A0249: How do the Archons Live? – Part 4

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When the Archon was already the leading species on their planet, many factions developed that wanted to go their own way. Many organizations were already established and many archons lived in the metropolitan areas, but not all archons were satisfied with this development, so areas were created on the planet that were devoid of the lifestyle of the organizations. These Archons still represent the Archonts’ ancient people and we also believe that they lead a simple and contented life. The Archons have a strong desire to stay close to their families, and therefore these areas are growing as quickly as the metropolitan areas. The space on the home world of the archons is limited, so many archons have moved to the surrounding planets and we therefore think that the archons on the home world develop differently than the archons on the surrounding planets. When a long time passes and living conditions are different in different places, an organism automatically adapts to the circumstances and we say the following: The archons have hardly changed physically, but their approach has changed because the archons are on others Planets also came into contact with existing cultures, which they have also changed. They did not cross genetically with the other beings, but their ideologies have been partially adapted so that it can be said that the archons have made an evolutionary leap after a long time and are very different from the archons on the home world. There have been some wars over it, but at the moment they are pacified and have had no conflict for a long time. How do these archons differ from the primitive archons, we ask? The primitive archons is the basic form of the archons. Their procedure corresponds to the oldest procedure of all archons. The archons who have submitted to industrialization live in the metropolitan areas and new archons live on the individual planets, who depending on the existing indigenous cultures, now prefer a different approach than the archons on the home planet. We emphasize once again that there is no difference genetically and anatomically, all archons were and have always been inhabited by incarnations, the evolutionary leap in archons only has to do with their general approach in certain situations and we think that archons are not only different in their behavior, but also how they deal with the spiritual world. The archons on the home world do not know what the spiritual world is, nor do they endeavor to obtain this knowledge because the information of the spiritual world is not necessary and does not pose any danger. But when confronted with archons on other planets, they had to deal with whatever they did. As a result, many archons developed skills that come close to humans. They can connect with spiritual beings and they develop mental powers, which are equivalent to telekinesis, but which are practiced differently. Archons know creators and worship them just as honorable archons are worshiped. They understand that everything comes from the Creator, but they do not understand what this creature is supposed to represent. We say that nobody understands it exactly and many beings in the spiritual world have been trying to answer this question for ages. The procedure of the new archons is therefore different from the procedure of the old archons. Young people grow up with this new understanding, so that the culture on the surrounding planets is different and clearly different from the culture of the home world.
How do cultures differ, we ask? The cultures are structured in such a way that the family is in the foreground, nothing has changed and nothing will change. The culture on the home planet only develops something new if it seems essential for the survival of the population, they are neither curious nor do they do research. They have rituals, but they only practice them in small groups and they don’t need an entertainment industry. The archons on the surrounding planets differ in some points. They have developed the desire to be entertained and they have become curious, so that it can be said that they are constantly researching new things, this also has to do with the spiritual world. They gather to pay homage to the indigenous rites because they understand that their actions were wrong and that this mistake can no longer be corrected. They do not pay homage to the Creator as many people do, but they have reserved a place for him because they have gained understanding of the spiritual world. They ask a lot in the large Akasha library and they understand people better and better, but they don’t understand that they are inhabited by an incarnation. They have the knowledge of it, but hardly any Archont can actually imagine it. People are different, their imagination inspires them and they are able to structure a lot of irrational information so that the overall picture can be seen for people. The archons cannot yet, but their spirit grows with the new procedure, so that one day they will also understand what a soul and what an incarnation represents and that their life goes on after death. Many archons don’t worry about it because death is common and they exist in the present and live the moment. The new archons are different and they are researching how to extend their lifespan. Successes have already been achieved, so it can be assumed that their expansion efforts will have to be restarted in the future so that no overpopulation occurs on the planet.
The new Archons are happy to be entertained, we would say their entertainment industry is still in its infancy, but it is progressing. The current entertainment can be compared to theater performances or lectures, where there is always a lot of laughter. When the new archons work, they do it not only for the common good, but because they have discovered ambition and we also think they are developing something that is not an ego, but remotely resembles that. They want to achieve something, not to boast about it, but because it gives them a feeling of satisfaction. They do research in many areas, including weapon technology. Many exosolar species are present on this planet and try to influence the new archons positively, which has always been crowned with great success. The new archons are very open to new things, which only increases their curiosity. They hardly differ from the archons on their home planet, they still have the same dwellings and gardens, but their priorities have shifted and this is also reflected in their approach. If archons see no danger, then there is no reason to change anything, that has changed fundamentally with the new archons, so we also say that the new archons not only developed a different approach, but their minds have largely adapted and in many respects the new archons are more like humans than the original archon species on the home world. The new archons are developing rapidly because they still have this incredible ability to grasp.
The archons who developed outside the home world are genetically indistinguishable, but the shape of their bodies has changed. The gravitational pull on the planet varies, so it also affects physique. The home world is very large compared to the other planets, so the archons on the other planets are not as strong anymore, but they are larger and we would also say “lighter”. If archons fight on these worlds, then it can also be a matter of life and death, but often they let up beforehand, so that it can be said that the new archons are more peaceful than the old archons.
Have archons left their solar system, we ask? Yes, they did, but not as a race, but as an interstellar exploration force. The new archons are still considered aggressive and dangerous, but the peoples of the other star systems are trying to influence the development positively, so that many archons have found a new home in other star systems. You would call these groups researchers, but there are no such categories among archons. These archons also settled there and small populations of archons emerged outside of their solar system. The archons are a separate species, like you humans. You humans from Earth belong to the human race, but there are many different types of people and all combine the possibility that different human races can mingle and produce offspring that come from different races. On the level of existence, there is also a kind of being that represents the archon, so many different star systems have produced different types of archon. These different breeds can also cross each other, so that a new kind of species arises from it. This has happened on many worlds, so that the most extreme type of archon has become more and more widespread and therefore more peaceful. The newest archons no longer have much in common with the race on the home planet of the archons and these beings differ not only physically but also mentally from this primitive archons. Above a certain intermingling, the attributes of the primitive archons are only slightly present, so that these beings no longer descend from the primeval accounts, but have parts of this primitive archons, which have certain physical and mental characteristics.
These archons come much closer to man than all other archons because man is actually the crowning glory of creation and you humans are the most extreme form of it from Earth. If everything is based on the blueprint of humans, then all beings in the universe, no matter on what level of existence they live, will adapt more and more to this human being as they develop further. Therefore, there are beings on the level of existence that have the archon as a basis, but have developed into beings that can hardly be distinguished from a person in behavior and thinking. We tell you that you are the most extreme human species, but there are archons who seem much more human than you ever can. So if there are archon beings that are more human than you on earth, then there must also be human species, which in their foundations represent the most human kind of humans. If you take this type of human and compare it with the “most human” type of archon, you will hardly notice a difference because these types are closest to the spiritual being that inhabits them and these types also have many abilities that the spiritual beings have. If you find a human species that represents something like this, then you also know what kind of creatures the human species will develop on earth someday. The Archons have already done it, with the primitive archons still far from it, just like you humans on Earth. The archons look different, but it makes no difference because the exterior doesn’t count at all, and people who still haven’t understood this still have a long way to go. The archons will evolve there just like the people of the earth, sooner or later. Many of these highly developed people are already present on your planet and they do a very good job of helping people with this development. You will not recognize them because they act in secret and we tell you that they have been with you for centuries and will be with you for a long time, because the human species has not yet had any contact with extraterrestrial species, it has not been able to develop until now like the archons once did. But it will come like this and then you will now also know where the journey of earthly man leads and let it be said, it will come like this and the people of the earth will then develop as far as archons are today.
You will be disappointed that we do not tell horror stories about the Archons, but there are stories and if someone tells you stories, then accept it as a scary story that has absolutely no hold. If one day you stand in front of someone who appears to be different, always keep in mind that they may be much more human than they appear on the outside. No one can tell from the outside what the being really is, you cannot even make the difference between your kind, so how come you can judge an alien race by its appearance. There are beings in the universe who look even more outrageous to you humans, but who are not at all different from you and who are often much more human. The archons fall into this category and there are many different species, which, like the human races, also differ.
Now that we come to a topic that will be of great interest to many, what is humanity, we ask? Humanity is defined according to how far a being can think. By that we mean the following: If a person thinks only of himself and ignores the concerns of those around him, then by our definition, that person is not very human, because everything that person does is based only on satisfying their own concerns . If there is a person around that person who has concerns of his own that cannot be satisfied by that person, then it would be human to help that person. Would the non-human person help the person who cannot satisfy their concerns, we ask? Yes, but only if that non human person can continue to satisfy his own concerns. If the person could suffer a loss from the help, they would not do so because it has something to do with humanity. So if someone sacrifices their concerns to help someone else, that person is human. You would call this other person an egoist, but it is not because an egoist would never do anything for other people without consideration. How a being sacrifices itself and puts its own concerns behind the concerns of other beings is what defines humanity. If the being places the concerns of beings over its own concerns that it does not even know, it is actually very human. Beings who place their concerns behind the concerns of beings that are not even of their own species are even more human. If there are beings whose only job is to satisfy the needs of others, that’s the humanity we mean.
Only beings are really human who only think of the good of other beings. Many beings in the spiritual world are so human and some embodied beings come very close to this humanity, but you earthly humans are invariably very far from it. You will develop there, but it will take a very long time.
The archons will master this humanity before the human races because they are not only smarter but because the primitive archons on the home planet are now much more human than you on earth.
We now want to announce something at the end of this series: There are many people on earth who stand out with their humanity because the common good is more important to them than their own good. These people act undetected because they do not make a fuss about their actions, let them be said, their actions are noticed by the spiritual world and we are very proud of them.

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