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A0247: How do the Archons Live? – Part 2
The Archons are a very determined people and we also reveal why. When the archons had developed, there was no way to survive as a single being. The archons were not always the strongest race on their planet, but they were the most intelligent. When they were hunted by predators, the archons had to constantly develop new strategies so that they would not be eaten by the predators. The predators can be compared to bears in your world and we have also shown these beings to the writer. He could also identify the creature as a kind of bear. These “bears” no longer exist because the archons have acted against the bears to exterminate them. There are still a lot of animals on the planet today, but these arch enemies have long ceased to exist. This was the time when many archons sacrificed themselves for the common good and we also say that few people did the same in these situations. For an archon, the well-being of his family is paramount and we also say that people think similarly, whereby an archon perceives it more intensely. Archons are neither telepathic nor telekinetic, but they already have the technology to bring about these effects. Your global communication actually takes place via a kind of radio, which can, however, connect with the spirit of another archon. They don’t create imposing monuments because they don’t have an ego to do it.
Archons are very empathetic and if another Archont has problems, then the other Archons help and comfort, just like you humans. But they have a very special peculiarity, whenever an Archont was deeply sad, they celebrate a small festival to say goodbye to this sadness. They don’t believe in God because they have no understanding of the spiritual world, but they have many customs that are honored to great archons and we can compare it to the patron saints with you on earth. When an Archont goes on a journey, many customs are lived out beforehand to guarantee the safety of the journey. When archons travel, they don’t use a means of transport that comes close to an airplane. The physical laws on the level of existence of the Archon are different, so they do not need as much energy to “hover” as you would on Earth.
The archons are very close to nature and we also think that although they are an industrial race, their planet is beautiful. Many industrial plants are below the surface. The archons are much better protected from outside influences, making it easy for them to work under the surface under simple conditions. Your life consists of family and work. They have hobbies, but they are not as addicted to entertainment as you humans. They have a type of writing that is remotely comparable to hieroglyphics, but they also simply don’t need to write everything down because archons have an incredible ability to understand. The spirit of an archon does not contain an ego being, so an archon can focus wonderfully and you are not distracted by useless thoughts like you humans.
If an Archont is in love, then he is just as insane as a person in love. He then does crazy things to win the heart of his infatuation. Many archons amused this behavior, so that they repeatedly instructed the lovers to do crazy and in love things. Humans are also strongly driven by a possible act of procreation to do crazy things, the Archont does not know this procedure and normal togetherness has more to do with kissing and caressing. Since archons have better senses than humans, they can also feel much more intensely and we tell you that they are emotionally superior to humans because their emotions are tremendously strong, they are not as strong in the frequency spectrum as the same rashes in the spectrum Humans, but humans have many filters that do not allow them to perceive the full intensity of the emotion, so the Archons feel more intensely than you humans.
How does an Archont learn, we ask? We say the following: If you humans had the ability of the archons to grasp, then you would have neither a school nor universities because an archon directly understands new knowledge. How is it that archons can grasp new knowledge immediately, we ask? Archons have no ego, everything they experience is transferred unfiltered into their memory, they have a photographic memory and can “bring it out” at any moment, so no knowledge is “lost” and it will never be necessary to repeat it Archont is learning something. The parents, as well as all the other archons, teach the youngsters constantly and we also say that this approach and this ability ultimately ensured that this species is extremely successful. An Archont learns until the last day of his life and although Archons don’t grow old compared to you humans, at the end of their lifespan they have learned more and accumulated more knowledge than a human could ever achieve. Man is great, but his ego holds him back so much that we think archons are more successful in life than people, so people can do things that archons can never do. The archons love art, but they do not paint paintings or create statues, but love the art of nature and ensure in their environment that it looks artistic. Here we draw a parallel to you humans. When people build a house and create a garden, it corresponds to their understanding of art, which is often shown to other people. It is the same with the archons. Many archons are very talented in this regard and we also think they have beautiful gardens in which they like to stay. There is no dispute about who now has the most beautiful garden, because envy is almost not at all pronounced among the archons, but an unwanted crossing of boundaries in the gardens can lead to a violent fight and we also say that they calm down quickly because Archons are not resentful.
When an Archont is sad or happy, all other beings around them notice it immediately, they have no expressive faces, but their senses are so strong that they immediately register something like this. Because archons have no ego, they will never pretend to be sad or happy, so archons are very authentic. This is also something that they do not understand well in humans, so man is a great mystery that they cannot yet classify. When Archons hate, they are as dangerous as you humans, but with Archons, hatred is always there for a reason, and it is difficult to calm a hating Archon. An Archont often hates when he sees his family in danger, he knows fear, but his evolution makes an Archon hate before he feels fear. The Archont may be afraid at first, but then there is no danger to his family. When the family is in danger, the Archont will hate the essence of what is responsible for the danger. The hatred discharges in a way that the Archont attacks the causer of the danger and fights him until his own death. Archons no longer have to hate now because the dangers that could trigger this hatred no longer exist on their planet. An unbelievable number of archons have sacrificed themselves for the benefit of their families in the course of their history and the incarnations that inhabit an archon have experienced immense growth as a result. If an Archont hates today, it is an absolute exception, because Archons live either neutral or in love.
If an archon couple has found each other, they immediately start to build their own dwelling in which they raise their family. When a youngster hatches, it is always a big party and we insist that they celebrate very extensively, so that there are always couples at parties. Once a couple has been found, they will never separate again, it is an eternal bond, so it can be said that an Archont is very connected to his partner and they never separate again. The youngsters grow quickly and are quickly “grown up”. The family is everything for an archon, so they work for the common good, but spend most of their time with their own family. There are very few types of entertainment and we would compare it to a game night with friends. They are very clingy, which doesn’t bother anyone, but rather encourages cohesion. We say you are alike in many ways, but the cohesion of the Archons does not exist in your society in this way, so we can also say that the Archons’ form of society is absolutely superior to you.
You humans will never develop this cohesion because the ego in a person that will never allow is also his job. The wing makers think very carefully beforehand how a new being should be designed so that it can exist in its environment and also appears individually to the other races. Creating new life is wonderful, but repeating itself over and over is not the Wingmaker’s approach, so that many races and species differ more and more. You belong to the human race and we say rock solid, you on earth are the most extreme form of the human race, just as the archons are the most extreme form of their race. Therefore, it can be said that the universe has done well that these two extremes of their races are so far apart in the frequency spectrum. It would be catastrophic if, at your current stage of development, you were actually going to meet physically. That can never happen, the Wingmaker have taken this into account in their considerations beforehand. There are other extreme races, but like the Archons, their frequency bands are far from the human frequency band, so all extreme races are protected from each other.
The Archons are very peaceful at the moment, as are most of the people, and we’ll tell you about their technology in the next part. Be curious, it will be extremely interesting because archons discovered technology differently than you humans.