A0256: How and for what can someone use their energy reserves?

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First we have to explain what these energy reserves are exactly before we explain how each person can use these reserves. These energy reserves are in every person’s incarnation body. Since you are incarnated beings, you have placed yourself in an incarnation cube for this life in the spiritual world. Your body, by that we mean the form that you have assumed in the spiritual world, lies in this incarnation cube for the time of your worldly life. The body on earth is inhabited by the “consciousness” of the incarnation. During the incarnation into a physical life, not only the consciousness transfers into the body of the unborn child, but also the life energy of the incarnation is transferred into the worldly body. The human body of an unborn child is still small, so only a small part of the life energy can flow into this body. The incarnation in the spiritual world has its body in the incarnation cube and can use it as a kind of battery. As the child grows, the physical body is automatically supplied with additional energy via its energy nodes, which you usually call chakras, which supports the physical body in growing. There are different types of beings in the spiritual world. There are souls and incarnations, these basic types are further differentiated into beings that have the divine spark or beings that obtain their power, which is comparable to the divine spark, from another level and beings that do not have this extra power. Angels and devils have this divine spark and are flooded with great power. Demons are created beings, just like dragons, unicorns and the patron saint of people. There are other created beings, but all created beings derive their power from the 8th main level. Many of these beings have a special task in which they need this power. If beings incarnate that do not have this extra power, as is the case with the majority of people, then their energy reserve corresponds to that of normal human life. If such a person consumes a lot of extra energy during their life, then the energy reserve in the incarnation body reaches a limit and the person can no longer use this reserve. These people will then quickly let go of something that challenges them physically or mentally. There is always so much reserve energy in the body of the incarnation that it is not empty, so to speak, but people on earth often appear to be without energy when they have reached their limit. Can this reserve recharge, we ask? No, if the limit has been reached, this reserve can no longer be used. What happens to people who used up their reserves early in their lives, we ask? Nothing, they quickly get to know their limits and then do not exceed them, these people could try to use their reserves consciously, but they have little success and give up quickly.
Everyone knows these people, who seem to be moving around like a charged cannonball and can fix everything, although other people cannot understand why they can act so tirelessly. These people consciously or unconsciously have access to their energy reserves. Many beings that incarnate belong to the group that either have the divine spark or are a created being. As an incarnation, these beings bring much more energy, or what we call power, that this energy reserve seems inexhaustible. When such beings incarnate, they have a lot more extra energy available, but they also need it because these people always incarnate with a special task. This task means that people have to suffer a lot before they are ready to complete the task. There are these people among you and very few of them have at least an idea of it. How can someone use this energy reserve, we ask? Everyone who meditates does it. This can happen consciously as well as unconsciously. The body on earth is connected to the form in the spiritual world through its energy nodes. The shape of the incarnation lies in the incarnation cube, so that the incarnation tunnel creates the connection between the worlds.
When you meditate and concentrate on your energy nodes, you can imagine that you are figuratively pulling energy from this cube through your energy nodes into your body, so that many feel a feeling that they would compare with an energy flow. Actually, it is not necessary to imagine this transfer, because your body also automatically taps the energy when it needs it, but if it happens consciously, you can direct this energy through your body and, for example, as the writing pen always does, lead to places of his tension. We use this energy and support his well-being. You could also use the energy to manipulate objects. Don’t worry, the amount of energy that you use when practicing is negligibly small, so you could imagine that you change the frequency field in front of and behind an object and give your energy reserve an extra push so that the object moves. Everyone is telekinetically predisposed and you practice it subconsciously all the time, but if you control it consciously, you can also achieve reproducible results. The energy reserve can be seen as an extra energy, many people become very old without ever using their energy reserve.

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