A0244: How many alien factions are wrestling around the earth?
Not a single extraterrestrial faction has any influence on the earth. We know that people would like to be entertained, but these fancies are not conducive to your awareness. No nation on earth can do anything global on earth. No race or unified federation has the slightest chance of making a difference on Earth. We are dead serious and with a stern expression on our faces, forget these reports and conspiracies, none of which is true. There are many races to watch out for the earth to develop, which also means the beings on earth. The spiritual universe is unimaginably large and, to be honest, the earth is tiny. You have never been the center of this universe and you will never be because the earth is a separate being and you humans are there too. Earth was chosen so that incarnated beings can experience immense growth there, and no being, race or organization on Earth will ever change that. You humans have to endure a lot, but if you step out of the incarnation cube after death and are a spiritual being again, you will probably say that this experience was the greatest that you have ever experienced. Then you will devote yourself to your tasks again and you will not care about the earth because it was only an experience. Do not misunderstand us, the earth is feared for this kind of experience in the whole spiritual world, but for most spiritual beings it is not particularly important what happens on and around the earth. Most alien beings feel the same way. Earth is a beautiful place like there are so many beautiful places in the universe, but you are not the center of it. Most races don’t even bother to conquer because most races don’t need anything at all. The day when humanity realizes that it is only a tiny part of this universe and there are countless inhabited planets, on that day this uniqueness will disappear in the minds of people and mankind will take its place, which certainly has little to say, because you are just a little developed species that is very inexperienced. What do you think of it when an anthill announces on your planet, it will take responsibility and guidance of the whole earth. Would you listen to such a message in awe and do as the ants demand? We don’t think, and so will you when you take your place. Neither will you base your global action on what an ant craves somewhere on your planet.