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A0245: Are there people who represent hybrid beings?
No, there is not. Many believe that reptoid beings cross their gene pool with that of humans, but this is total humbug. A lot is possible in the imagination, but certainly not on earth. The earth is to be regarded as a maximum security prison, but this does not mean that the earthly people are held on earth, but foreign species are closely observed when they visit the earth. This is because humans can hardly protect themselves from the aliens, which means physical and mental attacks. Every alien is free to visit the planet, but they have to follow certain rules and believe us to create genetic experiments around hybrid beings, so we humans on Earth would be at the top of the list. If a breed or group thought they had to do something like this, they would be discovered immediately because the spiritual world and the physical beings who take care of the rules would immediately raise the alarm. The consequences for the group or race would be devastating, so this is enough of a deterrent, but it is interesting that you humans are so afraid of reptoid beings. It is also astonishing that you completely misunderstand these beings, apart from that, none of you know such a being, so you can only refer to stories that somebody has sometime rhymed together. If you were to face such a being and we assume you could not see, then you would not see any difference in the behavior of a reptoid being. Assume that you are sensitive and can perceive things that other people would find difficult to grasp, then you would recognize a warm-hearted and wonderful being in a reptoid being. You do not know them, the people who think they know or think what reptoid beings are, have even less knowledge of these beings. What a being looks like or what it comes from has no meaning at all as to whether a being is a loving and warm-hearted being. There are bad people who do bad things, the same applies to reptoid beings, but the vast majority of reptoid beings are just as loving and warm-hearted as the vast majority of people on earth. None of you know what reptoid beings are, if you want to believe people’s fantasy stories, you will never know.