices mental fertilization and we think it will be a long time before the first human race is ready. There are races of people who practice mental fertilization, but can only do this through the use of technology. Reptoid beings can practice this type of reproduction, mentioning who actually fertilizes the egg. Neither the female nor the male fertilize the egg, but the incarnation that the being will inhabit will perform this act of procreation. The male as well as the female reptoid have to help with this and there is a precise procedure for how fertilization is practiced, but as with humans, the act of procreation is stored as a mechanism in humans, so that the reptoid beings also have to practice a little until finally the egg is fertilized. They have genitals that date back to when they had not practiced this type of reproduction. Now the reptoid beings are able to do this and now you also know why these beings can also perceive the incarnations that other beings inhabit, because the incarnation that wants to incarnate in the being in the egg introduces itself to the reptoid couple and them beforehand tells what it wants to do if it is allowed to incarnate. Unlike humans, no incarnation may “fertilize” an egg if the parents of the newborn do not want it.
Therefore, an incarnation has to apply to future parents and this has led to the fact that many incarnations are incarnated in reptoid beings that are flooded with great power and by this we mean incarnations that carry the divine spark and thus they belong to the devil or angelic faction. The incarnations that inhabit the spiritual world as created beings are rarely or almost not at all to be found, because these beings always carry out a special task that is not necessary for the reptoid beings. Many reptoid beings in your solar system are either from the devil faction or from the angelic faction. Why do we emphasize this so much, we ask? Because reptoid beings often know who they are and that is what they want. You humans usually do not know whether you are a being with the divine spark or a created being. That is also wanted. The vast majority of people on earth are incarnations without this extra power. Many who have this extra power want to positively influence humanity. Many do it unconsciously and very few know their job. Everyone wants to advance earthly humanity so that it can move forward and change a lot for the better. The reptoid beings want exactly the same thing and that is why so many incarnations with this extra power incarnate in these beings so that the framework conditions for this process can be worked out. It is not about appearing in front of your television cameras with a spaceship, but rather that earthly humanity is developing an awareness that makes this possible at all. This is an extremely long process, even if some of you can hardly wait, but only if global human consciousness allows such a thing, only then will the first events occur that start the countdown for the first contact. The reptoid beings will do anything for it, which is why so many members of the devil and angel faction are incarnated in these beings so that it does not take too long.
What are these inhabited angels and devils doing, we ask? They guard the solar system and help people become the kind of people they are supposed to be. A lot of things in your world are not going right, what do we mean, we ask? Everything that people are currently experiencing has to do with exploitation and violence. If people did not exploit themselves, then this extreme violence would also decrease. If people became even more human, violence would dry up completely. You could already experience it today. Humanity is slumbering in you, you not only have to awaken it, you have to release it. But you can hardly become more human in a society that has been built up like yours at the moment. Many incarnated devils and angels on earth have tried this for a long time and have had little success because even beings with great power are bound by the rules that apply to your world. Many of these incarnations did their best when they made their life plans just so that they could include all eventualities, so that they could bring about a change for society as a person and we say with sadness that hardly anyone has even accomplished what they set out to do. We said before that incarnations that are flooded with great power always have a special task on earth. The rules also state that as a person you must also earn your extra power. Most people have failed because of this, so much can happen as a person that changes the person so much that the masters and teachers have great problems getting them on the right path. Therefore, the angels and devils have decided to have a different positive effect on the earth. As spiritual beings, they are subject to many rules that do not let them work the way they would like to, so they incarnate into embodied beings that offer them these possibilities. To a large extent, these embodied beings are the reptoid beings, of which many people are terrified for no reason. As a reptoid being, the being knows who it is in the spiritual world and why it is incarnated. A reptoid being does not have the power it has in the spiritual world, but it is extremely powerful when it is inhabited by a member of the devil or angel faction. Created beings rarely incarnate into a reptoid being, so it can be said, everyone, we mean almost all reptoid beings in your solar system are inhabited by an incarnation that has the divine spark and is either a member of the devil or angel faction.
Our main task as masters and teachers of this writer is to present these connections correctly, so that the people of the earth can get an overview of what is happening around them and who or what the extraterrestrial beings have been reported about and what their intentions are.
The reptoid beings are present to help mankind take their next step so that earthly people can also develop and thus become more peaceful. That is why there are so many beings incarnated on the planet with you, who either carry the divine spark or represent a created being. Very few on earth know about their task, but all beings who are not incarnated as humans know it very well and they also want you to finally experience it on earth.
Those who cannot accept this are still influenced by the fancies that have formed at some point and are now spreading rapidly thanks to your technology. Those who really care about the truth should give their common sense a way to reconsider this information, and those who are connected to the spiritual world should consult their sources and they will be amazed to find that every word is the truth, even if it seems unbelievable to most people. We clearly believe that the horror stories that you have heard from others before are much more incredible than the facts that we have just explained.
In the next part, we will begin by describing the life of the reptoid beings that exist outside of your solar system, and then describe the special reptoid beings that are tirelessly trying to move earthly people around so that they can take their place, among the peoples of the universe.